(CZ + EN) 3. vydání brožury. (Who are the Major Players of urban, suburban and regional public transport in the EU-27?)
(CZ + EN) 3. vydání brožury. (Who are the Major Players of urban, suburban and regional public transport in the EU-27?)
Brusel, 18. června 2010 - Při příležitosti konference UITP/UTP o regulaci dopravy v závazku veřejné služby (Conference on Public Service Obligation’s Regulation) v Paříži 7.6.2010 UITP EU-Committee vydala aktualizovanou brožuru (3. vydání) ‘Organisation and major players of short distance public transport in Europe’. Aktualizovaná verze poskytuje revidovaná data na trhu organizací ve veřejné dopravě ve 23 členských státech EU a Švýcarsku.

Průvodce poskytuje přehled hlavních dopravních hráčů v různých zemích, vývoj legislativy a také prezentace klíčových soukromých evropských skupin s působností v Evropě i ve světě.

První vydání brožury bylo v roce 2003.

TZ UITP-EuroTeam: UITP. Kompletní v angličtině.
Who are the Major Players of urban, suburban and regional public transport in the EU-27?
Brussels, 18 June 2010 - On the occasion of the joint UITP/UTP Conference on the Public Service Obligation’s Regulation held in Paris last 7 June, the UITP EU-Committee released the 3rd edition of the brochure ‘Organisation and major players of short distance public transport in Europe’. This updated version provides revised data on the public transport market organisation in 23 Member States of the European Union and Switzerland.

This guidebook gives an overview of the major public transport players in the different countries and of the legislative evolutions, taking into consideration the latest developments after the Public Service Obligations (PSO) Regulation came into force last December. The brochure helps understand in which direction public transport goes in the different Member States. It also contains a presentation of the key private European public transport groups operating in Europe and worldwide.

UITP released the first edition of ‘Major Players’ in 2003, at a time when the PSO regulation was still under discussion, with the objective of giving its members and the European decision making bodies an accurate overview of the legislative framework for public transport and the major European players in different countries.