Objednávka na 41 kloubových  autobusů Volvo do  Guadalajary v Mexiku.

(CZ + EN) Order for Volvo buses for new BRT system in Mexico.
(CZ + EN) Order for Volvo buses for new BRT system in Mexico.
Mexická Guadalajara v současnosti zavádí první linku vysokokapacitní autobusové dopravy BRT a dopravce vybral jako dodavatele autobusů Volvo. První objednávka je na 41 kloubových autobusů Volvo 7300.

Guadalajara je druhé největší mexické město a finanční centrum západního regionu s něco přes milionem obyvatel. Město řeší obvyklé problémy s dopravou. Napomoci má systém BRT Macrobús, který bude spuštěn v prosinci 2008. První 16 km koridor s 27 zastávkami spojí severní část města s jižní.

18m kloubové Volvo 7300 je postaveno na podvozku Volvo B12M s motorem EURO 4. Autobus je pro 160 cestujících, jejichž rychlá výměna je zajištěna stejnou úrovní podlahy a specielních zastávek. Nástavby vyrobí mexický závod Volvo poblíž hlavního města.

Koridor je první ze třech plánovaných na léta 2008-2012. Kompletní projekt pokryje 77 km. BRT systém bude komplementární s měststkou infrastrukturou, telekomunikačními a IT systémy.

Touto dodávkou spolu s letošní dodávkou pro Metrobús v Mexico City dosáhne Volvo s více než 250 autobusy 85% podílu v mexických ulicích.

TZ 27.6.2008 Volvo Bus Corporation. Překlad BUSportál. Kompletní v angličtině.
Order for Volvo buses for new BRT system in Mexico
Now that the city of Guadalajara in Mexico is starting its first BRT line, the operator has chosen Volvo as its bus supplier. The first order is for 41 Volvo 7300 articulated buses.

Guadalajara is Mexico’s second largest city with slightly more than four million inhabitants and the financial center for the country’s western region. As many big cities, Guadalajara suffers from increasing road congestion, air pollution, and an obsolete transit system. But, as is the case with several cities, Guadalajara has chosen to invest in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The system has been named Macrobús and will commence in December 2008. The first bus corridor will connect the northern part of the city to the southern part. The route is 16 km long, has 27 stops and will be served by 41 articulated buses from Volvo Buses.

The bus is an 18-meter articulated Volvo 7300, built on the Volvo B12M chassis. The bus seats 160 passengers, who can rapidly board and leave the bus due to the raised floor, which is on the same level as the floor in the specially built bus stops. The buses will be manufactured at Volvo Buses’ plant outside Mexico City.

The system will be planned and controlled by the State transportation authority, while private operators will purchase, maintain and operate the buses. The choice for Volvo by the operator was due to the product’s high quality and experience in the Mexican market. A decisive factor was Volvo’s early action in offering the articulated bus with the Euro IV standard.

With more efficient bus traffic and new Euro IV buses, there will be a strong positive effect on the environment. And when many inhabitants will leave their cars for the more efficient public transport, the effect is even stonger.

This is the first of 3 corridors in Guadalajara planned for 2008-2012. The complete project will cover 77 km and many more articulated buses. The BRT system will be complemented with feeder services, state-of-the-art telecommunications and information technology, and urban improvement works.

With these delivery and those for Mexico City’s Metrobús this year, Volvo’s articulated bus market share will approach 85% with over 250 buses running on Mexican streets. Prospects are promising for the upcoming years as more and more Mexican cities are interested in replicating the BRT model.

June 27, 2008

Objednávka na 41 kloubových  autobusů Volvo do  Guadalajary v Mexiku.