Vývojová politika pro veřejné dopravní trolejbusové podsystémy. Publikaci v angličtině avizuje UITP.
Vývojová politika pro veřejné dopravní trolejbusové podsystémy. Publikaci v angličtině avizuje UITP.
- Published: October 2007
- Format: brochure - Full colour - 12 pages
- Contents: www.uitp.org/publications/index2.cfm?id=1
- Order Online: www.uitp.org/publications/index2.cfm?id=1
The trolleybus brochure presents development policies for public transport trolleybus systems. With the entrance of the new European states into the Union, the EU-27 + Switzerland have more than 100 towns where trolleybus lines are operated: on a worldwide scale the total number of towns is estimated at around 360. The advantages of this clean and silent mode of public transportation are presented in relation to modern town strategies such as sustainable development and quality of life in cities.