Jubilejním stým vozidlem VDL dodaným do Norska je doubledecker Synergy

(CZ + EN) (VDL Bus & Coach delivered 100th vehicle in Norway)
(CZ + EN) (VDL Bus & Coach delivered 100th vehicle in Norway)
Dodávka Synergy SDD 141- 510 byla jubilejní nejen pro VDL Bus & Coach Norge, ale i pro dopravce HMK jako 25. výrobek. VDL působí v Norsku od roku 2001. Synergy 141-510 byla specielně designována pro dopravce HMK - má 87+1+1 sedadel a osmijazyčný průvodcovský systém.
HMK (H.M.Kristiansens Automobilbyrå AS) je dopravní společnost se 135letou tradicí, jedna z nejstarších v Evropě. Specializuje se na prohlídkové jízdy v Oslo.
Z TZ VDL Bus & Coach 26.11.2009, kompletní v angličtině.
VDL Bus & Coach delivered 100th vehicle in Norway
The delivery in Norway of the 100th VDL Bus & Coach vehicle, a Synergy SDD 141- 510, was not just a milestone for VDL Bus & Coach Norge, but also for the coach owner HMK (H.M.Kristiansens Automobilbyrå AS). Because this Synergy is HMK’s 25th VDL product.

VDL Bus & Coach Norge

VDL has operated in Norway since 2001. This was the year in which Truck & Trailer Industry (TTI) was taken over by VDL Groep. In 2003 VDL Bus Norge was set up as a subsidiary of TTI. In 2008 the name was changed to VDL Bus & Coach Norge and the company became a 100% subsidiary of VDL Bus & Coach bv. The range of buses and coaches consists of the full product range of coaches, regional and city buses and minibuses and midibuses. VDL Bus & Coach Norge is also responsible for the Norwegian service and parts network, which is constantly being developed and optimised.
HMK is a full-service passenger transport company that in 2008 celebrated its 135th anniversary. This memorable event makes HMK one of Europe’s oldest transport companies. One of HMK’s specialities is arranging sightseeing tours in Oslo. The Synergy 141-510 has been specially designed for this, with an 87+1+1 seating layout and an eightlanguage guide system. A very important aspect of HMK’s policy strategy is that every three years it replaces the buses and coaches, so that the fleet of vehicles always consists of the most environmentally friendly products.
PR VDL Bus & Coach 26 November 2009