Volvo: Doubledeckery Wrightbus pro Hong Kong, autokary Marcopolo do Brazílie
Doubledecker Volvo Wrightbus, kloubový Volvo Marcopolo a podvozek Volvo.

(CZ + EN) a pro fotbalovou Jižní Afriku. (Volvo awarded order for 115 double-deckers to Hong Kong, Volvo order for 92 coaches for Brazil and Volvo delivers buses for the Soccer World Cup)
(CZ + EN) a pro fotbalovou Jižní Afriku. (Volvo awarded order for 115 double-deckers to Hong Kong, Volvo order for 92 coaches for Brazil and Volvo delivers buses for the Soccer World Cup)
Volvo vyhrálo zakázku na 115 doubledeckerů pro Hong Kong
Jedná se o kontrakt s dopravcem Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) na 115 12m doubledeckerů na podvozku B9TL s dodáním v roce 2011. KMB má flotilu 3906 autobusů a od roku 2008 narůstá frekvence tendrů na nové vozy. Nejnovější zakázka následuje 245 patrových a standardních autobusů Volvo s dodáním v roce 2010. KMB je tak největším asijským odběratelem doubledeckerů na bázi Volvo. Vybrán byl opět 9 l motor EURO 5 (SCR). Karosářem je severoirská Wrightbus. Ve strategickém spojení s Wrightbusem dodává Volvo také do Singapuru - celkem 440 doubledeckerů Volvo B9TL Wrightbus.


Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation, kompletní v angličtině.
Zakázka na 92 autokarů Volvo pro Brazilii
Zakázka na podvozky Volvo B9R a B12R je od velkého dopravce Viação Garcia, karosérie postaví nástavbář Marcopolo. Autokary budou vybaveny systémem ESP (stabilizační systém proti převrácení) a převodovkou Volvo I-shift. Dopravce využije nové autokary na střední a velké vzdálenosti v meziměstské dopravě státu Parana, kde se ve městě Curitiba v závodě Volvo podvozky i vyrábějí. Dodávky jsou předpokládány v roce 2010.


Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation, kompletní v angličtině
Volvo dodává autobusy na fotbalové MS
Dodavatele Volvo pro budování inteligentních autobusových systémů BRT zvolila dvě ze tří zúčastněných měst. JAR je zemí s aktuálně největším nasazením BRT systémů, plány sahají až do roku 2020. Autobusy Volvo pro MS zvolilo Kapské město a Port Elizabeth. V případě Port Elizabeth se jedná o totální dodávku - autobusy, servis a systém "ITS4mobility traffic-information system". Je objednáno 25 kloubových autobusů na podvozku B9SLA s nástavbami Marcopolo. V JAR je lovostranný provoz a vozy budou mít čtvery dveře na pravé straně pro rychlou výměnu cestujících na speciálních zastávkách podél BRT koridorů. Autobusy mají také troje dveře na levé straně pro běžný provoz. Výhoda řešení B9SLA je umístění motoru, kapacita je 115 cestujících. Město objednalo i standardní 12m autobusy Volvo B7RLE pro testování systému BRT.

Kapské město objednalo 43 autobusů Volvo s vysokou podlahou a výtahem pro platformu na zastávkách. Jde o 8 kloubových autobusů Volvo B12M a 35 12m autobusů Volvo B7R opět v karosérii Marcopolo.


Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation, kompletní v angličtině.

Volvo awarded order for 115 double-deckers to Hong Kong
Volvo Buses has been awarded another supply contract by Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) for 115 B9TL double-decker 12-meter buses.

KMB has a fleet of 3,906 buses and in line with their focus of providing passengers with the highest level of comfort and operational efficiency, KMB has since 2008 increased the frequency of issuing supply tenders for new buses.

This most recent supply contract will see Volvo deliver the 115 double-deckers during early 2011 to Hong Kong.

This latest order is added to and will follow on from the 245 Volvo double-decker and single-decker buses already ordered by KMB for delivery during 2010. This continued supply maintains KMB as Volvo’s largest double-deck customer in Asia.

KMB again selected the Volvo 9 liter SCR Euro V compliant engine, which when operated by KMB with cleaner diesel and operational driving system adjustments will contribute to a significant reduction in emission levels.

