5 x VDL: MidCity na Sardinii, hybridní Citey do Darmstadtu, Synergy do Švédska,
Doubledecker Synergy pro dopravce Nobina

první Citea do Belgie a podvozky pro Arrivu. (CZ + EN) 29 VDL MidCity buses for ARST * Hybrid Citeas for HEAG mobilo Darmstadt’ * First Citea for Veolia Transport-Yprabus Belgium * Arriva places major VDL Bus & Coach order * 25 Synergys for Nobina in Sweden
první Citea do Belgie a podvozky pro Arrivu. (CZ + EN) 29 VDL MidCity buses for ARST * Hybrid Citeas for HEAG mobilo Darmstadt’ * First Citea for Veolia Transport-Yprabus Belgium * Arriva places major VDL Bus & Coach order * 25 Synergys for Nobina in Sweden
BUSportál připravil souhrnný balíček z jarních a letních VDL zpráv. Kompletní jsou v angličtině.
29 VDL malokapacitních autobusů MidCitypro ARST
ARST, jeden z nejdůležitějších italských dopravců, objednal 29 autobusů MidCity na Sardinii, kde začnou v meziměstském provozu sloužit na podzim 2011. MidCity byl vyvinut specielně pro veřejnou zahrnuje nízkopodlažní multifunkční sekci. ARST objednal konfiguraci s 9 běžnými sedadly, dvěma sklopnými, místem pro invalidní vozík a 11 místy pro stání. Téměř sedmimetrový vůz na podvozku MB Sprinter 516 CDI EEV je velmi obratný a vhodný do úzkých ulic a historických center. Je vybaven specielní klimatizací pro italské léto.
ARST je dopravce na Sardinii vlastněný 100 % státem s 2500 zaměstnanci a 700 vozidly. Vedení sídlí v Cagliari.
Hybridní Citey pro HEAG mobilo Darmstadt
V dubnu April 2011 dodala společnost VDL Bus & Coach tři hybridní Citey pro HEAG mobilo Darmstadt do Německa. Hybridní Citey jsou výsledkem vývojového projektu ‘Green Move’, společné iniciativy společnosti HEAG mobilo, technologické univerzity v Darmstadtu, Vossloh Kiepe a VDL Bus & Coach ve spojení s regionální politikou, kde modelovým regionem pro aplikaci elektromobility je i Rhein-Main.

Citea SLF-120 hybridy pro HEAG mobilo jsou postaveny z komponent od renomovaných dodavatelů. Vossloh Kiepe slouží jako systémový integrátor s odpovědností za grenerátor, superkapacitory, elektropohon a řízení energií. Malý čtyřválcový dieselový motor je Cummins EEV, zadní náprava ZF se dvěma elektromotory integrovanými do nápravy.
HEAG mobilo je vedoucí poskytovatel dopravy v jižním Hessensku včetně veřejné dopravy v Darmstadtu a okolí.
První Citea pro Veolia Transport-Yprabus Belgie
Na konci března 2011 společnost VDL Bus & Coach dodala první Citeu (CLE-120) v barvách valonského dopravce TEC (Transport En Commun). pro Veolia Transport-Yprabus v Belgii. Veolia Transport-Yprabus zajišťuje linku mezi Komen a Moeskroen, kam je určena i tato Citea.

12-m Citea CLE pro Veolia Transport-Yprabus má 37 sedadel a 53 míst pro stání, klimatizaci, nízkopodlažní vstup a dobrou manévrovatelnost. VDL nabízí také celonízkopodlažnverzi CLF.
Veolia Transport-Yprabus je dceřiná společnost Veolia Transport Belgium. Veolia Transport Belgium má 17 dceřiných společností a je aktivní v šesti belgických provinciích (Antwerp, Flemish Brabant, Limburg, East and West Flanders, Henegouwen).
Velká zakázka pro VDL Bus & Coach od Arrivy
Arriva objednala přes 300 podvozků pro rok 2011 - 104 SB- 200 standardních a 207 DB-300 patrových.

