VDL Bus & Coach: Arriva ve Švédsku podepsala kontrakt na 77 autobusů Citea
Citea XLE-145

(CZ + EN) (Large order for VDL Bus & Coach: 77 Citeas for Arriva)
(CZ + EN) (Large order for VDL Bus & Coach: 77 Citeas for Arriva)
Dopravce Arriva podepsal kontrakt s VDL Bus & Coach na dodávku 77 autobusů Citea XLE (tříosé Low Entry) pro hlavní město Švédska Stockholm. Je to největší zakázka v historii VDL Bus & Coach pro švédský trh. Navíc získalo VDL objednávku na renovaci 85 kloubových autobusů. Nové Citey budou uvedeny do provozu v lednu 2013. Zakázka od Arrivy sestává z 21 vozů Citea XLE-137 13.7 m a 56 vozů Citea XLE-145 14.5 m. Vozy budou operovat ve stockholmské oblasti.

Citea XLE má nízkopodlažní design s atributy LE, vysoký stupeň modularity a délkové varianty a je vhodná pro městský i regionální provoz.
Arriva je jedním z největších dopravců v Evropě. Je aktivní v ČR, Dánsku, Itálii, Maďarsku, Polsku, Slovensku, Nizozemí, Portugalsku, Španělsku, Švédsku, ve Velké Británii a na Maltě.
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Části "Bus of the Year 2011 se vyrábějí v České republice
BUSWORLD 2011: Skupina VDL Bus and Coach boduje nejen titulem "Coach of the Year". Titul "Bus of the Year" nese městský autobus Citea.

Large order for VDL Bus & Coach: 77 Citeas for Arriva in Sweden
Passenger transport company Arriva has signed a contract with VDL Bus & Coach bv for the delivery of 77 Citeas of type XLE (Low Entry) for the city of Stockholm in Sweden. This order is the largest in the history of VDL Bus & Coach for the Swedish market. In addition, VDL has received an order to refurbish 85 articulated buses. The new Citeas will be put in service as of January 2013. Half of the articulated buses will begin scheduled service as of August 2012 and the other half as of January 2013.

Citea XLE

A low-floor design, a high degree of modularity and a great manoeuvrability make the Citea Low Entry suitable for both city and regional transport. The various lengths available and the versatility due to the options of the single leaf and double leaf doors enables this vehicle to meet the wishes of any carrier. The low-floor design between the entrance and first exit door makes the Citea Low Entry a means of transport with the best possible accessibility for wheelchair users and passengers with baby carriages.

The order for Arriva consists of 21 Citeas of type XLE-137 with a length of 13.7 metres and 56 Citeas of type XLE-145 with a length of 14.5 metres. These will be constructed as class 2 buses. All the buses will be used for public transport in the greater Stockholm area.

Strength through co-operation

“This new, large order once again confirms our strategy for lightweight concepts, with a focus on the European public transport segment. Our Citea range, with the SLF as Bus of the Year 2011, demonstrates that with our public transport buses we belong to the top tier in Europe. We are especially proud that our knowledge and skill in this field are being recognized by more and more passenger transport companies. Moreover, the order for 77 new Citeas in combination with the conversion order for 85 articulated buses is also a fine example of ‘Strength through co-operation’. After all, the articulated buses that are to be converted come from Arriva in the Netherlands. With the modifications that we will carry out, these buses will then be perfectly suited for public transport in Stockholm. In this manner both Arriva and VDL demonstrate the benefits offered by larger international companies and the strength of true co-operation”, explains Rémi Henkemans, managing director VDL Bus & Coach.
Arriva is one of the largest transport service organisations in Europe. The company is active in the area of passenger transport in Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Malta and United Kingdom. By winning the E20 tender in Stockholm, Arriva in Sweden is currently undergoing significant growth. The company’s passenger transport activities, which until now have been concentrated in the province of Skåne and particularly in the city of Malmö, will double as a result of this contract.
PR VDL Bus & Coach

VDL Bus & Coach: Arriva ve Švédsku podepsala kontrakt na 77 autobusů Citea
Části "Bus of the Year 2011 se vyrábějí v České republice ve společnosti Ecos