VDL Bus & Coach: 2000. autobus Ambassador - 1000. pro Conexxion.

(CZ + EN) 2,000th Ambassador and delivery of the 1,000th Ambassador to Connexxion
(CZ + EN) 2,000th Ambassador and delivery of the 1,000th Ambassador to Connexxion
Společnost VDL Bus & Coach dodala koncem roku 2008 1000. autobus Ambassador dopravci Conexxion. současně společnost dosáhla 2000. vyrobeného Ambassadoru - ten byl také dodán Conexxionu. Oba autobusy byly součástí objednávky Conexxionu na 355 Ambassadorů .

První série autobusů Ambassador byla dodána v srpnu 2002. Úspěch Ambassadoru vychází z nízkoenergetického konceptu lehkého vozu, orientovaného na veřejnou dopravu. Autobus má nízkopodlažní konstrukci a bezbariérový přístup.
Dopravce Connexxion dělí svoje aktivity mezi veřejnou dopravu, taxi, zájezdouvou dopravu a vodní sektor. Společnost má přes 14000 zaměstnanců , 3500 autobusů, 3800 taxi a taxibusů a mnoho ambulancí, tramvají a valků.
TZ VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach Nederland bv, Eindhoven, 21 January 2009
2,000th Ambassador and delivery of the 1,000th Ambassador to Connexxion
VDL Bus & Coach delivered the 1,000th Ambassador to the Connexxion public transport company at the end of 2008. VDL Bus & Coach also reached a second milestone last year when the 2,000th Ambassador rolled off the factory line. This special bus was also delivered to Connexxion. Both buses were part of the order placed by Connexxion in 2008 for 355 Ambassadors from VDL Bus & Coach, which has been completely delivered in the meantime.

The first series of Ambassadors was delivered in August 2002. The success of the Ambassador is mainly due to the low-energy and lightweight concept, specially oriented towards the comfortable transportation of public transport passengers. Thanks to the lowfloor construction of the entrance and exit doors, the bus is also easily accessible for disabled passengers.
The public transport service provider Connexxion has divided its transport activities into the public transport, taxi services, tours and water sectors. The company has more than 14,000 employees, and its fleet consists of no less than 3,500 buses, 200 coaches, more than 3,800 taxis and taxi-buses and a number of ambulances, trams, vehicles and trains.
PR VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach Nederland bv, Eindhoven, 21 January 2009

VDL Bus & Coach: 2000. autobus Ambassador - 1000. pro Conexxion.