Společnost VISEON po podání žádosti o insolvenční řízení chce pokračovat
Czechbus 2011 - Viseon C 13. Kdepak je?

v obchodních aktivitách a jedná s investory.
v obchodních aktivitách a jedná s investory.
26.4.2013 podala společnost VISEON Bus GmbH podnět pro zahájení insolvenčního řízení. Důvodem je, že očekávané finanční záměry selhaly. Je v plánu pokračovat v obchodních operacích.
BUSportál: Když prodávala skupina MAN - Neoplan výrobní závod v Pilstingu, málokdo si představoval, že je to impuls pro razantní vznik nové značky. Spíše to asi měla být doplňková výroba menšinových typů jako jsou letištní speciály. Viseon nejenže se pustil do tradiční karosářské výroby, ale brzy představil i futuristický trolejbus. Loni bylo možno se seznámit s technologií pro elektrobusy. Viseon také překvapil vstupem čínské společnosti Youngman do firmy. Na IAA v Hannnoveru zástupci Viseonu tvrdili, že se vstupem čínského kapitálu ve firmě nic nemění. Změna tedy přišla.
Pokud víme, tak na českém trhu se ukázal jeden Viseon na prvním ročníku veletrhu Czechbus. Ten byl v ČR za nám nejasných podmínek prodán - neprodán (značka se jinak u nás zatím neprosadila, možná neměla úplně nejšťastnější ruku při výběru zastoupení) a o jeho momentálním osudu nám není nic známo.

Informaci společnosti VISEON uvádíme kompletní anglicky.
2012: IAA Hannover XI.: Viseon - autokar C 10 a linkový doubledecker LDD 14 ...
2012: Čínská akvizice v Evropě: Vstup společnosti Youngman do VISEONu
After filing for insolvency: VISEON wants to continue business operation – talks with investors start
On 26 April 2013, the VISEON Bus GmbH has filed for the initiation of insolvency proceedings. The reason is that promised financial means have failed to arrive. It is, however, planned to continue business operation. After unanimous nomination by the committee of creditors, the local court in Landshut appointed the restructuring expert Dr. Michael Jaffé from the law firm JAFFÉ Rechtsanwälte Insolvenzverwalter to be the temporary insolvency administrator.

Pilsting. Only in March, VISEON had announced a capital injection in form of a shareholders’ loan. This had become necessary in order to ensure the strong growth of the company and the associated pre-financing of personnel and materials costs which are necessary for production. Unexpectedly, however, the payment was delayed due to a tedious approval process on the part of the majority shareholder.

“We already had to slow down production over recent weeks since we lacked the means to purchase material. Since wage and salary payments are now due, we filed for the initiation of insolvency proceedings, in the interest of our staff member as well as the company and its creditors. Our aim is to optimally use the restructuring opportunities offered by insolvency proceedings and to continue our business operation”, declared Joachim Reinmuth, co-shareholder and chairman of the VISEON management board.

“We undertake every effort to analyse the reasons for the insolvency and to again create enough liquidity to ensure the further processing of our orders. For this we are in close contact with banks and customers. Also talks with potential investors will be the focus of our work in the days to come“, said the temporary insolvency administrator, Dr. Michael Jaffé, in a first statement. He has already arrived in the company on Friday together with a restructuring team in order to set the course for the continuation of the business operation.

For the time being, with the filing for insolvency, nothing will change for the about 300 staff members (including apprentices and marginally employed staff) at the location in Pilsting, they will stay employed as before. The temporary insolvency administrator has already initiated the pre-financing of the insolvency payment for the staff members, so that they can receive the payments due to them as quickly as possible. “This is an important signal for us, as much as the appointment of the temporary insolvency administrator who has done a very good job at Knaus-Tabbert. This means that despite the current situation, which is also new for my colleagues and me, we are quite optimistic. Our work is good and this has made VISEON successful in recent years. We would like to continue like this in the future”, declared the chairman of the works council, August Hain.

At its facility in Pilsting, the VISEON Bus GmbH develops and produces coaches, double-deckers, public-transit buses with electric drive as well as apron buses. Thanks to this combination of very different niche vehicles, VISEON has been able to balance the currently weak market development in the coach sector with a very good order intake in the low-floor double-decker segment as well as the apron buses for international demands.

VISEON, which was newly founded by the former head of NEOPLAN, Joachim Reinmuth, took over the plant in Pilsting with more than 200 staff members in the spring of 2009. A short time later, Ernö Bartha joined VISEON as co-shareholder and managing director. Since that time, VISEON has experienced tremendous growth: In the years 2010 and 2011, turnover every year increased by about 50 per cent on the previous year, in 2012 still by 20 per cent to about 34 million Euros. In the summer of 2012, the Chinese Youngman Group joined VISEON as majority shareholder.

Since 2009, VISEON has invested several million Euros in new production facilities and the development and design of new vehicles. The company not only presented a complete, new coach line with four different model types but also a low-floor double-decker which sells very successfully on the market due to its excellent design, its quality and its unique selling point. Also the apron buses, which VISEON manufactures and globally distributes under the NEOPLAN brand, have been technically further developed. At the German international trade fair for commercial vehicles, the IAA Nutzfahrzeuge, in 2012, VISEON presented a study of a fully electrically driven public transit bus with innovative recharging technology.

Supported by the success of the new products, the managing director, Ernö Bartha, remains optimistic despite the filing for insolvency: “Thanks to our excellent development expertise, the very updated product range and the good order situation we see good chances for the restructuring and thus continuation of VISEON at the location in Pilsting.“