Z EURO BUS EXPO Birmingham. (CZ + EN)

V Británii proběhla rozsáhlá výstava autobusů 7.-9.11.2006.
V Británii proběhla rozsáhlá výstava autobusů 7.-9.11.2006.

Euro Bus Expo 2006

Birmingham 10.11.2006 - Euro Bus Expo 2006 překonalo desetitisícovou hranici návštěvnosti.
  • 10,190 návštěvníků z 51 zemí
  • Přes 1000 zahraníčních
  • 250 vystavovatelů z 30 zemí
  • 150 vozidel
  • 70% prostoru již rezervováno pro "Coach and Bus Live 2007"

Klčovým aspektem výstavy jsou kladné odezvy návštěvníků a vystavovatelů, kteří se chystají i na následující Euro Bus Expo 2008.

Euro Bus Expo 2006 se konalo od 7. do 9.11. 2006 v National Exhibition Centre (NEC) v britském Birminghamu spolu s výstavou Transport Innovations. Euro Bus Expo bylo pořádáno jako část joint venture Confederation of Passenger Transport UK (CPT) a Expo Management Ltd. Euro Bus Expo se koná v sudých letech - příští bude 4-6.11. 2008.

Vybráno z TZ www.eurobusxpo.com. Více v angličtině.

Euro Bus Expo 2006

Birmingham 10.11.2006 - Euro Bus Expo 2006 breaks through the 10,000 attendance barrier, reflecting the huge interest in this years long awaited leading trade show.
  • Attendance figure of 10,190 (subject to audit)
  • International visitors from 51 countries (an increase of 38% from Coach & Bus 2003)
  • Over 1000 international attendees (increase of 30%)
  • 250 exhibitors from 30 countries
  • 70% of space has been booked already for Coach and Bus Live 2007
Euro Bus Expo closed on a high note November 9th after three days of record-breaking crowds, stunning displays of over 150 vehicles and exhibitors expressing their delight at the new business they have generated, announced the organisers of EBE 2006 at the Birmingham NEC.

With an impressive rise in attendance figures, covering every category, it confirmed EBE as the European meeting place for the dedicated Bus and Coach industry.

This new look event combined with Transport Innovations 2006 saw a significant increase in numbers with over 10,000 attending. As well as a huge influx from Europe, visitors came from all parts of the world, 51 counties in total, including Australia, Japan and the United States.

Early indications from the show floor indicated a unanimous upbeat mood among both exhibitors and Visitors. Representatives from across the wide spectrum of exhibitors expressed their satisfaction at the number of sales achieved and leads gained. EBE 2006 was seen as the best platform by far for them to be able to showcase their vehicles and products and network with industry professionals.

Mark Griffin, Show Director for Euro Bus Expo comments: ”We are delighted with the unparalleled interest in EBE from the European and worldwide industry which has been totally driven by the remarkable number of manufacturers and suppliers who have used EBE as the platform to launch new vehicles and products. I am very proud of what has been achieved here at this show.”

A key aspect of the show was the positive response from the visitors and Exhibitors alike. Many of the exhibitors were firm in the opinion that they would definitely be returning for the next edition of Euro Bus Expo in 2008.

Plans are already well advanced to organise the next show, which will return to the Birmingham NEC in 2008 with provisional booking made for 2010. “Building on the success of this year’s show and the need for a central European hub to support EBE as it continues to grow at an increasing rate, we needed a venue which has accessibility, support and location as key factors, hence why we are staying in Birmingham” explained Mark Griffin.

Griffin paid tribute and expressed his thanks to the total and unwavering support given to the show by CPT and the exhibitors.

“The success of this event is largely down to the commitment and drive by the manufacturers and suppliers who see Europe as one of the most vibrant and growing markets. Their support and co-operation in marketing the show to new and existing clients was one of the key factors in the success of EBE.”

Griffin concluded: “Improving on this years show to deliver EBE 2008 is going to be a real challenge. However, we are riding high on the success of this show. We thrive on such a challenge and with the dedicated support of CPT and our exhibitors, we will build on this show to deliver to the industry, an outstanding event in 2008.”

Complete 2006 audited attendance and demographic show statistics will be available in December.
Euro Bus Expo 2006 took place on Tuesday 7th,Wednesday, 8th and Thursday 9th November 2006 at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham, United Kingdom, with Transport Innovations, which took place in hall 4 at the same venue and same dates. Euro Bus Expo was organised as part of a joint venture between the Confederation of Passenger Transport UK and Expo Management Ltd. The Confederation of Passenger Transport UK (CPT) is the voice of the road passenger transport industry in the UK, representing bus, coach and light rail operators. Euro Bus Expo will be staged in alternate even numbered years and the next show will take place at the Birmingham NEC on 4th – 6th November 2008.

PRESS INFORMATION www.eurobusxpo.com

Z EURO BUS EXPO Birmingham. (CZ + EN)
Z EURO BUS EXPO Birmingham. (CZ + EN)
Z EURO BUS EXPO Birmingham. (CZ + EN)
Z EURO BUS EXPO Birmingham. (CZ + EN)
Z EURO BUS EXPO Birmingham. (CZ + EN)