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Pierre Fleck (44 let) byl jmenován od 1. července 2010 výkonným ředitelem Irisbus Iveco (Irisbus Iveco Chief Executive Officer). Je absolventem IEA v Paříži (Institut Européen des Affaires). Ke skupině Fiat Group Automobiles (FGA) se připojil v roce 2005 a prošel zde manažerskými posty.

Z TZ Irisbus Iveco . Kompletní v angličtině.

Pierre FLECK at the head of Irisbus Iveco

From 1st of July 2010 on, Pierre Fleck has been appointed Irisbus Iveco Chief Executive Officer. Pierre Fleck, 44 years old, is graduated from the IEA in Paris (Institut Européen des Affaires). He joined Fiat Group Automobiles (FGA) in 2005 as Italy Country Manager for Parts & Services and in 2006 was appointed Executive Vice President - FGA Parts & Services (Fiat Group Automobiles). From 2008, he also held the position of President - CNH Global Parts & Service (Case New Holland). Pierre Fleck started his international career in 1989 for an Electrical Systems and Distribution Company covering different roles in the Sales and Marketing department in France, Italy, Belgium and Germany. Then he moved to another Company in Spain, and took the responsibility of Southern and Europe markets, and European After-Sales Director.

PR Irisbus Iveco

Pierre Fleck nově ve vedení Irisbus Iveco od 1.7.2010