Londýnský starosta Boris Johnson odhalil finální design náhrady londýnské ikony

- doubledeckeru Routemaster. (CZ + EN) Mayor of London, Boris Johnson today unveiled the final design for the new replacement bus for the iconic Routemaster.
- doubledeckeru Routemaster. (CZ + EN) Mayor of London, Boris Johnson today unveiled the final design for the new replacement bus for the iconic Routemaster.
Prototyp autobusu je již ve výrobě u karosáře Wrightbus v Severním Irsku.

Nový autobus bude nasazen do provozu při londýnské olympiádě 2010 a má být o 15% účinnější co se týká spotřeby než existující hybridní autobusy a o 40% než dieselové doubledeckery.

Náhradu londýnské ikony Routemastera charakterizují rozsáhlé prosklení, dvě schodiště, troje dveře a vzkříšení možnosti naskakování a vyskakování na otevřené plošině.
Z tiskové zprávy Borise Johnsona, 17.5.2010. Kompletní v angličtině. Za avizo děkujeme Davidu Griffithsovi.

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson today unveiled the final design for the new replacement bus for the iconic Routemaster.
The bus protoype is already under construction in Northern Ireland by Wrightbus.

The new bus is set to come into service in time for the 2012 London Olympics and is said to be 15 per cent more fuel efficient than existing hybrid buses and 40 per cent more than diesel double-deckers.

The replacement to the iconic Routemaster bus features extensive glasswork, two staircases, three doors and a resurrection of a hop-on, hop-off service. "This iconic new part of our transport system is not only beautiful, but also has a green heart beating beneath its stylish, swooshing exterior," Mr Johnson said.

"It will cut emissions, and give Londoners a bus they can be proud of, complete with cutting edge design, and the freedom of an open platform.

"I expect to eventually have hundreds of these on London's roads, and for cities around the globe to be beside themselves with envy for our stunning red emblem of 21st century London."
Press release from the Mayor of London timed at 10.30am Monday 17th May 2010.