100 městských autobusů Mercedes-Benz CapaCity pro IETT Istanbul

(CZ + EN) Dopravní systém s 250 autobusy Mercedes-Benz CapaCity z Mannheimu. Efektivní řešení pro systém Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) města Istanbul. (Daimler receives a major order for 100 more Mercedes-Benz city buses for Istanbul.)
(CZ + EN) Dopravní systém s 250 autobusy Mercedes-Benz CapaCity z Mannheimu. Efektivní řešení pro systém Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) města Istanbul. (Daimler receives a major order for 100 more Mercedes-Benz city buses for Istanbul.)
Istanbul/Mannheim – Turecký dopravní podnik Istanbul Elektrik Tramvay ve Tünel Isletmeleri (IETT) a EvoBus GmbH, dceřiná společnost Daimler, nově podepsaly smlouvu o dodávce 100 autobusů Mercedes-Benz CapaCity pro město Istanbul. Již v polovině minulého roku objednala IETT prvních 50 kusů městských autobusů CapaCity, dalších 100 autobusů následovalo v roce 2008. S nyní objednávanými vozidly se vozový park rozroste na 250 autobusů Mercedes-Benz CapaCity provozovaných v systému BRT. Dalších 500 autobusů Mercedes-Benz značky Citaro a kloubových autobusů Citaro je provozováno v městské dopravě v oblasti Bosporu.

Velkoprostorové autobusy Mercedes-Benz CapaCity ze závodu v Mannheimu jezdí na trase, která vede z městské části Avcilar do centra Istanbulu. Koncept BRT zahájený v roce 2007 přijali cestující tak dobře, že byla linka z původních 17 kilometrů prodloužena na dnešních 29 kilometrů. Nasazení autobusů Mercedes-Benz CapaCity řadě cestujících podstatně zkrátilo každodenní dobu jízdy a přineslo sebou také citelné odlehčení pro městskou dopravu. Cesta, která dříve trvala 1,5 hodiny, se dnes zkrátila na 40 minut. Pomocí systému BRT se dnes přepraví denně 530 000 osob, což znamená o 70 000 až 80 000 méně individuálních jízd v husté dopravě turecké metropole. V současnosti se pracuje na prodloužení linky BRT přes Bospor až na asijskou stranu města.

Jako velkoprostorové vozidlo, které není vázáno na koleje, kombinuje CapaCity přednosti autobusu, jako jsou velká flexibilita a vysoká úspornost, s vlastnostmi blízkými tramvaji. Díky efektivnímu řešení z hlediska nákladů, vysoké přepravní kapacitě až 193 cestujících a nízkým nákladům na infrastrukturu se nabízí jako ideální součást nových dopravních systémů BRT.

Tisková informace 18. prosince 2008 Daimler Communications
Daimler receives a major order for 100 more Mercedes-Benz city buses for Istanbul
· Istanbul is expanding its bus transport system to 250 Mercedes-Benz CapaCity buses produced in Mannheim

· Deliveries to commence in the first quarter of 2009

· Mercedes-Benz CapaCity offers efficient solutions for the Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) system in Istanbul

Istanbul/Mannheim – The Turkish transport operator Istanbul Elektrik Tramvay ve Tünel Isletmeleri (IETT) and the Daimler subsidiary EvoBus GmbH have concluded another contract for the supply of 100 Mercedes-Benz CapaCity buses for the city of Istanbul. IETT had already ordered the first 50 CapaCity buses in mid-2007, and a further 100 buses soon followed during the current year. The most recently ordered buses will expand the fleet to 250 Mercedes-Benz CapaCity buses operating in the BRT system next year. Another 500 Mercedes-Benz Citaro solo and articulated buses are also in operation in the region.

The large-capacity Mercedes-Benz CapaCity buses produced in Mannheim operate on specially constructed bus tracks running from the suburb of Avcilar to the inner city of Istanbul. The BRT concept bgegun in 2007 has proved so popular with passengers that the originally 17-kilometre long route has meanwhile been extended to 29 kilometres. The introduction of the Mercedes-Benz CapaCity buses has significantly shortened daily journey times for many passengers, while noticeably relieving traffic congestion in the inner city. A journey that once took 1.5 hours has been shortened to 40 minutes. Today the BRT system carries 530,000 passengers on a daily basis, which means 70,000 to 80,000 fewer individual journeys in the dense traffic of this major Turkish city. Accordingly plans are now being made to extend the BRT line across the Bosporus, to the Asian side of the city.

"The mobility requirements of a metropolis such as Istanbul are enormous. Only an optimal combination between the infrastructure and the vehicle fleet is able to ensure maximum transport capacity, and the BRT system in Istanbul demonstrates this very well", says Holger Suffel, Daimler Buses Vice President Sales, Service & Parts, adding: "We are therefore delighted that IETT has once again decided in our favour, and that 250 Mercedes-Benz CapaCity buses will be in operation on the roads of Istanbul in future."

As a non rail-based, large-capacity vehicle, the CapaCity combines the typical advantages of a bus, for example great flexibility and outstanding economy, with the attributes of a tram. As a highly cost-effective solution thanks to its transport capacity of 193 passengers and low infrastructure costs, it is ideally suitable as a part of innovative BRT systems.

TZ Daimler
Daimler AG in Stuttgart, with its corporate divisions Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Daimler Financial Services, Mercedes-Benz Vans and Daimler Buses, is a leading global supplier of premium passenger cars and the world's largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles. Daimler Financial Services provides a comprehensive range of financial services which includes financing, leasing, insurance and fleet management.
Daimler markets its products in almost all the countries of the world, and has production locations on five continents. The company's founders, Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, wrote history with the invention of the automobile in 1886. As a pioneer in automobile engineering, Daimler sees it as a goal and an obligation to meet its responsibilities towards society and the environment, and to help shape the future for safe and sustainable mobility – with trailblazing technologies and high-quality products. In addition to Mercedes-Benz, the world's most valuable automobile brand, the brand portfolio presently includes smart, AMG, Maybach, Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star, Mitsubishi Fuso, Setra, Orion and Thomas Built Buses. The company is listed on the Frankfurt, New York and Stuttgart stock exchanges (abbreviation DAI). In 2007 the group employed more than 270,000 people and sold 2.1 mill. vehicles. Turnover was 99.4 bill. € and the PBIT was 8.7 bill. €. As a company dedicated to peak performance, Daimler's objective is sustained growth and profitability at the level of the best in the industry.

100 městských autobusů Mercedes-Benz CapaCity pro IETT Istanbul
Prezentace BRT na Best Bus Vienna. Foto BUSportál.