VDL Bus & Coach na IAA 2008.

(CZ + EN). Ve světové premiéře se představí nová varianta autobusu Citea - seminízkopodlažní CLE 120 a první BOVA Futura EURO 5 + EEV.
(CZ + EN). Ve světové premiéře se představí nová varianta autobusu Citea - seminízkopodlažní CLE 120 a první BOVA Futura EURO 5 + EEV.
VDL Bus & Coach představí druhý model nové generace autobusů pro věřejnou dopravu Citea CLE 120 . Seminízkopodlažní Citea Low Entry pro regionální dopravu následuje po plně nízkopodlažním autobusu Citea Low Floor. 10,000. Bova Futura bude dodána letos na podzim. Na IAA se představí první Futura splňující emisní limit EEV s motorem DAF PR 265 S2 EURO 5 a částicovým filtrem pro EEV. Úspěšnými výrobky jsou i autobusy Ambassador, kterých bylo dodáno v roce 2008 už 500, celkem 2000. Tyto a další vozy z portfolia VDL včetně na Slovensku vyráběného midibiusu Picardie představí VDL v hale 11 v expozici B35 a na venkovní ploše.
Eindhoven, 30.7. 2008
VDL Bus & Coach bv
TZ včetně podrobného výčtu exponátů kompletní v angličtině.
World première for VDL Bus & Coach at IAA 2008 VDL Bus & Coach is to launch the Citea CLE 120 during IAA 2008 in Hanover. This is the second model in the new generation of VDL Bus & Coach public transport buses. Last year the Citea CLF, a city bus with a completely flat floor, was presented. This is now followed by the Citea CLE, a low-entry regional bus.

10,000th Futura in EEV version

The 10,000th Futura is to be delivered in the autumn of 2008. This is another significant milestone in the history of the Futura and a unique achievement in the coach world, because it is seldom that so many of a single model are made. Thanks to its low unloaded weight, the Futura is synonymous with fuel efficiency, which is proving to be of significant importance within the current economic climate. At IAA 2008 the first EEV-version Futura will be shown. Equipped with the Euro 5 DAF PR 265 S2 engine and EEV exhaust filter. This represents even more advantages for the coach owner and the environment, because now extremely economical fuel consumption is combined with a considerable reduction in emissions of CO2, NOx, NHMC and particulate matter.

2000th Ambassador

Another exceptionally successful bus in VDL Bus & Coach’s product range is the Ambassador. In 2008 a record 500 units were delivered. Including the 2000th! Like the Futura, the Ambassador is characterised by a low unladen weight, making for considerable fuel savings. In addition, the low-floor design at the entrance and exit doors has made a substantial contribution to this bus’s success, since this feature gives rise to important comfort advantages, such as accessibility for wheelchair users and passengers with prams.

Hall 11 – Stand B35

At its stand (Hall 11 – Stand B35) and on the outdoor site (F.EA-S82 + F.EA-S86), VDL Bus & Coach will display a large number of products from its entire product range.

In Hall 11 at Stand B35, the following VDL Bus & Coach products will be on display:

• Synergy SDD 141-510: an economical, versatile double-decker with a length of 14.1 metres and an 81+2+1 seating layout. Equipped with the Euro 5 DAF MX 375 S2 engine and ZF AS Tronic.

• Jonckheere JSD 140-460: a coach with an extremely attractive design, belonging to the premium class of VDL Bus & Coach’s range of coaches. The JSD 140-460 has a length of 13.9 metres, a 59+1+1 seating layout and is equipped with the Euro 5 DAF MX 340 S2 engine.

• Magiq MHD 139-460: a coach with a unique character, impressive engine performance and optimal comfort for driver and guide. The MHD 139-460 has a length of 13.9 metres, a 57+1+1 seating layout and is equipped with the Euro 5 DAF MX 340 S2 engine and ZF AS Tronic.

• Futura FHD 127-365: VDL Bus & Coach’s evergreen, multifunctional and particularly renowned for its low unladen weight. The FHD 127-365, with a length of 12.7 metres, is the best-selling of the Futuras. The stand will have on display the 10,000th one with a 48+1+1 seating layout, equipped with the Euro 5 DAF PR 265 S2 engine with an EEV exhaust filter and ZF AS Tronic.

• Axial ASD 120-410: a luxury coach known for its very low maintenance costs and particularly economical fuel consumption. On display will be the 12-metre variant with a 49+1+1 seating layout, constructed on the SB 4000+ MX chassis module and equipped with the Euro 5 DAF MX 300 S2 engine and ZF AS Tronic.

• Citea CLE 120-310: VDL Bus & Coach’s new regional bus with a length of 12 metres, a 39+2+1 seating layout and equipped with the DAF PR 228 U1 Euro 5 engine with an EEV exhaust filter.

• Citea CLF 120-250: a city bus with a length of 12 metres, equipped with the clean EEV Cummins ISBe5 250 engine, with a 28+1 seating layout and standing room for 79. A completely flat floor, high degree of modularity, compact dimensions and good manoeuvrability make the Citea suitable for any application.

• Ambassador ALE 120-225: an innovative, lightweight version of the low-floor bus, specially designed for the demanding conditions of city and regional transport. Displayed in the 12- metre variant, equipped with the EEV Cummins ISBe5 225 engine. With a 40+2+1 seating layout and standing room for 40.

• Picardie PLD 87-180: a luxury midi bus with a length of 8.7 metres, combining 29 seats with a luggage area of 4 m3. Also equipped with all facilities such as kitchen, refrigerator, video, etc.

• MidEuro MLD 73-150: a versatile and top-quality mini bus with a length of 7.3 metres and equipped with 19 luxury passenger seats. The vehicle can be equipped with a large luggage area, air conditioning, sleeper seats, DVD system, etc. Making it eminently suited for luxury journeys with small groups.

• MidCity MLF 69-150: a mini public transport bus with a length of 6.9 metres. Can hold up to 22 passengers, both seated and standing. By combining the low floor construction with a longer wheelbase, even more standing room or more space for wheelchairs can be created. Thanks in part to the FutureFix system, seats (and wheelchairs) can be placed in variable positions in the low floor section. The variant with a 700-mm-longer wheelbase will be shown on VDL Bus & Coach’s stand.

The following VDL Bus & Coach products will be among those shown on the outdoor site (F.EA-S82 + F.EA-S86):

• Futura FHD 104-365: the 10.4-metre variant, with a 34+1+1 seating layout, equipped with the Euro 4 DAF PR 265 S1 engine and the GO-170 SGS gearbox.

• Futura FHD 127-365: the Futura on the outdoor site has a 49+1+1 seating layout and is equipped with the Euro 5 DAF PR 265 S2 engine and the GO-170 SGS gearbox.

• Phileas: A high-quality public transport system that combines the positive aspects of a tram or metro with the flexibility and low costs of ownership of a bus system. The Phileas can best be compared to a tram on tyres with virtual rails. Equipped with a parallel hybrid drive. Quiet, high carrying capacity, safe, flexible, environmentally friendly and with a futuristic appearance, the Phileas heralds a new generation of trams. Thanks to the ease and speed with which the economically attractive Phileas vehicle can be deployed, it provides the longterm solution for ongoing mobility in the city. This makes it possible for local authorities and public transport operators to run a tram at an acceptable price.

Eindhoven, 30 July 2008, VDL Bus & Coach

VDL Bus & Coach na IAA 2008.
Citea CLF.
VDL Bus & Coach na IAA 2008.
Futura FHD.
VDL Bus & Coach na IAA 2008.