VDL: Jubilejní stý autobus  Ambassador  ALE do Německa
Gerhard Meuer z VDL Bus & Coach Deutschland předal bus Uwe H. Krausovi, řediteli Südhessen Bus GmbH,

(CZ + EN) pro Südhessen Bus. (100th Ambassador in Germany)
(CZ + EN) pro Südhessen Bus. (100th Ambassador in Germany)
100. autobus Ambassador pro německý trh byl oficielně předán 13.12.2009 dopravci Südhessen Bus GmbH., kte¨rý v roce 2009 zakoupil 12 těchto vozů. Jubilejní autobus je nasazen na lince v Hanau.

12 Ambassadorů pro Südhessen Bus v roce 2009 jsou vozy typu ALE 120-225 12 m. Autobusy mají 40 sedadel, 2 sklopná / nebo místo pro vozík a 40 míst pro stojící. Jedná se o koncept lehkého vozu bezbariérového typu Low Entry pro městskou a regionální dopravu.
Společnost Südhessen Bus byla založena v roce 2001 a je spojena s Hessen Bus a Offenbach Traffic. S 12 Ambassadory se celkový počet Ambassadorů u společnosti zvýšil na 23.
Z TZ VDL Bus & Coach bv Valkenswaard, 14.1.2010
100th Ambassador in Germany
The 100th Ambassador for the German market was officially handed over to the Südhessen Bus GmbH on December 13th, 2009. Gerhard Meuer, agent for VDL Bus & Coach Deutschland, handed this special bus over to Mr. Uwe H. Kraus, director of the Südhessen Bus GmbH, the company that purchased no less than 12 Ambassadors in 2009. The 100th Ambassador in Germany has been operational on the Südhessen bus line in the city of Hanau since December 13th, 2009.

The 12 Ambassadors that were purchased by Südhessen Bus in 2009 are all of the ALE 120-225 type, with a length of 12 metres. The vehicles have a total of 40 seats, 2 (folding) tip-up seats or 1 wheelchair place, and 40 standing places. With the Ambassador, this German company opted for the innovative lightweight concept of a low-entry bus, particularly suitable for the difficult conditions in city and regional transport. The low empty weight results in a very favourable fuel consumption. An additional advantage is that the entrance and exit doors of the Ambassador are easily accessible for wheelchair users and passengers with baby carriages due to the low-floor construction.
Südhessen Bus was founded in 2001, and is a joint company of the Hessen Bus Companies and the Offenbach Traffic Companies. Thanks to this cooperation, the participating private companies are able to benefit from several advantages, including improved use of their vehicles, the exchange of know-how with the other companies in the area of management, and, thanks to the more extensive bus line network, the option of participation in invitations to tender issued by public companies. The delivery of the 12 Ambassadors brings the total number of Ambassadors in this company to 23.
PR VDL Bus & Coach bv Valkenswaard, January 14th, 2010

VDL: Jubilejní stý autobus  Ambassador  ALE do Německa
VDL: Jubilejní stý autobus  Ambassador  ALE do Německa