VDL Bus & Coach:  70 nových vozů Citea pro  GVB Amsterdam
Jan Mooren (VDL Groep), Adrie Bolier (GVB), Erwin Brakenhof (GVB), Willem van der Leegte (VDL Bus & Coach Nederland) a Pieter Schotte (GVB)

(CZ + EN) (70 new VDL buses for GVB Amsterdam)
(CZ + EN) (70 new VDL buses for GVB Amsterdam)
14.4.2011 podepsali zástupci dopravce GVB Amsterdam a VDL Bus & Coach Nederland kontrakt na 70 městských nízkopodlažních autobusů s emisní třídou EEV. První autobusy přijedou do Amsterdamu v červenci. Citea SLF (Low Floor) je plněnízkopodlažní 12 m vůz se třemi dveřmi pro 31 sedících a 60 stojících s prostorem pro invalidní vozík. Vozidlo je nositelem ocenění ‘Bus of the Year 2011’ .

GVB je dopravce s 4000 zaměstnanci zajišťující veřejnou dopravu obsluhující 800000 cestujících denně metrem, tramvajemi, autobusem a přívozy. Dopravce provozuje veřejnou dopravu v rámci kontraktu s City Region of Amsterdam.

Z TZ VDL Bus & Coach. Kompletní v angličtině.
70 new VDL buses for GVB Amsterdam
On Thursday, 14 April 2011, the management of GVB, the public transport company of Amsterdam, and the management of VDL Bus & Coach Nederland bv signed the sales contract for 70 new city buses. The vehicles purchased by the Amsterdam public transport company are VDL Citea city buses with a continuous low floor, equipped with clean EEV diesel engines. This results in a substantial reduction of CO2, NOx, NMHC and fine particulate emissions. The first buses will arrive in Amsterdam in July.

Continuous development

GVB continuously strives to improve the quality of its service and further develop its products. So in the tender process for new equipment they were not just looking for a good balance between the kilometre price and the quality but also at the technical possibilities and compatibility with the public transport network in the capital city. VDL was chosen as the best all-round partner for the collaboration.

Citea SLF-120

The Citea SLF (Low Floor), with its completely flat floor, is the ideal city bus. This low floor construction makes it exceptionally easy to enter the bus and offers optimal access, for travellers with a baby buggy or wheelchair for example. This Citea bus is 12 metres long and has 3 entry doors. In total, the vehicles have 31 passenger seats, around 60 standing places and 1 wheelchair space. During the design of this bus, the highest priority was placed on the safety and comfort of the traveller and driver. The Citea also provides a very ergonomic and comfortable driver’s area. With the Citea line, VDL offers a comprehensive range of city and regional buses. The Low Floor version in this range has won the prestigious international ‘Bus of the Year 2011’ prize. During the ‘Bus Euro Test 2010’ in the Romanian capital Bucharest, the Dutch city bus scored better than the strong international competitors. The members of the jury focussed particularly on the practical usability, the finish, the concept and the efficiency of the participating vehicles.

Buses in scheduled service

The first buses will arrive in Amsterdam at the end of July, and they will be put in scheduled service at the beginning of August. The remaining 60 buses will be put in regular service in the months thereafter.


GVB is the public transport company of Amsterdam and serves around 800,000 travellers per day who make use of the metro, tram, bus or ferry. The quality focus of GVB’s 4,000 employees is public transport that is safe, on time, clean and customer-friendly. GVB operates the public transport in Amsterdam under contract with the City Region of Amsterdam.

PR VDL Bus & Coach