(CZ+EN) Dceřiná společnost Volvo Bus Corporation dodá hybridy dopravci TransLink v kanadském Vancouveru. (Nova Bus secures order for 141 hybrid buses to Vancouver.)
(CZ+EN) Dceřiná společnost Volvo Bus Corporation dodá hybridy dopravci TransLink v kanadském Vancouveru. (Nova Bus secures order for 141 hybrid buses to Vancouver.)
Kontrakt zahrnuje opci na dalších 110 autobusů.
Nova Bus je největší výrobce autobusů v Kanadě. Model Nova LFS má mnoho variant včetně hybridní.
Tento "severoamerický" hybrid je kombinace elektro-dieselová kombinace s planetovou převodovkou spojenou s elektrickým pohonem a dieselovým motorem menším než je v běžném autobusu. Vozidlo zajišťuje nejlepší výkon při zastavní a rozjezdu, snižuje spotřebu a emise.
Smlouva reprezentuje novou kapitolu v rostoucím partnerství mezi dopravcem TransLink a Nova Bus po dodávce 126 dieselových autobusů Nova LFS v roce 2007.
Nova Bus is the largest manufacturer of city buses in Canada. The Nova LFS bus model is available in a number of variants, including the Nova LFS HEV hybrid version.
This North American hybrid is an electric/diesel combination features a planetary gearbox linking an electric drive with a smaller diesel engine than normally used in the bus model. The vehicle delivers its best performances on low speed stop-and-go routes, significantly reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
This agreement represents a new chapter in the growing partnership between TransLink, the Greater Vancouver Area transit authority, and Nova Bus, after the delivery of 126 diesel-powered Nova LFS buses in 2007.
The buses were well-received by drivers, maintenance personnel and passengers alike. This new order is a testament to the entire Nova Bus team’s continuous commitment to quality, environmental concerns, life-cycle cost and customer satisfaction.
"This purchase is really two shades of green," says TransLink CEO Pat Jacobsen. "Thirty-two of the buses will add capacity to our system and give people a cleaner, greener alternative to driving. The remaining 109 will replace some of the oldest vehicles in TransLink's fleet and reduce all emissions, some by as much as 97 per cent per bus," she says.
Nova Bus has two plants in Canada at which the buses will be manufactured. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in mid-2009.
Nova Bus je největší výrobce autobusů v Kanadě. Model Nova LFS má mnoho variant včetně hybridní.
Tento "severoamerický" hybrid je kombinace elektro-dieselová kombinace s planetovou převodovkou spojenou s elektrickým pohonem a dieselovým motorem menším než je v běžném autobusu. Vozidlo zajišťuje nejlepší výkon při zastavní a rozjezdu, snižuje spotřebu a emise.
Smlouva reprezentuje novou kapitolu v rostoucím partnerství mezi dopravcem TransLink a Nova Bus po dodávce 126 dieselových autobusů Nova LFS v roce 2007.
Nova Bus má v Kanadě k výrobě autobusů dva závody. Dodávky jsou naplánovány na polovinu roku 2009.
TZ Volvo Bus Corporation. Překlad BUSportál. Kráceno. Celé v angličtině.Velká zakázka pro společnost Volvo Buses a Nova Bus do Kanady. (CZ + EN)
Nova Bus secures order for 141 hybrid buses to Vancouver
Nova Bus, a subsidiary of Volvo Bus Corporation, has received an order for 141 hybrid buses to TransLink in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The contract includes an option for an additional 110 buses.Nova Bus is the largest manufacturer of city buses in Canada. The Nova LFS bus model is available in a number of variants, including the Nova LFS HEV hybrid version.
This North American hybrid is an electric/diesel combination features a planetary gearbox linking an electric drive with a smaller diesel engine than normally used in the bus model. The vehicle delivers its best performances on low speed stop-and-go routes, significantly reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
This agreement represents a new chapter in the growing partnership between TransLink, the Greater Vancouver Area transit authority, and Nova Bus, after the delivery of 126 diesel-powered Nova LFS buses in 2007.
The buses were well-received by drivers, maintenance personnel and passengers alike. This new order is a testament to the entire Nova Bus team’s continuous commitment to quality, environmental concerns, life-cycle cost and customer satisfaction.
"This purchase is really two shades of green," says TransLink CEO Pat Jacobsen. "Thirty-two of the buses will add capacity to our system and give people a cleaner, greener alternative to driving. The remaining 109 will replace some of the oldest vehicles in TransLink's fleet and reduce all emissions, some by as much as 97 per cent per bus," she says.
Nova Bus has two plants in Canada at which the buses will be manufactured. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in mid-2009.
PR Volvo Bus Corporation