Nový hybridní autobus Volvo bude představen na letošním IAA v Hanoveru.

(CZ + EN) Volvo’s new hybrid bus to be launched at IAA show.
(CZ + EN) Volvo’s new hybrid bus to be launched at IAA show.
Na podzim 2008 Volvo Buses představí svůj nový evropský hybridní autobus Volvo 7700 Hybrid na veletrhu užitkových vozidel IAA Hanover. Hybridní technologie Volvo generuje úsporu paliva ž o 30%. Hybridní technologie existují již dlouhou dobu, ale nebyly obchodně zřetellné. Úspora paliva může kompenzovat vyšší náklady na pořízení vozidla. Technologie snižuje emise i hluk.

První hybridní model Volvo 7700 je dvanáctimetrový nízkopodlažní městský autobus s paralelní hybridní technologií, kde všechny komponenty jsou od společnosti Volvo. Autobus má menší, 5 l dieselový motor. Hnací soustava tak zabírá stejný prostor jako u dieselu. Autobus také stejně váží, ale pojme více cestujících.

Na spotřebu Volvo soustřeďuje pozornost i u turistických autobusů. Na IAA bude Volvo vystavovat také autokary - Coach of the Year 2008 Volvo 9700 a Volvo 9900 s technologií SCR a populární převodovkou I-shift.

TZ Volvo Bus Corporation. Překlad BUSportál. Kompletní v angličtině.
Volvo’s new hybrid bus to be launched at IAA show
This autumn, Volvo Buses is launching its new hybrid bus in Europe, the Volvo 7700 Hybrid. It is being unveiled for the first time at the major IAA bus and truck show in Hanover, Germany, in September. Volvo’s hybrid technology generates a fuel saving of up to 30%.

The environment, particularly climate change, is currently one of the world’s most important issues. We all have a responsibility to contribute to a solution to today’s and tomorrow’s problems. This is particularly so for those working in the transport industry. Hybrid drivelines on our buses are an important step to reduce fuel consumption and, consequently, the emission of carbon dioxide. Hybrid technology has existed for a long time, but has not previously been commercially viable.

Volvo Buses’ launch of its hybrid bus this autumn signals a generation shift. With a hybrid solution that is largely based on standard products and with fuel savings of 20-30%, customers will relatively quickly earn payback on the extra cost for the bus. The technology also lowers the exhaust emissions and noice levels substantially.

The Volvo 7700 is the first hybrid model to roll out. It is a 12-meter low-floor city bus. Volvo Buses has chosen to develop a parallel hybrid where all components are Volvo components. The bus has a smaller, 5-liter diesel engine and as a result, the entire driveline fits in the same space as in a diesel-powered Volvo 7700. The hybrid bus weights largely the same as a diesel-driven bus, but has a better weight distribution, meaning that the hybrid bus can take more passengers than today’s diesel bus. Fuel consumption is also a point of focus regarding tourist buses. At its stand, Volvo Buses is showing the Volvo 9700, which is Coach of the Year 2008, and the Volvo 9900. The fuel-consumption figures for these models are among the best in the market, largely thanks to engines with SCR technology and Volvo’s popular I-shift gearbox.

PR Volvo Bus Corporation

Nový hybridní autobus Volvo bude představen na letošním IAA v Hanoveru.
Hybridní soustrojí na BUSWORLD 2007 v Belgii.