Euro Bus Expo: Olympijský autobus z Pekingu do Londýna i do Birminghamu.

(CZ + EN) Specielně navržený červený doubledecker “London 2012 bus” jsme mohli vidět na závěrečném ceremoniálu v Pekingu. (Race is on to bring iconic Olympic bus to Birmingham).
(CZ + EN) Specielně navržený červený doubledecker “London 2012 bus” jsme mohli vidět na závěrečném ceremoniálu v Pekingu. (Race is on to bring iconic Olympic bus to Birmingham).
Specielný upravený patrový autobus ADL Enviro 400, který se představil na závěrečném ceremoniálu olympiády v Pekingu, bude velkou atrakcí na autobusovém veletrhu Euro Bus Expo v době 4. - 6. listopadu 2008 v areálu National Exhibition Centre (NEC) Birmingham. “London 2012 bus” bude jedním ze 150 autobusů na výstavišti.
Alexander Dennis Limited (ADL) je největší britský nástavbář vyrábějící patrové a nízkopodlažní autobusy se snadným přístupem a midibusy. Autobusy Alexander Dennis přepravují skoro 10 milionů cestujících denně v Londýně a Hong Kongu.
Kompletní zpráva v angličtině.
Euro Bus Expo: Evropská autobusová a autokarová show 2008 oslaví 100 let historie autobusů.

The race is on to bring to Birmingham the iconic double deck bus that featured so prominently in last month’s closing ceremony at the Beijing Olympic Games.

Watched by a global TV audience of two billion, the specially designed and engineered Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 was memorably used as a platform for Robert Plant, Leona Lewis and David Beckham to showcase the London 2012 Games to the world.

Now, thanks to the joint efforts of manufacturer ADL and show organisers Expo Management, this historic vehicle could be set to feature as an industry show piece attraction at Euro Bus Expo 2008, which is being staged at the NEC Birmingham UK on the 4th-6th November.

The Enviro 400 - Britain’s best selling double deck - is currently being transported the 5,000 miles from Beijing to Birmingham and subject to weather, tides and shipping schedules, could take pride of place in a special feature area at the biennial trade show for the bus and coach industry.

All going well, visitors to the show will be able to see the vehicle “transform” itself into a platform with green sides depicting the London skyline, just as it did during the spectacular show put on by the London 2012 organising team in the Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing.

The “London 2012 bus” will be just one of 150 of the latest buses and coaches on display at the three-day trade show at the NEC, which will also feature special zones highlighting the industry’s many innovations in the areas of the Environment, Technology and Training & Development.

An International Conference Programme, with a keynote address from Minister of State the Rt Hon Rosie Winterton MP, is also running in parallel with the show. The event is also being graced by royalty too, with HRH The Duke of Kent scheduled to come to the show to help celebrate “Ten Decades of the Bus.”

“Along with millions of other viewers around the globe, I was totally absorbed by the Games this summer. Watching the final ceremony which featured the ADL Double Deck made me feel proud to be British, knowing that public transport is going to play such a major part in the London 2012 Games,” said EBE show Director Mark Griffin.

He added “I am delighted that, with the fantastic help and support from the team at ADL, we are pulling out all the stops to get this superb industry symbol at the industry’s showcase gathering. ADL did a terrific job in putting the UK bus industry in the ‘shop window’ of the world. Now we are collectively bidding to do the same at the UK’s biggest show. The timescales are desperately tight, but we’re pulling out all the stops.”

Full information about the Show, including pre-registration details for both EBE08 and the Conference are available at .

Release Immediate 25th September 2008

Euro Bus Expo: Olympijský autobus z Pekingu do Londýna i do Birminghamu.
Euro Bus Expo: Olympijský autobus z Pekingu do Londýna i do Birminghamu.