Skupina VDL Groep 2006 opět láme rekordy. (CZ + EN)

Na evropském trhu s autobusy patří VDL se značkami jako BOVA, Berkhof a Jonckheere 6. místo. (2006 again breaks records for VDL Groep)
Na evropském trhu s autobusy patří VDL se značkami jako BOVA, Berkhof a Jonckheere 6. místo. (2006 again breaks records for VDL Groep)
Pro společnost VDL Groep byl rok 2006 opět úspěšný. Obrat, zisk a zaměstnanost dosáhly rekordních čísel.

V porovnání s rokem 2005 vzrostl obrat autobusové divize Bus and coach z 568 na 591 milionů EUR. Projevila se změna normy z EURO 3 na EURO 4, kde byly problémy ve vývoji a dodávkách těchto motorů. V roce 2006 bylo dodáno 1510 autobusů, 1110 podvozků a 193 mini a midibusů. Na evropském trhu se 7 % podílem obsazuje VDL 6. místo. Výhled na rok 2007 vzhledem k objednávkám vypadá pozitivně.

Podrobnosti a další informace v angličtině.

19.1.2007 PR Vdl Groep

2006 again breaks records for VDL Groep

For the VDL Groep based in Eindhoven, 2006 was once again a good year. The initial figures for the year show that turnover, profit and employee numbers reached new record heights. The combined turnover rose from 1.156 billion euro in 2005 to 1.338 billion euro in 2006, an increase of almost 16%. Consolidated turnover is expected to total 1.1 billion euro as compared with 991 million euro in 2005. Results after tax will be approximately 60 million euro, as compared with 50 million euro in 2005. The number of employees also rose from 5,267 at the end of 2005 to 7,321 at the end of 2006.

Bus and coach

Compared to 2005, turnover from the bus and coach division rose slightly from 568 to 591 million euro. Profit, however, fell slightly. This was primarily due to the transition from Euro 3 to Euro 4/4/EEV. There were problems in the development and supply of these engines, leading all in all to higher costs. In 2006, less city buses were supplied than in 2005, namely 1510 buses, 1110 chassis and 193 mini and midi buses. On the European bus market, with a market share of 7%, VDL occupies the 6th position. Given our well-filled order book at present, prospects for 2007 are positive.


Turnover from the supply sector rose from 299 to 390 million euro. Slightly less than half of this increase was due to the takeover of Philips ETG. Not all businesses saw an improvement in results, but overall profits nonetheless rose slightly. The current order book is considerably better filled than at the same time last year, and expectations are good.

End products

Turnover in the end product sector rose from 290 to 357 million euro. Results also rose. The total order book for the end products sectors looks good, and at present is almost double the volume at the start of last year.

Expectations for 2007

Expectations for this year are positive. Given the well-filled order book at present, and considering the excellent results in 2006, we look forward to 2007 with confidence.

VDL Groep

VDL Groep, with its head offices in Eindhoven, is an international company focused on the development, production and sales of semi-manufactured and finished products. In total, the group, with approximately 7,300 employees, consists of 73 subsidiaries spread over 15 countries. In the supply sector, VDL specialises in metalworking, plastics processing, system supply and surface treatment. The bus & coach division includes coaches, chassis modules, public transport buses, mini and midi buses. The finished products sector comprises suspension systems for the automotive industry, production automation systems, heating, cooling and air-technical systems, systems for the oil, gas and petrochemical industry, sunbeds and roof boxes, systems for the agricultural sector, cigar-making and packaging machines, container handling equipment, medical systems and production systems for optical media.

Eindhoven, 19 January 2007 PR Vdl Groep