Více  objednávek na trolejbusy  Van Hool -  Vossloh Kiepe do Itálie.
Van Hool: Vizualizace milánského trolejbusu.

(CZ + EN) Nově: Fotografie Jana Spousty z milánských ulic - nový Van Hool i staré trolejbusy a jedna historická tramvaj. (More trolley orders in Italy for Van Hool and Vossloh Kiepe.)
(CZ + EN) Nově: Fotografie Jana Spousty z milánských ulic - nový Van Hool i staré trolejbusy a jedna historická tramvaj. (More trolley orders in Italy for Van Hool and Vossloh Kiepe.)

VAN HOOL a Vossloh Kiepe pravidelně spolupracují na stavbě a výbavě trolejbusů.

Milán uzavřel hlavní kontrakt s Van Hool a Vossloh Kiepe na dodávku od 50 do 90 trolejbusů. Je to největší zakázka na trolejbusy v Itálii za posledních 10 let. První dodávka 30 kloubových 18 m vozů této nové flotily byla představena v Miláně 3.4.2009 a nahradila 25 starých trolejbusů.

Po Lecce, Janově a Miláně jsou trolejbusy souvisle dodávány do Rimini, Avellina a Bari.

Kontrakt přichází po třech letech. Všechna vozidla jsou vybavena ultrakapacitory pro rychlé ukládání a rekuperaci energie. Jsou plně nízkopodlažní s bezbariérovou rampou ve středních dveřích.
Van Hool je belgický karosář, který se věnuje ekologickým pohonům: CNG, hybrid-diesel, hybrid-palivový článek, trolejbus.
Vossloh Kiepe je specialista na elektrovýzbroj trolejbusů více než 60 let.

Koningshooikt, květen 2009 z TZ Van Hool. Kompletní v angličtině.

More trolley orders in Italy for Van Hool and Vossloh Kiepe.

VAN HOOL and Vossloh Kiepe regularly work together to build and equip trolleybuses.

Milan closed a general contract with VAN HOOL and Vossloh Kiepe for delivery of 50 to 90 trolleybuses. This is the largest order for trolleybuses in Italy over the last 10 years. The first batch of 30 buses of this new fleet was launched in Milan on April 3rd 2009. The national press was unanimously complimentary on the advantages offered by these vehicles and their environment-friendliness. This batch replaces 25 old trolleybuses. With their dark green colour and modern look, they are emphatically present in the streets of this North-Italian metropolis.

After Lecce, Genoa and Milan, the uninterrupted series of Italian trolleybus orders is extended by Rimini (5 buses), Avellino (11 buses) and Bari (3 buses).

Trolleybuses are a frequently chosen option when a city decides to go for zero emission public transportation. The trolleybus is clearly popular again in Italy.

This first batch of 30 articulated trolley buses of 18 m long have been running in the Milanese streets since April 3rd.

The contract spans over a three years period. All these vehicles will be equipped with ultracaps, i.e. performant capacitors that can quickly accumulate and release energy for traction. This system allows to quickly stock and release the recuperated brake energy to save on general energy consumption.

These trolleybuses follow suit with the new tendency in the field of environment-friendly drive: electric traction (700 V from the mains network), or diesel-electric drive when necessary due to traffic situations or road diversions) and always with recuperation of the braking energy.

All trolley buses built by Van Hool and Vossloh Kiepe are state-of-the-art low-floor buses with an access ramp at the central door and plenty of space for wheelchairs and prams.

Rimini ordered 5 articulated trolleybuses in the same version as Genoa. The buses will be delivered in 2009.

Bari and Avellino ordered 12 low-floor trolleybuses.

Van Hool and Vossloh Kiepe belong to the top manufacturers engaged in high-quality environment-friendly technology for city buses.
Van Hool is an independant Belgian constructor of buses, coaches and industrial vehicles. For many years now, Van Hool sets the tone with its developments of environment-friendly low-floor buses. Gas buses, hybrid diesel-electric versions, hybrid fuel-cell buses as well as these trolley buses are important steps toward zero emission and low-noise high-quality public transportation.
Vossloh Kiepe is one of the world's leading specialists in the field of complete equipment for trolleybuses. Electrical traction systems from Vossloh Kiepe for zero emission urban traffic offer highest reliability and make a considerable contribution to an environmental friendly public transport. For more than 60 years they are developing and improving zero emission and low-noise traction technology.

Koningshooikt, May 2009 PR Van Hool

Více  objednávek na trolejbusy  Van Hool -  Vossloh Kiepe do Itálie.
Nový Van Hool v Miláně na ''autoškole''. Foto Jan Spousta.
Více  objednávek na trolejbusy  Van Hool -  Vossloh Kiepe do Itálie.
Nový Van Hool v Miláně na ''autoškole''. Foto Jan Spousta.
Více  objednávek na trolejbusy  Van Hool -  Vossloh Kiepe do Itálie.
Breda. Foto Jan Spousta.
Více  objednávek na trolejbusy  Van Hool -  Vossloh Kiepe do Itálie.
IVECO-Socimi. Foto Jan Spousta.
Více  objednávek na trolejbusy  Van Hool -  Vossloh Kiepe do Itálie.
Na pohled historický, ale přesto stále nejrozšířenější typ milánských tramvají, dodávaný na přelomu 20.-30.let. Foto Jan Spousta.