Mimořádná valná hromada DaimlerChrysler AG odhlasovala změnu názvu na Daimler AG
Dieter Zetsche, předseda představenstva Daimler AG/vedoucí Mercedes-Benz Cars.

Posílení produktové značky Mercedes-Benz. (CZ + EN). (The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of DaimlerChrysler AG approved the renaming of the company as Daimler AG.)
Posílení produktové značky Mercedes-Benz. (CZ + EN). (The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of DaimlerChrysler AG approved the renaming of the company as Daimler AG.)
4.10.2007 Spolu s přejmenováním skupiny na Daimler AG byly přejmenovány i zahraniční společnosti. Hlavním principem změn názvu je rozlišení značky skupiny Daimler od produktových značek. Skupinová značka Daimler slouží k identifikaci při jednání s politiky, veřejností, finančníky, médii a zastřešuje všechny produktové značky: Mercedes-Benz, Maybach, smart, Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star, Setra, Thomas Built Buses, Orion, and Mitsubishi Fuso. Ty budou sloužit jako "vizitky" pro zákazníky.

Výrobní závody budou mít tato jména:
  • Mercedes-Benz: Aksaray, Bad Cannstatt, Barcelona, Bremen, Brühl, Davutpasa, Düsseldorf, East London, Gaggenau, Global Logistic Center, Hamburg, Hedelfingen, Hosdere, Juiz de Fora, Kassel, Ludwigsfelde, Mannheim, Marienfelde, Mettingen, Molsheim, Rastatt, Sindelfingen, Sirnau, Sao Bernado, Tuscaloosa, Untertürkheim, Vitoria, Wörth
  • smart: Hambach
  • Fuso: Tramagal
  • EvoBus: Dortmund, Holýšov, Ligny, Mannheim, Samano, Ulm/Neu-Ulm

Prodejci, kteří výhradně nebo především prodávají výrobky Mercedes-Benz, budou přejmenováni na Mercedes-Benz, a to v zemích:
SRN, Egypt, Argentina, Belgie, Brazílie, Čína, Dánsko, Francie, Řecko, Indie, Indonésie, Itálie, Japonsko, Kanada, Malajsie, Mexiko, Nizozemí, Rakousko, Polsko, Portugalsko, Romunsko, Rusko, Švédsko, Švýcarsko, Srbsko a Černá Hora, Singapur, Slovensko, Španělsko, Jižní Korea, Thajsko, Česká republika, Velká Británie, Maďarsko, USA a Vietnam.
Z TZ Daimler, celé v angličtině.
The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of DaimlerChrysler AG (stock exchange abbreviation: DAI) today approved the renaming of the company as Daimler AG by a 98.76% majority.

The points added to the agenda at the request of the shareholders received only 2.94% of the votes at most and were therefore rejected.

Slightly above 5,000 shareholders attended the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, which was held at the Messe Berlin exhibition grounds. This figure amounted to 51.6% of the total number of DaimlerChrysler shareholders.

As part of the renaming of the Group as Daimler AG, the company's production plants and sales organizations in and abroad will also be renamed. The guiding principle of the name change process is a clear distinction between the corporate brand Daimler and the Group's various product brands. The corporate brand Daimler will serve to identify the Group in its dealings with political decision-makers, the general public, the financial markets, the business media, and its employees. It will also serve as an umbrella for all of its product brands. By contrast, the product brands Mercedes-Benz, Maybach, smart, Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star, Setra, Thomas Built Buses, Orion, and Mitsubishi Fuso will serve as our “business cards” to the customers.

The company will be called Daimler wherever several product brands are produced or sold, or where the focus is on the Group as a whole. Plants and sales organizations that exclusively or primarily produce or sell a single product brand will be named after the respective product brand.

With the exception of the locations in ( ) and ( ) all of the research centers will be called Daimler, whereas the development centers will be named after the respective product brand.

The financial services division will be called Daimler Financial Services.

The individual production plants will be renamed as follows:

Mercedes-Benz: Aksaray, Bad Cannstatt, Barcelona, Bremen, Brühl, Davutpasa, Düsseldorf, East London, Gaggenau, Global Logistic Center, Hamburg, Hedelfingen, Hosdere, Juiz de Fora, Kassel, Ludwigsfelde, Mannheim, Marienfelde, Mettingen, Molsheim, Rastatt, Sindelfingen, Sirnau, Sao Bernado, Tuscaloosa, Untertürkheim, Vitoria, Wörth

smart : Hambach

Fuso : Tramagal

EvoBus : Dortmund, Holysov, Ligny, Mannheim Samano, Ulm/Neu-Ulm

The sales organizations that exclusively or primarily sell Mercedes-Benz products and will therefore be renamed Mercedes-Benz include those in Germany, Egypt, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, France, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Canada, Malaysia, Mexico (passenger cars), the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia & Montenegro, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, South Korea, Thailand, the Czech Republic, the UK, Hungary, the U.S., and Vietnam.

PR Daimler.

Mimořádná valná hromada DaimlerChrysler AG odhlasovala změnu názvu na Daimler AG
Mimořádná valná hromada DaimlerChrysler AG odhlasovala změnu názvu na Daimler AG