Solaris Bus & Coach na IAA 2008: 8.9 m Alpino LE,15 m Urbino LE,18 m Hybrid

(CZ+ EN) druhé generace, nový design interiéru .... (Solaris Bus & Coach at IAA 2008)
(CZ+ EN) druhé generace, nový design interiéru .... (Solaris Bus & Coach at IAA 2008)
Bolechowo, 31.7.2008 - Solaris Bus & Coach představí na IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 2008 v Hanoveru inovace pro životní prostředí a budoucnost. Mezi 25. zářím a 2.říjnem bude společnost vystavovat v hale 11 v expozici D37.

Nový interiérový design, nový hybrid a nové autobusy LE - midibus Alpino a třínápravový Urbino 15 m

V nízkopodlažním (LF) autobusu Urbino 12 bude představen futuristický koncept nového interiéru. Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid je vyráběn v druhé generaci . Seminízkopodlažní (Low Entry) autobusy bude reprezentovat nový midibus Alpino 8.9 LE s až 27 sedadly spolu se standardním Urbino 12 LE a novým třínápravovým Urbino 15 LE.

Na veletrhu se představí také poprodejní servis a náhradní díly. Pro příznivce značky bude k dispozici i obchod s modely autobusů a reklamními předměty. .
PR Solaris Bus & Coach Překlad BUSportál. Kráceno.

Solaris Bus & Coach at IAA 2008
Bolechowo, 31 July 2008 - Solaris Bus & Coach will present innovations for the environment and the future at IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 2008 in Hannover. Between 25 September and 2 October, the bus manufacturer will exhibit in hall 11, stand D37.

Three modern buses of the Urbino family, including a hybrid bus, will show highest standards in quality and design and will testify to the innovative spirit of the Solaris brand. The after sales portfolio and a shop complete the Solaris stand in Hannover.

New interior design, new hybrid bus, new Low Entry buses

In an Urbino 12 low floor city bus, Solaris will show its concept for a completely new interior. Its holistic design creates a pleasant travelling environment through the use of light colours and appealing materials, making bus journeys a refreshing experience. For Solaris, this futuristic concept study is not just part of regular model evolution, but a significant step towards the fourth generation of the valued and established Urbino family of low floor buses.

The Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid, now produced in its second generation, helps to stop climate change. Through its combination of diesel and electric engines and by recuperating energy during braking, the Solaris hybrid bus has been independently verified to save between 22% and 24% fuel. Its emissions are up to 80% lower than those of comparable buses with conventional diesel drive trains. The state-of-the-art Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid thus significantly reduces the strain on the environment. In times of rising oil prices, it also is a clear winner in economic terms.

Solaris Low Entry buses will be represented by an Alpino 8.9 LE. The new midibus offers up to 27 comfortable seats at just 8.9 metres length and 2.4 metres width. Together with the the standard length Urbino 12 LE and the new three-axle Urbino 15 LE, it completes the Solaris range of Low Entry buses.

After Sales: Service and Spare Parts

The Solaris after sales divison will also be featured at IAA Commercial Vehicles 2008, presenting its complete range of service packages and spare part offers. With a close network of accredited service workshops and spare part stores, Solaris is always close to the customer. Solaris Service is constantly increasing its portfolio of topical training courses for bus drivers and workshop staff.

A must for enthusiasts and aficionados will be the Solaris shop at the exhibition stand in Hannover, with offers ranging from model buses to elegant clothes for casual wear.
PR Solaris Bus & Coach

Solaris Bus & Coach na IAA 2008: 8.9 m Alpino LE,15 m Urbino LE,18 m Hybrid
18 m Hybrid.