Velká objednávka pro Volvo z Kanady.

(CZ + EN). 410 městských autobusů Nova LFS pro Montreal. (Major order for Volvo Buses in Canada.)
(CZ + EN). 410 městských autobusů Nova LFS pro Montreal. (Major order for Volvo Buses in Canada.)
Nova Bus, dceřiná společnost Volvo Buses, obdržela objednávku na 410 městských autobusů pro kanadský Montreal. Dodávky budou probíhat přes 3 roky a začnou letos.

Montrealský dopravce STM se rozhodl pokračovat s využitím městských autobusů Nova LFS. 410 autobusů nahradí vozidla, která byla v provozu od roku 1996. Poslední objednávka zahrnuje kloubové i 12 m vozy.

Model Nova LFS je s nerezovým skeletem, částicovým filtrem, přístupovou rampou a kamerovým systémem.

Nova Bus má dva závody v Kanadě a nový závod v Plattsburghu ve státě New York v USA, kde začala výroba letos.

Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation February 17, 2009
Major order for Volvo Buses in Canada
Volvo Buses’ subsidiary Nova Bus has received an order for 410 city buses to Montreal in Canada. The order is valued at SEK 1.3 billion and deliveries will be made over three years beginning in 2009.

The city transit corporation in Montreal, STM, has decided to continue to operate with the Nova LFS city bus model. The 410 buses will replace the Nova buses that have been in traffic since 1996. According to Mr. Gilles Dion, Nova Bus President and CEO, this latest agreement is the fruit of a long-term partnership aimed at providing products that meet STM’s requirements and expectations. “We listen to key partners, such as STM, to be able to contribute to their success. Our goals are shared and we combine efforts to generate win-win situations for all parties, including passengers.” This latest order complements earlier order STM already placed with Nova Bus to increase its service in Montreal. It involves articulated as well as the regular 12-meter buses. During the next three years, Nova Bus will deliver a total of 214 buses during 2009, 427 buses in 2010 and 317 buses in 2011 to STM.

The Nova LFS model in this round of orders from STM benefits from technological advances that enhance vehicle performance and reliability. Among the offered transportation solutions, these new Nova LFS buses feature a stainless steel structure, a particulate filter that reduces emissions, a front-door access ramp for mobility impaired passengers and a safety camera system.

Nova Bus has two plants in Canada and a new plant in Plattsburgh, New York in the US, where production starts up this year.

PR Volvo Bus Corporation February 17, 2009

Velká objednávka pro Volvo z Kanady.