Solaris team posiluje o Heinze Bartosche a Wolfganga Presingera.
Heinz Bartosch.

(Solaris team reinforced.)
(Solaris team reinforced.)
Od 1.7. se rozšiřuje vedení Solaris Bus & Coach S.A., které tvořili Krzysztof i Solange Olszewští, o Heinze Bartosche, který má zkušenosti z EvoBusu a MANu. Do týmu Solaris přibyl i Wolfgang Presinger, který byl ve společnosti EvoBus (Mercede-Benz).

Informace z TZ Solaris Bus & Coach S.A. Celá zpráva v angličtině.
Solaris team reinforced
Bolechowo, 08-16-2007

On the 1st of July 2007, the managing board staff of Solaris Bus & Coach Corp. has been reinforced: Heinz Bartosch has joined the Krzysztof and Solange Olszewski in the managing board.

Mr. Bartosch will take over responsibility for the departments of production, purchase, logistics, and technology and engineering. Over the recent years, he has gathered extensive branch experience with the Evobus and Neoman companies. Prior to his decision to reinforce the Solaris team, from 1999 to 2007, as manager of the production network project in the city bus sector at the MAN production plant in Salzgitter and as chairman of the MAN Star Trucks & Buses managing board, he had been responsible for the business unit of worldwide low-floor bus and chassis production at MAN.

Heinz Bartosch is 49 years old, he is the father of a 27-year-old son and a 22-year-old daughter. Some of his hobbies are astronomy, good literature and hunting.

Another new member of the Solaris team is Wolfgang Presinger, exports adviser. Mr. Presinger is rated as a longstanding industry insider, until last year, as chief executive of Evobus, he was responsible for the bus branch sales at Mercedes-Benz.

Wolfgang Presinger is 58 years old, he has a 26-year-old daughter and a 20-year-old son. His hobbies are classic cars and sports (jogging, biking, triathlon and skiing).

“The reinforcement of our team is definitely a big advantage for our enterprise. Both gentlemen are well-known in the branch and enjoy a very good reputation. We are looking forward to the favorable organizational and cultural changes in our company the presence of these two gentlemen will certainly contribute to.” – comments Krzysztof Olszewski, president of Solaris Bus & Coach Corp. on the team reinforcement. are classic cars and sports (jogging, biking, triathlon and skiing).

Solaris Bus & Coach S.A.

Solaris team posiluje o Heinze Bartosche a Wolfganga Presingera.
Wolfgang Presinger.