palivové články na dvě linky v oblasti Antverp. (Belgian bus company De Lijn will soon use a hybrid hydrogen bus on two routes in the Antwerp area.)
palivové články na dvě linky v oblasti Antverp. (Belgian bus company De Lijn will soon use a hybrid hydrogen bus on two routes in the Antwerp area.) Autobus poháněný vodíkovými palivovými články a elektromotorem je výrobkem belgického karosáře Van hool. Provoz autobusu začne 20.srpna. Belgian bus company De Lijn will soon use a hybrid hydrogen bus on two routes in the Antwerp area.
The main difference in this hybrid bus and conventional fuel cell buses is that any excess electrical energy generated by the hydrogen fuel cell can be stored in batteries.
The bus is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and electric motor manufactured by Van Hool. The bus will begin its routes on August 20th.
Van Hool s UTC Power, Siemensem a Air Liquide představili hybridní autobus na vodíkové palivové články. Belgian bus company De Lijn will soon use a hybrid hydrogen bus on two routes in the Antwerp area.
The main difference in this hybrid bus and conventional fuel cell buses is that any excess electrical energy generated by the hydrogen fuel cell can be stored in batteries.
The bus is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and electric motor manufactured by Van Hool. The bus will begin its routes on August 20th.
Van Hool wih TC Power, Siemens and Air Liquide presented the hybrid fuel cell bus.