Veletržní podzim v dopravě nekončí.  Euro Bus Expo 2010 2.-4.11.2010

(CZ + EN) se uskuteční v Birminghamu ve Velké Británii. Vozidla v premiéře na "vyprodaném" Euro Bus Expo 2010 (Vehicles debut at sell-out Euro Bus Expo 2010)
(CZ + EN) se uskuteční v Birminghamu ve Velké Británii. Vozidla v premiéře na "vyprodaném" Euro Bus Expo 2010 (Vehicles debut at sell-out Euro Bus Expo 2010)
Výrobci napříč Evropou přivezou příští měsíc to nové či nejlepší ze své produkce na veletrh Euro Bus Expo. Vyprodaná přehlídka představí 260 výrobců vozidel a subdodavatel, více než 100 autokarů a autobusů, vyhrazenou technologickou zónu a program odborných seminářů. Od 2. do 4.11. bude možno se seznámit s vývojem a navázat kontakty.

Novinky a zajímavosti

Nová třínápravová autokarová platforma Volvo B13 také s nástavbami jiných karosářů včetně restylizovaného Plaxton Panther. Evolučně karosované Volvo B7RLE.

Doubledecker Setra S431 v konfiguraci Phoenix Bussing Star Bus

Doubledecker MCV, nový systém výtahu pro vozíčkáře Fast Europe Starter

Domácí karosáři: Midibus StreetLite a Gemini 2 DL od Wrightbusu, Enviro200 a nejúspěšnější autobus v Británii Dart od Alexander Dennis

Další vystavovatelé: BMC, King Long, Carrocerias Ayats, EvoBus (UK), Irizar, MAN Bus & Coach UK, Optare, Otokar, Scania (Great Britain), Sitcar, Temsa, UNVI, Van Hool, and VDL Bus and Coach.

Praktické demonstrace elektrických a nízkoemisních vozidel.

Veletrh bude zahájen britským ministrem dopravy Normanem Bakerem.

Z TZ Euro Bus Expo Kompletní v angličtině.

Vehicles debut at sell-out Euro Bus Expo 2010

Manufacturers from across Europe will be showing what is new or best from their product ranges at Euro Bus Expo next month.

The sell-out show will feature 260 vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, more than 100 coaches and buses, a dedicated technology zone, and a programme of seminars hosted by leading industry professionals.

Running from 2 to 4 November at the NEC in Birmingham, this international showcase will give visitors the chance to bring themselves completely up to date with all the latest developments and talk to the companies that are shaping the industry.

Headlining will be Volvo’s new tri-axle coach platform, the B13 which will be on display for the first time, along with other bodybuilders’ products, with re-styled Plaxton Panther coachwork

But there is plenty more. Setra’s S431 double-decker coach makes its NEC debut in Phoenix Bussing Star Bus configuration. MCV will be showing its new provincial specification double-decker bus as well as an Evolution-bodied Volvo B7RLE for the first time, and Fast Europe will be demonstrating its novel wheelchair lift system for the Starter.

Not to be outdone, the UK’s own vehicle manufacturers will be taking a lead. Wrightbus will showing its new StreetLite midi bus as well as the Gemini 2 DL at the NEC for the first time, while Alexander Dennis will be showing the latest developments in the Enviro200 – along with the Dart, Britain’s most successful bus.

Other vehicle exhibitors include BMC, King Long, Carrocerias Ayats, EvoBus (UK), Irizar, MAN Bus & Coach UK, Optare, Otokar, Scania (Great Britain), Sitcar, Temsa, UNVI, Van Hool, and VDL Bus and Coach.

This year, in addition to the static displays in the outside demonstration area, visitors will able to see practical demonstrations of electric and low emission vehicles. They will also be able to watch the UK qualifying stages of the Setra Grand Prix.

The show will be opened by Transport Minister Norman Baker MP, who will also be leading one of the eight seminars spread across the three days of the show. ‘Six months into government – review and next steps’ will give visitors the opportunity to get fully up to speed with latest thinking.

Show director, Mark Griffin, says: “The bus and coach industry is both needing and looking forward to an upbeat Euro Bus Expo. Each of the 260 exhibitors is working hard to make sure they stand out among their competitors. The show is in great shape and looks set to be a first class showcase for the bus and coach industry. But this is only part of the story. We are receiving daily updates with exciting news from exhibitors about what they’re bringing to the show. The only way to find out all the very latest information is to be at the NEC next month. With pre-registration figures up compared to last time, it’s clear that many industry professionals have already taken the decision to attend.”

PR Euro Bus Expo