VOLVO: 25 hybridních autobusů pro švédský  Göteborg

V severských zemích Volvo tak prodalo již 100 hybridních autobusů (CZ + EN) (25 hybrid buses for Göteborg)
V severských zemích Volvo tak prodalo již 100 hybridních autobusů (CZ + EN) (25 hybrid buses for Göteborg)
Nejnovější zakázka je od dopravce Göteborgs Spårvägar, který zajišťuje veřejnou dopravu pod jménem Västtrafik. Úspěch je důsledkem až 37 % úspory paliva. Nová vozidla pro Göteborg jsou plánována k dodání v průběhu roku.

Další a další organizátoři veřejné dopravy a dopravci objevují výhody hybridů, kromě Göteborgs Spårvägar také Nobina a Nettbus.

Z TZ Volvo Buses, kompletní v v angličtině
25 hybrid buses for Göteborg
Volvo has now sold a total of 100 buses powered by hybrid technology in the Nordic countries. The latest order to be received by Volvo Buses is for 25 hybrid buses for Göteborgs Spårvägar (Gothenburg Tramways), which operates public transport services on behalf of Västtrafik.

Delivering up to 37 percent lower fuel consumption and with a much lower environmental impact than conventional diesels, Volvo hybrid buses have achieved significant market success around the world. Now, the company’s home town of Gothenburg has ordered 25 hybrid buses which are scheduled to enter service later this year.

“The hybrid buses are an important element of our programme of converting to fossil-free bus traffic while reducing fuel consumption. Their combination of low emissions, lower noise level, high capacity and low energy utilisation is very attractive,” comments Leif Blomqvist, chairman of the board of Västtrafik, the agency responsible for public transport services in Gothenburg.

More and more transport authorities and operators are now discovering the benefits of hybrid technology, with Nobina, Nettbuss and, most recently, Göteborgs Spårvägar, as the biggest customers in the Nordic countries.

“We wanted environmentally favourable buses for a new application and we finally opted for Volvo hybrid buses, whose low fuel consumption makes a big difference to the quantity of emissions that they release,” says Director of Operations Bernt-Erik Johansson of Göteborgs Spårvägar.

Electricity and biodiesel

The 25 Volvo 7700 hybrid buses are powered by a small diesel engine and an electric motor. Fuel consumption is radically reduced by the use of regenerative braking to recover the energy generated when the vehicle’s brakes are applied. The diesel engine is shut off at bus stops, enabling the bus to operate silently and emission-free on electricity. However, emissions from diesel operation are also low since the bus is fuelled by biodiesel. According to Volvo Buses, hybrid buses running on biodiesel have a distinctly lower environmental impact than other, comparable alternatives.

“It’s very satisfying that Gothenburg is committing to vehicles designed for environmentally efficient public transport. This order brings our total sales of hybrid buses in the Nordic countries to 100, and interest on the part of operators and traffic authorities continues to grow rapidly,” says Uri Peleg, Area Director North at Volvo Buses.

PR Volvo Buses, February 6, 2012

VOLVO: 25 hybridních autobusů pro švédský  Göteborg