Z VDL: Citey do Belgie a Ambassadory do Nizozemí
Nahoře Ambassador a dole Citea

(CZ + EN) (217 Citeas for TEC. Syntus chooses VDL Ambassador again.)
(CZ + EN) (217 Citeas for TEC. Syntus chooses VDL Ambassador again.)
(Pozn. BUSportálu: VDL Bus & Coach zahrnuje několik původně samostatných karosářů z oblasti Beneluxu. Je možno pozorovat potlačení původních značek a uvádění pouze jednotlivých typů autobusů. Upřesňujeme, že Ambassador je z dílny Berkhofu a Citea z dílny Jonckheere.)
VDL Bus & Coach získalo objednávku na 217 autobusů Citea od belgického dopravce TEC. Ta navazuje na objednávku na 125 Transitů v roce 2008. Jedná se o plněnízkopodlažní typ 12 M Citea CLF. Vozy jsou osazeny motory EURO 5 EEV. Dodávky budou rozděleny na 123 jednotek v roce 2011 a 66 v roce 2012.

Citea CLF má vysoký stupeň modularity a dobrou manévrovatelnost. Vozy mají troje dvoukřídlé dveře, 26+1 sedadel a 72 míst pro stojící cestující. TEC je bude využívat ve čtyřech městech/regionech: Charleroi, Namur-Luxembourg, Liège-Verviers a Hainaut. Objednávka pro TEC je první velká objednávka na Citey v Evropě. V roce 2008 VDL obdržela již obří objednávku na 518 autobusů Citea z dubajského RTA (Roads and Transport Authority).
TEC, ‘Transport En Commun’, tvoří pět dopravců v belgickém Valonsku: TEC Brabant Wallon, TEC Charleroi, TEC Hainaut, TEC Liège-Verviers a TEC Namur-Luxembourg. Ty náležejí mateřské společnosti Walloon Regional Transport Company, Société Régionale Wallonne du Transport (S.R.W.T.)

Holandský dopravce Syntus objednal od VDL 106 Ambassadorů. 12 m vozy typu Ambassador ALE jsou s motory EURO 5 EEV. 26 podobných, ale s horšími emisními limity, bylo dodáno dopravci Syntus v roce 2009. Nové budou dodány v srpnu 2010.

Syntus získal následně koncesi v holandské provincii Overijssel pro region Midden-Overijssel, zahrnující městskou dopravu ve Zwolle a Deventeru. Dodávka 106 Ambassadorů sestává z 52 městských a 54 regionálních busů typu LE. Liší se v počtu sedadel.Počet Ambassadorů v provozu v Nizozemí narostl tak od jejich uvedení na trh v roce 2001 na 2100.
Syntus B.V. poskytuje veřejnou autobusovou a železniční dopravu v regionu Achterhoek a Twente a také železniční službu mezi Tielem a Arnhemem. Od srpna 2010 se přidá autobusová obsluha Midden- Overijssel a ve hře jsou další výběrová řízení. Syntus je dceřiná společnost NS Groep (Dutch Railways) a Keolis.
Z TZ VDL Bus & Coach. Kompletní v angličtině.

217 Citeas for TEC
VDL Bus & Coach has received a major order for 217 Citeas from the Belgian passenger transport company TEC. This order follows the one for 125 Transits that TEC placed with VDL Bus & Coach in 2008. These are Citea CLF type city buses that are 12 metres in length. The vehicles are fitted with a clean Euro 5 engine and an EEV exhaust filter, making for a sharp reduction in emissions of CO2, NOx, NHMC and particulate matter. In 2010 28 vehicles are to be supplied, followed by 123 units in 2011, and in 2012 the final 66 will be delivered.

In the Citea CLF TEC has chosen an excellent city bus. A completely flat floor, high degree of modularity, compact dimensions and good manoeuvrability make the Citea suitable for any application. The Citeas for TEC are fitted with three double entrance doors and have 26+1 seats and standing room for 72. TEC is planning to use the Citeas in four cities/regions: Charleroi, Namur-Luxembourg, Liège-Verviers and Hainaut. The order for TEC is the first large order for Citeas in Europe. In 2008 VDL Bus & Coach had already received a mega order consisting of 518 Citeas from RTA (Roads and Transport Authority) in Dubai.
TEC, or ‘Transport En Commun’, is made up of five public transport companies that operate on the territory of the Walloon Region in Belgium: TEC Brabant Wallon, TEC Charleroi, TEC Hainaut, TEC Liège-Verviers and TEC Namur-Luxembourg. These five entities belong to a parent company, the Walloon Regional Transport Company, Société Régionale Wallonne du Transport (S.R.W.T.), which is in charge of the strategic and sales management.

Syntus chooses VDL Ambassador again
The Dutch public transport company Syntus has placed an order with VDL Bus & Coach for no fewer than 106 Ambassadors. All the Ambassadors are of type ALE 120, with a length of 12 metres, equipped with a Euro 5 engine that meets the EEV exhaust emission standard. VDL Bus & Coach previously delivered 26 similar Ambassadors to Syntus in 2009. The 106 Ambassadors for this new, larger, followup order will be delivered in August 2010. Unique to this new fleet of vehicles is the reduction of the NOx emissions. To be more precise, it is less than 1 g/(kW·h). This exceptionally low level will be achieved using the latest developments in engine innovation.

Following a tense competition, Syntus has won the concession in the Dutch province of Overijssel for the region Midden-Overijssel, including the city transport in Zwolle and Deventer. The total order of 106 Ambassadors for Overijssel consists of 52 city buses and 54 regional buses. The Ambassadors constructed as city buses have seating for 32 in a 2+1 configuration, 2 folding seats and standing room for 46. The regional version has seating for 35 in a 2+2 configuration, 2 folding seats and standing room for 43. The Ambassador is an exceptionally energy-efficient, lightweight bus specially designed for comfortable transport of passengers in the public transport sector. Due to the ‘Low Entry’ construction at the entrance and exits, the bus provides optimal accessibility for wheelchair users and passengers with baby buggies. Since the introduction of the Ambassador in 2001, the number of Ambassadors in service in the Netherlands has grown to around 2100.

Ambassadors configured as regional buses are equipped with fold-away tables and electrical outlets to provide passengers with optimal service. The outlets can be used for powering laptops or charging mobile phones and the driver has the ability to switch the power on and off as desired. This extra feature is unique for a public transport bus.
Syntus B.V. provides the public bus and train service in the Achterhoek (a region in the east of the Netherlands) and a portion of Twente (a region in the east of the Netherlands) as well as the rail service between the Dutch cities of Tiel and Arnhem. Beginning in August of 2010, the company will also begin providing the bus service in Midden- Overijssel. Also recently announced was that the Veluwe (a region in the Dutch province of Gelderland) concession has been provisionally awarded to Syntus. Syntus has the ambition to win more train and bus concessions in the Netherlands. Syntus is a public transport company that places great importance on regional involvement and interconnectivity of various types of transport. Via personal and made to measure service, passengers are helped along their way throughout the entire journey. The vision is proving successful both in the current transport regions and in the bids for new concessions. Syntus is a joint daughter company of the NS Groep (Dutch Railways) and Keolis, an internationally operating passenger transport company based in France
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