Ze světa: Nizozemští dopravci obnovují vozový park také hybridními autobusy

(CZ + EN) 27 hybridů Volvo pro Arrivu a Dordrecht. VDL: 2 hybridy Citea pro Enschede, 52 Ambassadorů a 10 autobusů Citea pro Connexxion a Zaanstreek a 51 Ambassadorů pro Arrivu a Achterhoek Rivierenland.
(CZ + EN) 27 hybridů Volvo pro Arrivu a Dordrecht. VDL: 2 hybridy Citea pro Enschede, 52 Ambassadorů a 10 autobusů Citea pro Connexxion a Zaanstreek a 51 Ambassadorů pro Arrivu a Achterhoek Rivierenland.
Pokračujeme v "syntetizování" zahraničních materiálů ve vhodném kontextu. Tentokrát se sešly čtyři zprávy na téma nových autobusů pro Nizozemí. Kromě domácího výrobce, skupiny VDL, výrazně zabodovalo s hybridy Volvo, které jsou už ze sériové výroby u Arrivy. Arriva ovšem v jiné dodávce klasických dieselů zůstala věrná domácímu VDL. Obrázek hybridu Volvo jsme vybrali ze záběrů z letošního IAA v Hannoveru, jednalo se od vozidlo německého dopravce. V překladu zprávy silně krátíme, úplné znění je k dispozici v angličtině. Mnoho informací o jednotlivých typech autobusů bylo na BUSportálu už uveřejněno dříve.
Největší zakázka na hybridy Volvo
Dopravce Arriva objednal 27 hybridních autobusů pro nizozemské město Dordrecht. Sériová výroba hybridu Volvo začala před půl rokem a v současnosti obdržela společnost objednávky ne bezmála 200 vozů z různých evropských zemí. Volvo zaznamenalo u hybridu redukci spotřeby až 35 % oproti dieselu.

Nejaktuálnějším objednatelem hybridních autobusů Volvo je Dordrecht, kde chce dopravce Arriva zahájit hybridní dopravu v březnu 2011. 27 autobusů bude dodáno během roku 2011 a začátku roku 2012.

Speciální pozornost bude kladena na design interiéru i exteriéru tak, aby přilákal více cestujících a dále zdůraznil klíčové environmentální aspekty. Arriva uzavřela s Volvo "zlatý kontrakt" - dopravce postupuje výrobci odpovědnost za provoz a opravy za předem určené měsíční náklady. Arriva se rozhodla i na základě zkušeností s hybridy v Londýně.

Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation 16.12.2010
Hybridy Citea z VDL Bus & Coach Citeas pro holandské Enschede
Na začátku prosince 2010 představilo holandské město Enschede dvě hybridní nízkopodlažní 12 m Citey. Od února 2011 budou nasazeny do pravidelného provozu pod heslem "Linka 2 jede zeleně". Informace z provozu budou vyhodnoceny.

Iniciátorem projektu je Regio Twente (oblast na východě Nizozemí) se zastupitelstvem Enschede a dopravcem Connexxion jako partnerem. VDL Bus & Coach, Vossloh Kiepe, University of Twente a konzultační a inženýrská firma DHV jsou připojené smluvní strany.

Vývoj hybridu Citea začal v roce 2009 jako část inovačního programu "The Vehicle of the Future is About to Set Off" holandské vlády. Program byl vytvořen pro rychlejší dosažení inovací pro tichou, čistou, ekonomickou, chytrou a bezpečnou mobilitu na nizozemském trhu.

Z TZ VDL Bus & Coach, 23.12.2010
VDL dodává 62 autobusů dopravci Connexxion
V prosinci 201 dodala společnoat VDL Bus & Coach 62 autobusů pro Connexxion: 52 Ambassadorů a 10 autobusů Citea. Oba typy jsou osazeny motory s emisním limitem EURO 5 a flitrem pro dosažení limitu EEV.

Dvounápravové Ambassadory a třínápravové Citey jsou v provozu od 12. prosince 2010, a poskytují denně služby v koncesní oblasti Zaanstreek (region v provincii North Holland). provoz autobusů zajišťuje Truckland Zaandam (dohoda mezi VDL Bus & Coach, Connexxion a Truckland).

Z TZ VDL Groep
51 Ambassadorů pro Arrivu Nizozemí
Od 12.12.2010 je v pravidelném provozu Arriva Nederland 51 nových Ambassadorů v koncesní oblasti Achterhoek Rivierenland (region na východě Nizozemí). Smlouva o předání byla podepsána 9.12.2010.

Arriva si vybrala 12 m autobusy Ambassador ALE-120 pro celkem 80 cestujících.

Z TZ VDL Groep

Volvo’s largest hybrid bus order to date
Volvo Buses has secured its largest order to date for hybrid buses. Bus operator Arriva has ordered 27 Volvo 7700 Hybrid buses for the city of Dordrecht in the Netherlands.

The introduction takes place in close cooperation with the Province of South Holland, the regional transport authority in the area. South Holland vigurously pursues a policy to implement cleaner public transport.