Podvozek s bezbariérovým vstupem SB-200 je např. použit i u LHD Ambassador. Pro Arrivu je osazen šestiválcovým motorem Euro 5 Cummins ISBe a převodovkou Voith. Patrový podvozek DB-300 je určen pro doubledecker Wrightbus Gemini 2 DL.
Arriva je jeden z největších dopravců v Evropě, aktivní v 11 evropských zemích.
25 doubledeckerů Synergy pro dopravce Nobina ve Švédsku
Jedná se o největší kontrakt VDL pro švédský trh. Autobusy na biodiesel budou využity na 75 km linku mezi Norrtälje a Stockholmem se 7 zastávkami.

Doubledeckery Synergy pro dopravce Nobina mají 84 sedadel, rampu pro vozíčkáře a prostor pro vozík.
Nobina Group působí ve Švédsku, Finsku, Norsku a Dánsku už 100 let. Kompletně zahrnuje 3500 autobusů a 7000 zaměstnanců.

29 VDL MidCity buses for ARST
ARST, one of the most important public transport companies in Italy, has ordered 29 VDL MidCity buses. These MidCity buses will be deployed for intercity line service on the island of Sardinia starting in October/November 2011.

The MidCity from VDL Bus & Coach was developed specifically for public transport and includes a multifunctional section with a low floor, which is ideally suited for standing room or wheelchairs for instance. This conversion to low-floor bus is a speciality VDL Bus & Coach developed itself, and it offers enormous flexibility.

ARST has opted for a configuration with nine seats, two folding seats, one wheelchair place and a maximum of eleven standing places. A double door at the front and a single door behind the rear axle facilitate boarding and egress. Thanks to its compact dimensions (total length is 6.944 metres), the MidCity is very manoeuvrable and therefore ideal for transport in narrow streets and old city centres. The MidCity buses for ARST are built on MB Sprinter 516 CDI chassis equipped with clean EEV diesel engines, resulting in a significant reduction in the emissions of CO2, NOx, NMHC and fine particulates. A special air conditioning unit ensures that passengers enjoy a comfortable journey even during the hot Italian summer.

ARST is a 100% government-owned company with around 2,500 employees on the island of Sardinia. The headquarters are located in Cagliari. With a fleet of around 700 vehicles, ARST is one of the most important public transport companies in Italy. The company focuses mainly on intercity transport but also provides the city transport in several cities.

PR VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach bv
Hybrid Citeas for HEAG mobilo Darmstadt
In April 2011, VDL Bus & Coach delivered three hybrid Citeas to HEAG mobilo in Darmstadt (Germany). The hybrid Citeas are the result of the ‘Green Move’ development project, a collaborative initiative of transport company HEAG mobilo, Darmstadt University of Technology, Vossloh Kiepe and VDL Bus & Coach. ‘Green Move’ was initiated in connection with and as part of the national policy in which certain regions serve as role models for the application of electric mobility. The region of which Darmstadt is a part, Rhein-Main, is one such model region.

The objective of the ‘Green Move’ development project is to utilise serial hybrid technology in such a way that optimal savings potential will be achieved relative to buses driven in the traditional manner. The ambition has been to significantly reduce fuel consumption and the emissions of CO2, fine particulates and NOx. This is achieved by using an electric drive for the Citea SLF-120/hybrid. The diesel engine drives a generator that produces the electrical power. This electrical power is stored in supercaps for later use or is used immediately to power the electric motors installed in the rear axle. The braking energy is also recovered and stored in these supercaps so the energy can be used again for driving. This implies that the diesel engine can be intentionally shut off, at a bus stop or during standstill for instance, and that only the electric drive is used during acceleration from a stop. This makes it possible to drive portions of a route using just electric power, producing zero emissions. These sections can even be preprogrammed, through a system that utilises GPS. An additional, and certainly not unimportant, environmentally-responsible aspect is that far less noise is produced.

