(CZ + EN) Podvozky a karosérie se sestavují až na místě. (Another success for VDL Bus & Coach in Ghana.)
(CZ + EN) Podvozky a karosérie se sestavují až na místě. (Another success for VDL Bus & Coach in Ghana.)
VDL Bus & Coach dodává opět 150 autobusů společnosti odpovědné za veřejnou dopravu v Ghaně - Ghanaian Metro Mass Transit Ltd (45% ve vlastnictví státu). Od roku 2003 je to celkem 500 jednotek.
Spolupráce mezi VDL a Metro Mass Transit začala v roce 2003 dodávkou 100 městských autobusů. Objednávka se opakovala v roce 2004 a v roce 2005 byl podepsán další kontrakt s Ministerstvem dopravy v Ghaně na 150 podvozků TB 2175 karosovaných v Ghaně pod dohledem VDL. Poslední objednávka je opět na 150 šasi TB 2175, která jsou kompletována na místě. Současně s částmi potřebnými pro nástavbu jsou lodí dopravena z Nizozemí do Ghany.
Ve výhledu je nastavení profesionální veřejné dopravy v celé Ghaně. VDL Bus & Coach’s k tomu napomáhá jak dodávkami, tak znalostmi, organizací a školeními.
Nejnovější objednávka na 150 autobusů byla realizována částečně jako výsledek podpory holandské vlády ORET .
Eindhoven, 30 July 2008
TZ VDL Bus & Coach vdlbuscoach.com Překlad BUSportál. Kráceno.
Successful collaboration
The collaboration between VDL and Metro Mass Transit began in 2003, when 100 city buses were delivered. This order was repeated in 2004. In December 2005 another contract was signed with the Ministry of Road Transport in Ghana. This contract entailed the delivery of 150 TB 2175 chassis with a superstructure that was assembled in Ghana under the supervision of VDL Bus & Coach. The latest order is again for 150 TB 2175 chassis that are to be assembled locally. The chassis are to be shipped complete from The Netherlands to Ghana, including the parts required for the bodywork. These 150 buses will also be deployed by Metro Mass Transit in Ghana, which is responsible for all of Ghana’s public transport and is 45%-owned by the Ghanaian state.
Professional public transport
The eventual aim in Ghana is to set up a professional public transport system for the whole country. VDL Bus & Coach’s contribution involves more than simply supplying buses. Of equal importance are the contributions made regarding knowledge transfer and training. Employees from the VDL Bus & Coach organisation are sent to Ghana for training and technical and management support.
The latest order for 150 buses was made possible partly as a result of the ORET subsidy granted by the Dutch government. This is a subsidy for projects in developing countries that in principle are not commercially viable, but do contribute to the economic development of the recipient country. ORET is the Dutch abbreviation for Development-Related Export Transactions. Development Cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) provides this ORET subsidy.
Eindhoven, 30 July 2008
PR VDL Bus & Coach vdlbuscoach.com
Spolupráce mezi VDL a Metro Mass Transit začala v roce 2003 dodávkou 100 městských autobusů. Objednávka se opakovala v roce 2004 a v roce 2005 byl podepsán další kontrakt s Ministerstvem dopravy v Ghaně na 150 podvozků TB 2175 karosovaných v Ghaně pod dohledem VDL. Poslední objednávka je opět na 150 šasi TB 2175, která jsou kompletována na místě. Současně s částmi potřebnými pro nástavbu jsou lodí dopravena z Nizozemí do Ghany.
Ve výhledu je nastavení profesionální veřejné dopravy v celé Ghaně. VDL Bus & Coach’s k tomu napomáhá jak dodávkami, tak znalostmi, organizací a školeními.
Nejnovější objednávka na 150 autobusů byla realizována částečně jako výsledek podpory holandské vlády ORET .
Eindhoven, 30 July 2008
TZ VDL Bus & Coach vdlbuscoach.com Překlad BUSportál. Kráceno.
Autobusy u Metro Mass
Another success for VDL Bus & Coach in Ghana
VDL Bus & Coach is once again to deliver 150 buses to the Ghanaian Metro Mass Transit Ltd, the company responsible for all of Ghana’s public transport. This brings the total since 2003 to 500 units.Successful collaboration
The collaboration between VDL and Metro Mass Transit began in 2003, when 100 city buses were delivered. This order was repeated in 2004. In December 2005 another contract was signed with the Ministry of Road Transport in Ghana. This contract entailed the delivery of 150 TB 2175 chassis with a superstructure that was assembled in Ghana under the supervision of VDL Bus & Coach. The latest order is again for 150 TB 2175 chassis that are to be assembled locally. The chassis are to be shipped complete from The Netherlands to Ghana, including the parts required for the bodywork. These 150 buses will also be deployed by Metro Mass Transit in Ghana, which is responsible for all of Ghana’s public transport and is 45%-owned by the Ghanaian state.
Professional public transport
The eventual aim in Ghana is to set up a professional public transport system for the whole country. VDL Bus & Coach’s contribution involves more than simply supplying buses. Of equal importance are the contributions made regarding knowledge transfer and training. Employees from the VDL Bus & Coach organisation are sent to Ghana for training and technical and management support.
The latest order for 150 buses was made possible partly as a result of the ORET subsidy granted by the Dutch government. This is a subsidy for projects in developing countries that in principle are not commercially viable, but do contribute to the economic development of the recipient country. ORET is the Dutch abbreviation for Development-Related Export Transactions. Development Cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) provides this ORET subsidy.
Eindhoven, 30 July 2008
PR VDL Bus & Coach vdlbuscoach.com