More cities are now taking steps to reduce energy consumption and thus the environmental impact of public transport by introducing hybrid buses. Volvo Buses commenced serial production of hybrid buses six months ago and in a short time has received orders for nearly 200 hybrid buses for many different European cities.

“By recycling the brake energy in the buses, we are able to significantly reduce fuel consumption and thus also energy consumption and emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide,” says Volvo Buses’ Environmental Manager, Edward Jobson. “We have noted that the reduction generated by the hybrid buses in operation could be as much as 35%.”

The most recent city to introduce Volvo’s hybrid buses is Dordrecht, where bus operator Arriva will commence hybrid traffic in March next year. The 27 buses will be delivered during 2011 and early 2012.

Special attention has been placed on the exterior and interior color scheme, which should attract more passengers and further emphasize the key environmental aspects.

Arriva has also decided to sign a gold contract with Volvo Buses. This means that the operator has assigned Volvo Buses the responsibility for maintenance and all bus repairs for a predetermined monthly cost.

“Arriva chose Volvo for its reliable concept, proven track record with its hybrid buses in London, and Volvo's complete offering,” says Erland Morelissen, Head of Volvo Buses in the Benelux. Volvo’s hybrid bus is a parallel hybrid, where a smaller diesel engine and an electric engine can be operated independently or jointly. The electric engine operates on a battery that is charged by recycling the brake energy.

A major advantage is that the diesel engine switches off at bus stops and the bus starts again using only the electric engine. This creates a quiet and exhaust-free environment at bus stops.

PR Volvo Bus Corporation 16.12.2010
Hybrid VDL Bus & Coach Citeas for the Dutch city of Enschede
At the beginning of December 2010, the Dutch city of Enschede presented two hybrid Citeas. These are Citea buses with a length of 12 metres and a completely flat floor. Starting February 2011 these Citeas will be put in regular service under the banner ‘Line 2 goes green’. Over a period of two years, information will be collected concerning the operational characteristics and achieved sustainability results.

Quiet, clean and economical buses in Twente

The initiators of this public transport project are Regio Twente (Twente is an area in the east of the Netherlands), with the municipality of Enschede and bus company Connexxion as partners. VDL Bus & Coach, Vossloh Kiepe, the University of Twente and consultancy and engineering firm DHV are the joint contractors.

The development of these hybrid Citeas began in 2009 as part of the ‘The Vehicle of the Future is About to Set Off’ innovation programme introduced by the Dutch government. This program was created in order to get innovations for quiet, clean, economical, smart and safe mobility onto the market in the Netherlands faster. The development of two hybrid Citeas fits into this program and makes a contribution to sustainable vehicle innovation.


The development of this new generation of hybrid bus involves making improvements to existing techniques and using new technologies. Objectives include considerable reduction of fuel consumption and CO2, fine particulate and NOx emissions. This can be achieved because the Citeas are electrically driven, with the diesel engine functioning as the generator for the electrical power. In addition, the braking energy is recuperated and the diesel engine only starts up above a certain speed and is turned off when the bus stops. Only the electric motor is used when driving off. Over these parts, this results in 0% emissions, also referred to as zero emission operation. An additional environmentally friendly aspect of this is that far less noise is produced.

PR VDL Bus & Coach, 23 December 2010
VDL delivers 62 buses to Connexxion
In December 2010, VDL Bus & Coach delivered 62 buses to Connexxion: 52 Ambassadors and 10 Citeas. Both types of buses are equipped with a clean EURO 5 engine and an EEV exhaust filter, which reduce the emission of harmful substances such as CO2, NOx, NMHC and fine particulates.

The 2-axle Ambassadors and the 3-axle Citeas have been in operation since 12 December 2010, providing daily service in the Zaanstreek concession area (a region in the Dutch province of North Holland). Truckland Zaandam will provide all maintenance for these buses. This arrangement is established in a service level agreement concluded between VDL Bus & Coach, Connexxion and Truckland.


The Ambassador is a low-floor bus with an innovative, lightweight construction, specially intended for the demanding conditions of city and regional transport. This low empty weight results in very economical fuel consumption, reducing the Ambassador’s exhaust emissions, and thus offering considerable environmental benefits. An additional advantage is that the Ambassador, with its low-floor construction at the entry and exit doors, is optimally accessible for wheelchair users and passengers with baby buggies. The entry door near the driver is extra wide, which makes it even easier to board the bus. Five Ambassadors of the type ALE-106, with a length of 10 metres, have been produced in the Connexxion house style and provide space for 80 passengers, with seating for 31. These buses also include a manually operated wheelchair lift. The other 47 Ambassadors are of type ALE-120, with a length of 12 metres, 14 of which have been finished in the Connexxion house style and 33 in that of the MRA (Metropolitan Region Amsterdam). The Metropolitan Region Amsterdam Net comprises various regional buses that connect Amsterdam to the surrounding areas. The ALE-120 Ambassadors provide space for a total of 80 passengers, with seating for 39.


