Zakázka na  240 městských autobusů Volvo pro indického dopravce BMTC Bangalore.

(CZ + EN) Bangalore orders 240 city buses from Volvo.
(CZ + EN) Bangalore orders 240 city buses from Volvo.
Volvo Buses obdrželo zakázku na dalších městských autobusů do indického Bangalore. 70 autobusů Volvo již přesvědčilo mnoho obyvatel k zaparkování automobilů a využití autobusu.

Bangalore je jedním z nejrychleji se rozvíjejících světových měst, což přináší nutnost řešení dopravy. Městský dopravce v Bangalore, Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), se před dvěma léty rozhodl investovat do moderních klimatizovaných autobusů Volvo ke spokojenosti cestujících. BMTC objednala 240 městských autobusů k dodání během roku 2008 a začátkem roku 2009. 40 z těchto autobusů bude nasazeno na trasu mezi centrem a novým letištěm.

Autobusy budou postaveny v závodě Volvo v Bangalore na podvozcích B7RLE s karosérií evropského modelu Volvo 8700 LE s klimatizací a rampou pro vozíčkáře. motor 290 HP bude splňovat emisní normu EURO 3.

Další městské autobusy Volvo byly prodány do Pune, Chennai a Maysore.
TZ, Volvo Bus Corporation, 25.3.2008. Překlad BUSportál. Kompletní v angličtině.

Volvo slavnostně otevřelo nový závod v indickém Bangalore.
První městské autobusy Volvo pro dopravce v Indii.

Bangalore orders 240 city buses from Volvo.
Volvo Buses has received an order for an additional 240 city buses to Bangalore, India. The 70 Volvo buses already in traffic in the city have enticed many inhabitants to park their cars and take the bus instead.

Many global companies have chosen to start operations in Bangalore, which today is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. This provides many advantages for the city, but is has also resulted in a highly congested traffic situation. One way to improve the traffic situation is to entice the inhabitants to leave their cars and two-wheelers at home and take the bus instead.

Bangalore’s city bus operator, Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), decided two years ago to invest in modern, air-conditioned city buses from Volvo and the experiences have been highly favorable.

“Passengers are very satisfied with the comfort provided by the Volvo buses,” says Upendra Tripathy, Managing Director of BMTC.

Half of the passengers in the Volvo buses previously traveled by car or two-wheelers, but have now chosen to ride the bus instead. As a result of the favorable experiences, BMTC has now placed an order for an additional 240 city buses from Volvo for delivery during 2008 and the beginning of 2009. 40 of the buses will be placed in traffic between the city center and the new airport. The remainder will operate on various routes in Bangalore.

The buses will be built in Volvo’s plant in Bangalore. Precisely as previously, the chassis will be produced in the joint plant with Volvo Trucks and the bodies in Volvo’s new body plant that was inaugurated at the end of January.

Volvo’s city bus in India is built on the B7RLE chassis and the body is designed after the Volvo 8700 European model. It features low entry, a wheelchair ramp and air conditioning. The 290-hp engine meets the Euro III emission standard.

“BMTC’s decision after two years of testing to now make a larger investment is an important step in our company’s development,” says Akash Passey, Managing Director Volvo Bus Body Technologies India. “Currently, we are the market leader with regard to luxury, air-conditioned inter-city buses and we are now also making a major advance in the city bus segment.” “In addition to Bangalore, we have sold city buses to Pune, Chennai and Maysore. When we now have opened our own body plant, we have all the possibilities to grow, in India as well as on export markets.”
Press Information, Volvo Bus Corporation, March 25, 2008