NGV Group: CNG autobusy z Irisbusu  nově v provozu na Baleárách -

(CZ + EN) 12 CNG Citelisů, z toho 2 kloubové. (Spain: CNG buses started to operate in the Balearic Islands.)
(CZ + EN) 12 CNG Citelisů, z toho 2 kloubové. (Spain: CNG buses started to operate in the Balearic Islands.)
Autobusy na CNG vyjely u dopravce EMT v Palma de Mallorca. V provozu je 12 CNG autobusů, ale dá se očekávat, že dopravce pořídí více takových vozidel. Nástup technologie NGV na Baleárách demonstruje španělský oficiální závazek podporovat ekologickou městskou dopravu, se kterou jsou již zkušenosti v Madridu, Barceloně, Valencii a Salamance.
Z TZ Kompletní v angličtině.
Zeptali jsme se na nové autobusy dopravce a Antoni Font z EMT-Palma BUSportálu odpověděl:
"Nové CNG autobusy pro EMT-Palma jsou Citelisy z Irisbusu. Máme deset 12 m vozidel a dva kloubové 18 m. Autobusy (patrně 12 m) mají motor Cursor 8 EEV, klimatizaci Thermoking 30 kW a troje elektrické dveře typu metro"

Spain: CNG buses started to operate in the Balearic Islands
CNG-driven units of the Municipal Transport Company (EMT) from Palma de Mallorca already started to run across the city, which represents a milestone in the region towards a clean and sustainable mobility.

For the time being, 12 CNG-powered units are serving but it is expected that the company eventually acquires more vehicles of this type. The brand new units, which cost € 3.6 million, were purchased owing to funds provided by the Balearic government, through the Law of Capital, as the local press reported.

NGV business start-up in the Balearic Islands demonstrates the Spanish officials’ commitment in promoting eco-urban transport, which has been experienced in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Salamanca.

Through its website, the EMT from Palma explains that “natural gas is a cleaner fuel that enables to have more environmentally sustainable buses and, therefore, offers the opportunity to have a cleaner city”. Afterwards, the firm adds that “natural gas powered buses surpass the current European regulations concerning the environment and can achieve emission levels that will require Europe in 2014, which means an advantage of about five years in terms of regulation”. PR