(CZ + EN) v karosérii Alpino a Urbino 18 Hybrid v BRT designu. Společnost oslaví 15 let. (Solaris at Busworld Kortrijk: Electric Bus Premieres)
(CZ + EN) v karosérii Alpino a Urbino 18 Hybrid v BRT designu. Společnost oslaví 15 let. (Solaris at Busworld Kortrijk: Electric Bus Premieres)
Bolechowo, 19.8.2011 - Solaris Bus & Coach představí na veletrhu autobusů v belgickém Kortrijku 21.-26.10. v hale 4 první elektrobus Solaris a Urbino 18 Hybrid s designem BHNS (alias BRT, metrobus ap.) a městské Urbino 12 s motorem MAN.
Expozice společnosti bude ve znamení oslav jubilejních 15 let. Od roku 1996 společnost dodala téměř 8000 autobusů zákazníkům ve 24 zemích. V současnosti se společnost zaměřuje na veřejnou dopravu pro zítřek a prezentuje inovativní řešení.
Jako žhavou novinku představí Solaris elektrobus s partnerem Vossloh Kiepe v karoserii malokapacitního Alpino 8.9 LE.
Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid v BHNS designu využívá paraleníl hybridní systém Allison Transmission. Futiristický design byl vyvinut pro Francii, proto termín BHNS (bus à haut niveau de service); tj. autobus s vysokou úrovní služeb.
Jako konvenční pohon představí Solaris plně nízkopodlažní Solaris Urbino 12 LF s šestiválcovým motorem MAN,213 kW (290 HP) EEV s recirkulací výfukových plynů bez aditiv.
Z TZ Solaris Bus & Coach. Kompletní v angličtině.
Solaris’s stand at Busworld Europe exhibition in Kortrijk (Belgium) will this year celebrate the company’s 15th anniversary. Since start of production in 1996, Solaris has delivered almost 8,000 buses to customers in 24 countries in an unparalleled success story. However, the company looks firmly ahead to tomorrow’s public transport and presents innovative solutions for sustainable mobility.
Highlight of the Solaris presence at Busworld will be the premiere of the first Solaris electric bus. With all energy stored in on-board batteries, it is emission-free and does not have a diesel engine. Solaris’s system partner Vossloh Kiepe supplies both traction system and energy management. With this electric bus, Solaris takes another important step towards electric mobility. The initial vehicle was developed from the Alpino 8.9 LE midibus and will be used to refine and further develop this innovative technology so that in a few years electric buses will be able to fully replace diesel buses on normal duties.
Diesel-electric hybrid technology is key to the Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid with BHNS design package. Using a parallel hybrid system supplied by Allison Transmission, it reduces fuel consumption and emissions without compromising reliability. Its eye-catching, futuristic design has been developed for French BHNS (bus à haut niveau de service) operation. The sleek lines blend perfectly into modern cityscapes, while attention to detail both inside and outside ensure highest comfort and safety for passengers.
Within the conventional diesel bus range, Solaris now offers its customers new specification options. In Kortrijk, a Solaris Urbino 12 low-floor city bus with MAN D0836 engine will be shown. Rated at 213 kW (290 PS), the common-rail six-cylinder engine meets the demanding EEV emissions standard by exhaust gas recirculation and therefore does not require any additives.
PR Solaris Bus & Coach
Expozice společnosti bude ve znamení oslav jubilejních 15 let. Od roku 1996 společnost dodala téměř 8000 autobusů zákazníkům ve 24 zemích. V současnosti se společnost zaměřuje na veřejnou dopravu pro zítřek a prezentuje inovativní řešení.
Jako žhavou novinku představí Solaris elektrobus s partnerem Vossloh Kiepe v karoserii malokapacitního Alpino 8.9 LE.
Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid v BHNS designu využívá paraleníl hybridní systém Allison Transmission. Futiristický design byl vyvinut pro Francii, proto termín BHNS (bus à haut niveau de service); tj. autobus s vysokou úrovní služeb.
Jako konvenční pohon představí Solaris plně nízkopodlažní Solaris Urbino 12 LF s šestiválcovým motorem MAN,213 kW (290 HP) EEV s recirkulací výfukových plynů bez aditiv.
Z TZ Solaris Bus & Coach. Kompletní v angličtině.
Solaris at Busworld Kortrijk: Electric Bus Premieres
Bolechowo, 19 August 2011 - Solaris Bus & Coach presents its latest innovations for sustainable transport at Busworld exhibition in Kortrijk (Belgium) on 21-26 October 2011. In Hall 4, stand 6, the company will present its first electric bus. This bus stores all its energy in batteries and therefore does not require a diesel engine. Further vehicles shown will be an Urbino 18 Hybrid with BHNS design package and an Urbino 12 city bus with MAN engine.Solaris’s stand at Busworld Europe exhibition in Kortrijk (Belgium) will this year celebrate the company’s 15th anniversary. Since start of production in 1996, Solaris has delivered almost 8,000 buses to customers in 24 countries in an unparalleled success story. However, the company looks firmly ahead to tomorrow’s public transport and presents innovative solutions for sustainable mobility.
Highlight of the Solaris presence at Busworld will be the premiere of the first Solaris electric bus. With all energy stored in on-board batteries, it is emission-free and does not have a diesel engine. Solaris’s system partner Vossloh Kiepe supplies both traction system and energy management. With this electric bus, Solaris takes another important step towards electric mobility. The initial vehicle was developed from the Alpino 8.9 LE midibus and will be used to refine and further develop this innovative technology so that in a few years electric buses will be able to fully replace diesel buses on normal duties.
Diesel-electric hybrid technology is key to the Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid with BHNS design package. Using a parallel hybrid system supplied by Allison Transmission, it reduces fuel consumption and emissions without compromising reliability. Its eye-catching, futuristic design has been developed for French BHNS (bus à haut niveau de service) operation. The sleek lines blend perfectly into modern cityscapes, while attention to detail both inside and outside ensure highest comfort and safety for passengers.
Within the conventional diesel bus range, Solaris now offers its customers new specification options. In Kortrijk, a Solaris Urbino 12 low-floor city bus with MAN D0836 engine will be shown. Rated at 213 kW (290 PS), the common-rail six-cylinder engine meets the demanding EEV emissions standard by exhaust gas recirculation and therefore does not require any additives.
PR Solaris Bus & Coach