Část expozice VDL Bus & Coach na BUSWORLD 2005. Foto BUSportál.
... 771 pro veřejnou hromadnou dopravu. Změna ve vedení segmentu veřejné dopravy ve VDL Bus & Coach. (CZ+EN). In 2005, VDL Bus & Coach delivered a total of 1743 buses & coaches of which 771 were
for public transport. New VDL Bus & Coach Public Transport Director.
... 771 pro veřejnou hromadnou dopravu. Změna ve vedení segmentu veřejné dopravy ve VDL Bus & Coach. (CZ+EN). In 2005, VDL Bus & Coach delivered a total of 1743 buses & coaches of which 771 were
for public transport. New VDL Bus & Coach Public Transport Director.
Autobusy pro veřejnou hromadnou dopravu zahrnují jak městské, tak příměstské autobusy. Většina z nich byla postavena na podvozcích VDL Bus International. Z 1240 vyrobených podvozkových modulů bylo 40 % dodáno jiným nástavbářům. VDL Kusters dodala navíc 90 mini a midibusů se speciální výbavou pro veřejnou hromadnou dopravu a 120 minibusů pro taxislužbu pro invalidní vozíky. Celkem bylo prodáno 370 mini a midibusů.
Trh s vozidly pro veřejnou hromadnou dopravu ve VDL Bus & Coach silně narůstá. Novým ředitelem pro segment veřejné dopravy "Public Transport Director" byl jmenován od února Ernest Worthington (54). Více v angličtině viz níže.
In 2005, VDL Bus & Coach delivered a total of 1743 buses & coaches of which 771 were for public transport. The public transport buses include both city and regional buses. The great majority of these was built on chassis modules from VDL Bus International. A total of 1240 chassis modules were supplied of which 40% were from other coachwork builders. In addition, VDL Kusters delivered about 90 minibuses and midibuses which were especially equipped for public transport purposes and 120 minibuses for taxi wheelchair transport. A total of 370 minibuses and midibuses were delivered.
Mr Ernest Worthington (54) has been appointed with effect from 1 February to the position of Public Transport Director within VDL Bus & Coach. The public transport market is a strong growth market for VDL Bus & Coach. By appointing a director for this sector within VDL Bus & Coach, VDL has coordinated all its activities in the areas of development, production, sales and after-sales service for all VDL Bus & Coach public transport products. Ernest Worthington has been active in the bus & coach industry since 1996 including 4 years with VDL Berkhof Heerenveen as Commercial Director. Before then he worked in the commercial vehicle industry.
Zdroj: Tisková zpráva VDL Bus & Coach, překlad a úprava BUSportál, (from Press Release VDL Bus & Coach)
Trh s vozidly pro veřejnou hromadnou dopravu ve VDL Bus & Coach silně narůstá. Novým ředitelem pro segment veřejné dopravy "Public Transport Director" byl jmenován od února Ernest Worthington (54). Více v angličtině viz níže.
In 2005, VDL Bus & Coach delivered a total of 1743 buses & coaches of which 771 were for public transport. The public transport buses include both city and regional buses. The great majority of these was built on chassis modules from VDL Bus International. A total of 1240 chassis modules were supplied of which 40% were from other coachwork builders. In addition, VDL Kusters delivered about 90 minibuses and midibuses which were especially equipped for public transport purposes and 120 minibuses for taxi wheelchair transport. A total of 370 minibuses and midibuses were delivered.
Mr Ernest Worthington (54) has been appointed with effect from 1 February to the position of Public Transport Director within VDL Bus & Coach. The public transport market is a strong growth market for VDL Bus & Coach. By appointing a director for this sector within VDL Bus & Coach, VDL has coordinated all its activities in the areas of development, production, sales and after-sales service for all VDL Bus & Coach public transport products. Ernest Worthington has been active in the bus & coach industry since 1996 including 4 years with VDL Berkhof Heerenveen as Commercial Director. Before then he worked in the commercial vehicle industry.
Zdroj: Tisková zpráva VDL Bus & Coach, překlad a úprava BUSportál, (from Press Release VDL Bus & Coach)

Univerzální autobus
VDL BOVA Lexio na Coach Progress 2005 v Letňanech. Foto BUSportál.