VDL Bus & Coach: 56 autobusů Citea LLE pro dopravce Nobina ve Finsku

(CZ + EN) (56 Citea LLEs for Nobina in Finland delivered)
(CZ + EN) (56 Citea LLEs for Nobina in Finland delivered)
Začátkem srpna 2012 nizozemská společnost VDL Bus & Coach dodala 56 LLE (Light Low Entry) autobusů Citea pro veřejnou dopravu společnosti Nobina ve Finsku. Finland. Jedná se o největší zakázku na finském trhu v historii VDL. Je určena pro Helsinky. V běžném provozu v Helsinkách se model Citea LLE objevil 13.8.2012.

Citea LLE je inovativní lehký koncept autobusu LE (low-entry), spoecielně navržený pro městský a meziměstský provoz.
Nobina Group je stoletá skupina s lokací ve Finsku, Švédsku, Norsku a Dánsku s flotilou celkem okolo 3500 autobusů a asi 7600 zaměstnanci. Zajišťuje veřejnou dopravu ve Skandinávii pro okolo 280 milionů cestujících ročně.
Z TZ VDL Bus & Coach, Valkenswaard, 23.8.2012. Kompletní v angličtině.
56 Citea LLEs for Nobina in Finland delivered
Beginning of August 2012 VDL Bus & Coach has delivered 56 type LLE (Light Low Entry) Citeas to passenger transport company Nobina in Finland. This order, that has been signed beginning of this year, is the largest in the history of VDL Bus & Coach for the Finnish market. The LLE-model Citea has been put in service in the capital area of Helsinki on August 13.

The Citea LLE is an innovative light weight, low-entry bus concept, especially designed for the demanding conditions of city and intercity transport. The innovative manner in which these models are constructed has resulted in a very light weight bus, offering a number of major benefits, which include significantly lower fuel consumption compared to conventional buses, reduced CO2 emissions and lower maintenance costs. The low-floor construction at the entry and exit doors ensures the best possible accessibility for wheelchair users and passengers with baby buggies. Accessibility has been further enhanced through the elimination of steps between the entry and exit. The Citeas for Nobina have a length of 12 metres, are equipped with a Euro 5 engine featuring EEV (Enhanced Environmentally-friendly Vehicle) technology, 39+4+1 seats and room for around 40 standees. All the buses will be used for public transport in Helsinki.

“All 56 buses have been delivered well in time for our start of operation. We are very pleased to use the VDL´s light low entry concept in the Helsinki region. The Citea LLE shall contribute to a better cost of operation for Nobina and at the same time the product is beneficial for the environment due to its low fuel consumption”, according to Juha Ketola, Technical Director Nobina Finland.
The Nobina Group, with locations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, celebrated its 100- year jubilee last year. In total, the Nobina Group has a fleet of some 3,500 buses and employs around 7,600 people. The company provides public transport services in Scandinavia at both the regional and interregional level. Nobina transports around 280 million passengers per year. Nobina Finland provides public transport in the Greater Helsinki Region.
PR VDL Bus & Coach, Valkenswaard, 23 August 2012

VDL Bus & Coach: 56 autobusů Citea LLE pro dopravce Nobina ve Finsku
VDL Bus & Coach: 56 autobusů Citea LLE pro dopravce Nobina ve Finsku
VDL Bus & Coach: 56 autobusů Citea LLE pro dopravce Nobina ve Finsku