First the drivers will be trained, because their driving and braking behaviour has a great impact on the electrical energy storage. Then the buses will be put in service. Various tests will be performed and information will be collected concerning operational characteristics and achieved sustainability effects. To make it possible to interpret and compare the data, the same information will be collected from the Citea CLF-120/310, a traditional diesel bus.

The Citea SLF-120/hybrid buses for HEAG mobilo have been built with components from renowned automotive suppliers. Vossloh Kiepe serves as the system integrator with overall responsibility for the generator, supercaps, power electronics and energy management. The small 4 cylinder diesel engine is built by Cummins, and for the hybrid versions of the Citea the choice has been made for an optimal driveline with low emissions (standard EEV emission level), a low specific fuel consumption and the lowest possible weight. The rear axle, from ZF, includes two electric motors, which are integrated into the axle. The combination of these components has led to a perfectly integrated system that has no negative effects on the interior of the bus. In addition, the added weight has been kept to an absolute minimum.

HEAG mobilo is a leading mobility service provider in Südhessen (a region in the German province of Hessen) committed to providing attractive and efficient public transport in Darmstadt and the surrounding areas. The company’s activities include the deployment of buses and trams and the provision of basic infrastructural services such as the regional traffic centre.

PR VDL Bus & Coach bv
First Citea for Veolia Transport-Yprabus Belgium
At the end of March 2011, VDL Bus & Coach delivered the first Citea to bus operator Veolia Transport-Yprabus in Belgium. This was a Citea CLE-120 painted in the yellow and red house style of the Wallonian public transport company TEC (Transport En Commun). In Belgium, public transport companies also lease bus routes to bus operators. Veolia Transport-Yprabus is the leaseholder of the intercity line in Wallonia between Komen and Moeskroen. This Citea CLE was purchased for operation on this route and will be put into service at the end of April 2011. With this order, the Citea also makes its debut in Belgian bus operators’ fleets.

The 12-metre Citea CLE for Veolia Transport-Yprabus offers seating for 37 passengers and standing room for an additional 53. It is also equipped with extras such as air conditioning. The low floor construction all the way to the rear axle and great manoeuvrability make the Citea CLE suitable for both city and regional transport. Thanks to the Citea’s lightweight construction it has a low net weight, which results in excellent fuel economy and low harmful exhaust emissions. Furthermore, the Citea offers everything the driver needs to perform his or her tasks in a comfortable manner: an ergonomically designed seat, a superb view of the instruments, large windows at the front and optimally positioned mirrors.

With the Citea, VDL Bus & Coach offers a comprehensive range of city and regional buses. The Low Floor version in this range, the Citea CLF, has won the prestigious international ‘Bus of the Year 2011’ prize. During the ‘Bus Euro Test 2010’ in the Romanian capital Bucharest, the city bus scored better than the strong international competitors. The members of the jury focussed particularly on the practical usability, the finish, the concept and the efficiency of the participating vehicles.

Veolia Transport-Yprabus is a daughter company of Veolia Transport Belgium, which is one of the largest private car and bus companies in Belgium. The company operates both city and regional bus lines, provides school and commuter service and also owns three travel agencies. Veolia Transport Belgium, with its 17 daughter companies that are known locally for their experience and the quality of their services, is active in six of the ten Belgian provinces (Antwerp, Flemish Brabant, Limburg, East and West Flanders, Henegouwen).

The S.R.W.T. (Société Régionale Wallonne du Transport) is certainly not unfamiliar with the Citea. In 2010 the company bought 223 Citeas of type CLF (Low Floor). Of these, 50 have already been delivered, another 107 are scheduled for delivery in 2011, and the remaining 66 will be delivered in 2012. The S.R.W.T, parent company of TEC (Transport En Commun), has responsibility for the strategic and commercial management of the bus lines. In total, TEC has five public transport companies active in the Wallonian region of Belgium: TEC Brabant-Wallon, TEC Charleroi, TEC Heinaut, TEC Liège-Verviers and TEC Namur-Luxembourg.

