Nové minibusy Daily Hybrid pro A.T.M. Milán

(CZ + EN) New Daily Hybrid minibuses for A.T.M. Milan
(CZ + EN) New Daily Hybrid minibuses for A.T.M. Milan
Irisbus Iveco dodalo 26.2.2009 první tři minibusy Daily Hybrid pro milánského dopravce A.T.M. (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi). Celkem sedm minibusů je určeno pro dopravu na vyžádání, tzv. Radiobus.

Vozidla Daily Hybrid jsou vybavena dieselovým motorem (FPT F1A 85 KW) a elektrickým motorem (Bosch 32 KW) použitelnými společně nebo alternativně. Elektřina je ukládána do baterií Li-ION.
Společnost A.T.M. založená v roce 1931 provozuje veřejnou dopravu v teritoriu 87 samosprávných území okolo Milána pro oblast s 3 miliony obyvatel.
Z TZ Irisbus Iveco Lyon, 11.3.2009. Kompletní v angličtině.
New Daily Hybrid minibuses for A.T.M. Milan
Irisbus Iveco has delivered on February 26th, 2009 the first three Daily Hybrid minibuses to the Milan local public transport company, A.T.M. (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi).

Seven diesel Daily minibuses will be added soon to the fleet. These ten Daily will be used for “Radiobus”, a special “transport on demand” service.

The Daily Hybrid vehicles are equipped with a hybrid powertrain consisting of a diesel engine (FPT F1A rating 85 KW) and an electric motor (Bosch 32 KW) that can be used alternatively or together. The electrical energy is stored in a Li-ION battery pack. The zero emissions electric motor is fitted with a stop-start system while the diesel engine starts when a certain speed is reached (about 10 km/h). When the vehicle slows down, the diesel engine stops and the electric one works as an alternator in order to recover the electric energy that will then be stored in the battery pack and re-used upon the following stop-start.

The “in line parallel” hybrid powertrain benefits of a significant reduction of CO2 emissions and fuel consumption, i.e. 25% less (on average) compared to a standard diesel driveline, without limiting the vehicle performances.

All these Daily minibuses are fitted with a data processor that localizes and manages the “Bus on demand” system, and with a video control system based on three video cameras (one near the driver and two in the passengers’ area) and on a data transmission system.

Founded in 1931, A.T.M. operates the public transport on a territory gathering 87 municipalities around Milan, and a population of about 3 millions inhabitants.

PR Irisbus IvecoLyon, March 11th 2009