Wrightbus will again body the 115 double-deckers at the company’s plant in Northern Ireland. This Volvo-Wrightbus partnership continues to have an important strategic link in Asia to key customers KMB in Hong Kong & SBS Transit in Singapore where jointly orders for a total of 440 Volvo B9TL Wrightbus double-deckers are now secured and in the industrial pipeline.

May 18, 2010

PR Volvo Bus Corporation
Volvo order for 92 coaches for Brazil
> Volvo Buses has received an order for 92 coaches from the operator Viação Garcia in Brazil. “We chose Volvo because safety is a priority for our company,” says José Paulo Garcia Pedriali, Manager at Viação Garcia.

Viação Garcia is one of Brazil’s largest operators, and the order consists of the Volvo chassis B9R and B12R with bodies from Marcopolo. All coaches will be equipped with the ESP safety system that sharply reduces the risk that coaches will skid or roll over.

“ESP is the most important tool for reducing the risk of accidents on the roads,” says José Paulo Garcia Pedriali.

ESP contains a number of sensors on the bus that detect if speed is excessive in a curve. The system then automatically reduces the engine’s speed and brakes the wheels required to prevent the bus from skidding or rolling over.

The coaches will also be equipped with Volvo’s I-shift gearbox. This is a mechanical gearbox that is controlled electronically. There is no clutch, meaning that the driver only needs to apply gas and the brakes. The gearbox itself selects the optimal gear, thus contributing to excellent driving characteristics and lower fuel consumption.

“I-shift also contributes to increased safety, since the driver can concentrate on the road and traffic,” says Per Gabell, president of Volvo Bus in South and Latin America.

Viação Garcia will use the new coaches for medium and long distance traffic between different cities in the state of Parana in southern Brazil. This is the state in which the city Curitiba is located and the home of the Volvo plant where the chassis will be manufactured. Deliveries are expected to take place during 2010.

May 14, 2010

PR Volvo Bus Corporation
Volvo delivers buses for the Soccer World Cup
Prior to the Soccer World Cup, several South African cities are investing in building intelligent bus-based transport systems. Two of the three cities have selected Volvo as its supplier of buses.

An increasing number of global cities are currently enhancing the efficiency of their transport systems by investing in Bus Rapid Transit, BRT. These are intelligent bus-based transport systems with separate bus lanes, buses with high passenger capacity, efficient bus stops and information systems for guiding traffic.

South Africa is currently the country with the largest establishment of BRT. This is being done now due to the needs brought on by the World Cup in soccer, but this is just the beginning. “Many South African cities have highly ambitious plans to solve the current, often chaotic, traffic situation,” says Marius Botha, Head of Volvo Buses in South Africa. “These expansion plans are scheduled to continue until 2020.”

“This is also very much an environmental project, since the BRT system contributes to lower emissions. The cities have also decided that the buses will be equipped with Euro-4 engines, despite there being no such legal requirements in South Africa.”

Two of the three cities that are now building BRT systems, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, have decided to place their orders for the buses required for the Soccer World Cup with Volvo Buses.

In Port Elizabeth, the city selected Volvo Buses as its total supplier. This includes the buses – gold contracts that involve Volvo taking responsibility for all service and repair work on the vehicles, and the ITS4mobility traffic-information system.

Port Elizabeth has ordered 25 articulated buses of the Volvo B9SLA model with bodies from Marco Polo. South Africa has left-hand traffic and the buses will have four doors on the right side for quickly getting on and off at the special stops along the BRT corridors. The buses also have three doors on the left side that are deployed when driving in mixed traffic further out on the bus routes.

The advantage of the B9SLA model is that the engine is placed far upfront on the left side of the bus, which means that axle pressure can be optimally used, and the bus has capacity for 115 passengers. The city has also ordered a normal 12-meter prototype bus, a Volvo B7RLE, for testing in the BRT system.

Cape Town has ordered 43 Volvo buses for its system with specifications for high floor systems with elevated platforms at the bus stops. This order pertains to eight articulated Volvo B12M buses and 35 12-meter Volvo B7R buses. Marco Polo will also manufacture the bodies for these buses.

“Since the first BRT systems were built in South America in the 1980s, Volvo Buses has been convinced that this is the most cost-effective way to modernize and enhance the efficiency of urban public transportation,” says Peter Danielsson, BRT Manager at Volvo Buses. “Today, Volvo is the world’s leading suppliers of buses to BRT systems and we are gratified that we can participate in the ambitious investment by South African cities.”

May 4, 2010

PR Volvo Bus Corporation