The ten 3-axle Citeas of type CLE-137 (Low Entry), with a length of 13.7 metres and a capacity of 105 passengers, with seating for 51, all feature the MRA house style. The low floor construction all the way to the rear axle, a high degree of modularity and great manoeuvrability make the Citea CLE suitable for both city and regional transport. The knowledge VDL Bus & Coach has attained through years of experience in the production of lightweight constructions was all put into the development of the Citea range. As a result, the Citea’s weight has been minimized without detracting from the durability, service life or resale value. What’s more, this means that the Citea benefits from the advantages of a low empty weight, including maximum passenger capacity, high fuel efficiency and low maintenance costs. Both the Ambassadors and the Citeas are equipped with air conditioning for the passengers, an onboard computer, OV chip card system, security cameras and 3 TFT information screens. The buses are also fitted with special Xenon headlamps and fog lights. With the 12-metre public transport bus Citea Low Floor (CLF), which like the Citea CLE is part of the complete range of VDL Citea city an regional transport buses, VDL Bus & Coach recently won the prestigious international prize ‘Bus of the Year 2011’. During the ‘Bus Euro Test 2010’ in the Romanian capital Bucharest, the city bus from the Netherlands scored better than the strong international competitors. The members of the jury focussed particularly on the practical usability, the finish, the concept and the efficiency of the participating vehicles.


Passenger transport service provider Connexxion has organized its transport activities in the sectors city and regional public transport by bus, taxi, tram and train, non-public transport such as taxi services, ambulance service and tours and boat transport. Connexxion provides its services under contract with public and private entities. Two-thirds of Connexxion’s shares are in the hands of French company Transdev, one of Europe’s leading public transport companies, and Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten (Dutch Municipal Bank, BNG). The remaining shares will remain in the possession of the Dutch national government until no later than the end of 2012. The alliance Transdev+Connexxion is Europe’s fourth largest private passenger transport company. The company employs more than 14,000 personnel. The Connexxion fleet consists of around 3,500 buses, 200 coaches, more than 3,800 taxis and taxi buses and a number of ambulances, trams, boats and trains.

PR VDL Groep
51 Ambassadors delivered to Arriva Nederland
Since 12 December 2010 Arriva Nederland has 51 brand new Ambassadors in scheduled service within its Achterhoek Rivierenland (a region in the east of the Netherlands) concession area. The delivery agreement was signed on Thursday, 9 December 2010 by Mr Anne Hettinga, managing director Arriva Nederland, and Mr Willem van der Leegte, managing director VDL Bus & Coach Nederland. ‘We have been very pleased with VDL as a bus supplier and with the Ambassador type in particular. VDL makes splendid, lightweight buses with a low step-in height and extremely comfortable seats. Put simply, these buses make travelling pleasant and comfortable. The fact that the passengers are happy, too, is clear from our number one position in the national public transport customer barometer,’ says Hettinga. The order gives the northern Dutch economy a boost of more than €10 million and creates extra jobs.

Innovative lightweight concept

Arriva has chosen the Ambassador ALE-120, with a length of 12 metres, which carries a total of 80 passengers and provides seating for 40. The buses also have a spacious standing area that offers room for wheelchair users and passengers with baby buggies. The Ambassador is a low-floor bus with an innovative, lightweight construction, specially intended for the demanding conditions of city and regional transport. This low empty weight results in very economical fuel consumption, reducing the Ambassador’s exhaust emissions, and thus offering considerable environmental benefits. An additional advantage is that the Ambassador, with its low-floor construction at the entry and exit doors, is optimally accessible for wheelchair users and passengers with baby buggies. The entry door near the driver is extra wide, which makes it even easier to board the bus. For Arriva, the Ambassadors are fitted with a sophisticated climate control system that makes a substantial contribution to the travel comfort. The buses are also equipped with an on-board computer, two TFT displays for optimal provision of information and the OV chip card system.

Arriva Nederland

Arriva Nederland is part of the Arriva group, which is owned by Deutsche Bahn. Arriva is a leading passenger transport operator. With around 38,500 employees, the company is active in 11 European countries. Arriva Nederland provides train and bus service in the Dutch provinces of Groningen, Friesland, Noord-Holland, Overijssel, Gelderland, Noord-Brabant and Zuid-Holland. In addition to train and bus transport, Arriva operates the Waterbus in Zuid-Holland with partner Koninklijke Doeksen. Arriva’s objective is to play an increasingly larger role in passenger transport. The company intends to achieve this through development of innovative transport solutions and by optimising passenger comfort and safety

PR VDL Groep

Ze světa: Nizozemští dopravci obnovují vozový park také hybridními autobusy
Technické vybavení hybridu na střeše je odkryté pro lepší seznámení cestujících s technologií a bude posléze zakryto.
Ze světa: Nizozemští dopravci obnovují vozový park také hybridními autobusy
Dieselový Ambassador a Citea pro Connexxion
Ze světa: Nizozemští dopravci obnovují vozový park také hybridními autobusy
Hybrid volvo ze sériové výroby v barvách dopravce z Německa na IAA 2010 v Hannoveru © BUSportál
Ze světa: Nizozemští dopravci obnovují vozový park také hybridními autobusy
Ambassador pro Arrivu