Objednávky na více než 300 autobusů pro Volvo z Izraele.

(CZ + EN) Švédské podvozky B7RLE a B7R s karosériemi Merkavim. (Strong order bookings for Volvo Buses in Israel)
(CZ + EN) Švédské podvozky B7RLE a B7R s karosériemi Merkavim. (Strong order bookings for Volvo Buses in Israel)
Společnost Volvo Buses v Izraeli obdržela objednávky na více než 300 autobusů. Zákazníci mají zájem o Volvo B7RLE a B7R. Většinu autobusů objednal nejrychleji rostoucí dopravce v Izraeli Metropoline. Pře časem tato společnost prostřednictvím dopravce MetroDan, jehož je spoluvlastníkem, objednala 60 Volvo B7RLE pro jihoizraelské město Beersheba. Metropoline nyní objednala 235 autobusů - 135 B7RLE a 100 B7R pro využití severně od Tel Avivu v oblasti Hasharon.

Toto byly první objednávky z Izraele pro Volvo na motor 7l. Volvo dodá podvozky ze švédského závodu v Borås - dodávky začnou nyní a budou trvat do března 2010. Nástavby vyrobí izraelský karosář Merkavim, který je částečně vlastněn Volvo Buses.

Z TI Volvo Bus Corporation, 23.9.2009. Kompletní v angličtině.
Strong order bookings for Volvo Buses in Israel
In recent months, Volvo Buses in Israel has received orders for more than 300 buses. For the first time, customers in Israel have opted to purchase the Volvo B7RLE low-entry bus and B7R commuter buses. Metropoline, the fastest growing bus operator in Israel, is the customer that has ordered most of the slightly more than 300 buses. Some time ago, this company, via its partly owned bus operator MetroDan, ordered 60 Volvo B7RLEs for use in service in the town of Beersheba in southern Israel. Now Metropoline has ordered an additional 235 buses, of which 135 are Volvo B7RLEs and 100 are Volvo B7Rs. These buses will be used in the Hasharon area, north of Tel Aviv.

These were the first orders from Israel that Volvo Buses has received for its 7-liter-engine bus. “Most bus operators in Israel have started to focus increasingly on price. With the Volvo B7RLE and the Volvo B7R, we can offer high-quality products at a competitive price, and we are delighted that the customer has chosen them,” says Michele Ferrara, who is responsible for Volvo Buses’ sales in Israel. Volvo will deliver the chassis from its plant in Borås, Sweden, starting now and up to March 2010. The bodies will then be built by Merkavim, Volvo Buses’ partly owned bus body company in Israel.

PI Volvo Bus Corporation, September 23, 2009

Objednávky na více než 300 autobusů pro Volvo z Izraele.