(Harnessing The Power of EAST Meets WEST At SCM Logistics World 2006, Singapore)
(Harnessing The Power of EAST Meets WEST At SCM Logistics World 2006, Singapore)
Jako zajímavost uvádíme informace i o exotických výstavách - BUSportál jako světové médium je na ně systematicky upozorňován :-) Informace uvádíme pouze v angličtině.

Singapore is where we will all converge on 16 – 19 October 2006. This is where it’s all happening – where the direction of the industry is set; where partnerships are formed; business deals are sealed, challenges are addressed; high-level networking takes place, and where latest solutions and innovations are featured.

Singapore is where trailblazing starts for the global supply chain community, where industries and countries learn from one another in the increasingly competitive global marketplace. It is not an event meant for a single industry, single region or single solution. Designed and assembled with the global community in mind, SCMLogistics World 2006 encompasses an array of solutions, industries, and countries to offer the most comprehensive supply chain and logistics management on a global scale.

It is where the East learns from the West, and the West from the East, across industries and countries.
More at SCM Logistics World 2006