Volvo v USA a v Číně: 90 NOVA busů pro NY a 1500 autobusů pro Šanghaj.
Vizualizace dvoukloubového NOVA busu.

(CZ + EN) (Volvo secures order for 90 buses for New York City). (Major agreement for Volvo Buses in China.)
(CZ + EN) (Volvo secures order for 90 buses for New York City). (Major agreement for Volvo Buses in China.)
Zastoupení Volvo Buses v Severní Americe, Nova Bus, obdrželo objednávku na 90 kloubových autobusů pro město New York. Autobusy budou kompletovány v nově otevřeném závodě v Plattsburghu v USA.

MTA New York City Transit vlastní a provozuje flotilu více než 4500 autobusů. Newyorská flotila operuje na 249 lokálních a expresních linkách a obslouží asi 2,3 milionu cestujících průměrně denně.

Objednávka následuje po úspěšném provozování Nova LFS Artic bus na lince Bx12 v Bronxu a lince M15 na Manhattanu.

V minulých letech prodávala Nova Bus městské autobusy v Kanadě. V USA je kvůli financování třeba, aby částečná výroba proběhla v USA. Proto budou autobusy kompletovány v Plattsburghu. Článkové autobusy pro New York City Transit budou odtud dodávány od prvního pololetí 2010. V Plattsburghu budou také stavěny 12 m diesely a hybridy.

Z TZ Volvo Buses

Volvo secures order for 90 buses for New York City
Volvo Buses’ subsidiary in North America, Nova Bus, has secured an order for 90 articulated buses for New York City. The buses will be assembled at the new plant in Plattsburgh, US, which was opened on Monday.

Serving the five boroughs of New York City, MTA New York City Transit owns and operates a fleet of over 4,500 buses – the largest bus fleet of any public agency in North America. NYC Transit’s fleet operates on 249 local and express routes, serving approximately 2.3 million passengers on an average weekday.

Their order follows a successful six-week in-revenue service run of a Nova LFS Artic bus on the Bx12 route in the Bronx and the M15 route in Manhattan.

In recent years, Nova Bus has sold city buses only in Canada. In order to sell city buses in the US – buses that are partially financed by tax funds – the US authorities require that part of the buses be manufactured in the US.

Nova Bus has manufactured buses only in Canada in past years, but now a new plant is ready in the northern part of New York state in the US. The inauguration ceremony for the plant was held on Monday and the first bus will be rolled out at the end of June. The articulated buses for New York City Transit will be assembled there, with delivery scheduled for the first half of 2010. Nova Bus will also assemble its 12-meter diesel bus and its hybrid bus at the Plattsburgh plant.
PR Volvo Buses

Velký kontrakt pro Volvo Buses v Číně
Volvo Buses se svým zastoupením Sunwin Bus (50-50 joint venture Volvo Buses a Shanghai Automotive Industry Co.) podepsali rámcovou smlouvu na 1500 autobusů s dopravcem Bashi Group v Šanghaji. Autobusy budou dodány k otevření světové výstavy Expo v Šanghaji v květnu 2010. Šanghaj modernizuje vozový park právě při příležitosti výstavy s tématem "Lepší město, lepší život".

Asi polovina z 1500 autobusů budou modely Volvo B7RLE a Volvo B6R a ostatní se značkou Sunwin: diesely, hybridy a elektrobusy s nočním dobíjením a dobíjením superkapacitorů na zastávkach.

Komponenty pro podvozky Volvo jsou připraveny ve švédském závodě v Borås. V Šanghaji jsou pak kompletovány.
Z TZ Volvo Buses

Major agreement for Volvo Buses in China
Volvo Buses, with subsidiary Sunwin Bus, signed a framework agreement for 1,500 buses with bus operator Bashi Group in Shanghai, China. The agreement is valued at approximately SEK 1.3 billion and the buses will be delivered up to the opening of the World Expo in Shanghai in May next year. The City of Shanghai is making major investments in modernizing and streamlining its public transport prior to the World Expo, which will open on May 1, 2010. The theme for the fair is “Better City, Better Life”.

“An increase and modernization of the bus traffic is an important part of the venture,” says Lars Blom, Head of Volvo Buses’ operations in China. “It involves raising the standard of the bus fleet by purchasing more Volvo buses and a strong investment in environmentally friendly buses from our subsidiary Sunwin Bus, a 50-50 joint venture between Volvo Buses and Shanghai Automotive Industry Co.”

Of the framework agreement’s 1,500 buses, about half will be Volvo buses, models Volvo B7RLE and Volvo B6R, and the remainder of the Sunwin brand. The Sunwin buses include normal diesel buses as well as hybrid buses, electric buses that are charged at night and buses equipped with super capacitors that are charged at bus stops when passengers alight and board the buses. The framework agreement implies that the Bashi Group will make suborders each month. To date, the company has called for about 300 of the buses and the aim is that all 1,500 buses will be ordered and delivered prior to the commencement of the World Expo.

“It is encouraging that customers in Shanghai are so satisfied with the quality supplied by Volvo Buses and Sunwin Bus that they return to us with new orders,” says Lars Blom. “We are also hoping for additional bus orders in the venture now in progress in Shanghai.”

Components for Volvo buses’ chassis are packed in the plant in Borås and dispatched to the plant in Shanghai, where the chassis are mounted and the buses assembled. The same plant also manufactures the local Sunwin buses.
PR Volvo Buses

Volvo v USA a v Číně: 90 NOVA busů pro NY a 1500 autobusů pro Šanghaj.
Vizualizace dvoukloubového NOVA busu - výřez.
Volvo v USA a v Číně: 90 NOVA busů pro NY a 1500 autobusů pro Šanghaj.
Sunwin bus.