PR VDL Bus & Coach
Arriva places major VDL Bus & Coach order
Arriva has ordered just over 300 chassis for 2011 delivery. The order consists of 104 SB- 200 single deck chassis and 207 DB-300 double deck chassis. This is the largest order ever placed by Arriva for the VDL DB-300 double deck chassis.

The single deck SB-200 chassis is a mature and proven chassis concept with a competitive fuel consumption. It’s the same driveline that is used for the LHD Ambassador which is a major success in the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Israel. The SB-200 for Arriva is equipped with an Euro 5 Cummins ISBe 6-cylinder diesel engine coupled to a gearbox from Voith. It is also highly suitable for wheelchair users and passengers with buggies because of its low-floor construction.

The 207 double deck DB-300 chassis will be for the Wrightbus Gemini 2 DL integral Double Deck, developed in close co-operation with Arriva and Wrightbus. One of the results is a vehicle which is ‘Top of the Class’ when it comes to fuel consumption. Chassis is powered by a Cummins 6 cylinder, 6.7 litre Euro 5 engine and a Voith D854.5 automatic transmission, 97 of these vehicles will be built to a 2 door TfL specification, whilst 110 will be ‘Low Height’ variants of this highly versatile bus, again with significant engineering input from the customer. The vehicles are destined for service in a number of Arriva's operating companies outside the UK capital.

Arriva is one of the largest transport companies in Europe. The company is active in the area of passenger transport in 11 European countries: Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Also Arriva is one of the largest bus companies in the United Kingdom with lines in the north-east, north-west and south-east of England, Yorkshire, the Midlands, Scotland and Wales. The chassis which has been purchased will all be in service during 2011 across the UK.

PR VDL Bus & Coach bv Arriva Bus & Coach
25 Synergys for Nobina in Sweden
Swedish passenger transport company Nobina has signed a contract with VDL Bus & Coach bv for the delivery of 25 Synergy double-deckers. The order was obtained in cooperation with VDL Bus & Coach's Swedish partner VDL Bus Sweden. VDL Bus Sweden will handle the further execution of the order and the delivery of the vehicles to Nobina. This contract is the largest order in the history of VDL Bus & Coach for the Swedish market. It is also a breakthrough for VDL in terms of buses for Swedish intercity services. The doubledeckers, which run entirely on biodiesel, will be used to provide the intercity service between Norrtälje and Stockholm, a line with a length of around 75 kilometres and 7 stops.

The Synergys for Nobina have seating for 84 passengers. The vehicles will be customised for the customer in conformance with Swedish public transport requirements, and shall therefore include such features as a wheelchair space and a wheelchair ramp. Both the lower and upper deck are 185 cm high. The vehicles also include video surveillance, an alcohol lock for the driver, route indication screens and a ticket system.

The Nobina Group, with locations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, is celebrating its 100- year jubilee this year. In total, the Nobina Group has a fleet of some 3,500 buses and employs around 7,000 people. The company provides public transport services in Scandinavia at both the regional and interregional level. Nobina Sweden is the leading bus company in Sweden and develops, sells and provides public transport on a contract basis to clients in Sweden. On average, every resident of Sweden will make around 20 trips with Nobina per year. This amounts to almost 200 million customers each year.

PR VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach bv

5 x VDL: MidCity na Sardinii, hybridní Citey do Darmstadtu, Synergy do Švédska,
5 x VDL: MidCity na Sardinii, hybridní Citey do Darmstadtu, Synergy do Švédska,
Citea hybrid pro HEAG mobilo
5 x VDL: MidCity na Sardinii, hybridní Citey do Darmstadtu, Synergy do Švédska,
Citea pro Yprabus
5 x VDL: MidCity na Sardinii, hybridní Citey do Darmstadtu, Synergy do Švédska,
Šasi SB 200