Zakázka na telematický systém Volvo  ITS4mobility pro 1400 autobusů v Brazílii.

(CZ + EN) Volvo order for telematics system for 1,400 buses in Brazil.
(CZ + EN) Volvo order for telematics system for 1,400 buses in Brazil.
Volvo Buses zajišťuje svoji doposud největší zakázku na telematický systém ITS4mobility. Systém je k instalování do 1400 autobusů v Goiânii v Brazílii a zvýší účinost autobusového provozu.

ITS4mobility ie platforma Volvo Buses pro řízení autobusového provozu dopravcem v reálném čase se současným audiovizuálním informováním cestujících ve vozidlech i na zastávkách.

Hlavní výhodou systému je možnost využití ve všech typech autobusů bez ohledu na výrobce. Volvo zajišťuje tuto zakázku, přestože ani jeden autobus z příslušných 1400 není značky Volvo. Volvo se tak etabluje nejen jako výrobce autobusů, ale jako dodavatel dopravních řešení.

TZ 30.6.2008 Volvo Bus Corporation. Překlad BUSportál. Kompletní v angličtině.
Volvo order for telematics system for 1,400 buses in Brazil
Volvo Buses has secured its largest order to date for the ITS4mobility telematics system. The system is to be installed on 1,400 buses in the city of Goiânia in Brazil and will enhance the efficiency of bus operations.

ITS4mobility is Volvo Buses advanced technological platform that supports the bus operators’ control of bus operations and provides passengers with information at bus stops and on the buses. The system gives traffic controllers the possibility to monitor all of the buses in real time, see where they are and their progress in relation to the timetables. Traffic controllers can also maintain constant contact with the drivers using text messages. Using this system, it is easier to maintain timetables and react rapidly to disruptions to bus traffic.

For passengers, ITS4mobility entails electronic boards at bus stops that show when the next bus will depart, while on board, there are electronic boards and automatic loudspeaker announcements of the next stop.

A major advantage of ITS4mobility is that the system can be used for all types of buses regardless of manufacturer. In Goiânia, Volvo Buses secured the order although none of the 1,400 buses is a Volvo bus.

“This is clear evidence that today’s Volvo is no longer primarily a vehicle manufacturer, but a supplier of transport solutions,” says Per Gabell, Head of Volvo Buses in Latin America.

June 30, 2008