Ještě v době konání  veletrhu BUSWORLD 2007 se přihlásilo EURO BUS EXPO 2008

v Birmighamu. (EURO BUS EXPO 2008 goes on general sale.) (CZ + EN)
v Birmighamu. (EURO BUS EXPO 2008 goes on general sale.) (CZ + EN)
Zástupce britského veletrhu potkala redakce BUSportálu i v Belgii - k velké vzájemné radosti jsme si potvrdili budoucí mediální spolupráci.
18.10.2007 - Největší autobusová výstava v Evropě v roce 2008 hlásí 80% rezervaci výstavních ploch od 100 vystavovatelů.
  • Euro Bus Expo se bude konat od 4. do 6. 11.2008 v halách 4 a 5 v National Exhibition Centre (NEC) Birmingham, United Kingdom.

  • Fakta o Euro Bus Expo (rok 2006)
    10,798 návštěvníků z 51 zemí
    Vystavena vozidla za 25 milionů £
    Anoncované obchody za 100 milionů £
    Novináři z 20 zemí
    365 vystavovatelů z 16 zemí
    34,000m2 výstavní plochy
    Mezinárodní konference

  • Více na
Z TZ Euro Bus Expo, celá zpráva v angličtině

18th October 2007 - The biggest dedicated exhibition for the European bus and coach industry in 2008 goes on general sale this week, with more than 80% of floor space already reserved by 100 exhibitors. The official show of the UK’s trade association for the bus, coach and light rail industry, Euro Bus Expo 2008 is not only the biennial showcase event for everyone involved in the coach and bus industry in the British Isles, but is now also established as a major event in the international exhibition calendar for the transport sector.

Euro Bus Expo attracted nearly 11,000 visitors from 51 countries when it first opened its doors in 2006. Two years on and once again organised by Expo Management - the Confederation of Passenger Transport’s (CPT UK) exhibition partner - the three day trade-only event will take place 4th - 6th November 2008 at its regular venue at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC), near Birmingham in the United Kingdom.

More than 350 exhibitors are expected to fill 34,000m2 of stand space over two Halls at one of Europe’s premier purpose-built trade fair venues. Advance sales to CPT members and previous exhibitors’ means that 80% of available floor space has already been reserved, with the 100th exhibitor recently confirming their booking.

Euro Bus Expo 2008 now goes on general release this week, with the show organisers Expo Management taking a stand (Stand PAV2-56) at Busworld Kortrijk.

Managing Director of Expo Management Mark Griffin commented; “Building on the tremendous success of the launch event last year, Euro Bus Expo 2008 will again provide an important opportunity for manufacturers, operators, suppliers, legislators and decision makers from all over Europe and beyond to meet and do business in one of the best exhibition facilities anywhere in Europe.” He added, “The high levels of advance space bookings – which are well ahead of this time two years ago - underlines the very positive reactions from both exhibitors and visitors alike at the inaugural event. With a number of important innovations and developments planned for next year, Euro Bus Expo 2008 will continue to set the standard of exhibition quality in the public transport sector. My team and I expect to be talking to a number of potential exhibitors at Kortrijk this week”.

1.Euro Bus Expo will take place on 4th- 6th November 2008 in Halls 4 & 5 at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) Birmingham, United Kingdom.

2.Facts about Euro Bus Expo (from 2006)
10,798 attendees from 51 Countries (ABC audited)
£25 million worth of vehicles on display
Over £100 million worth of business announced at the show
International Press attended from 20 countries
365 exhibitors from 16 different countries
Over 34,000m2 of floor space used at NEC
Over 90% of visitors surveyed considered Euro Bus Expo 2006 to be good or very good
84% of exhibitors rated the quality of visitors as good or very good
International Conference attracting speakers from all over the world

3.Further information on Euro Bus Expo 2008 can be found at

Ještě v době konání  veletrhu BUSWORLD 2007 se přihlásilo EURO BUS EXPO 2008
Suvenýr z BUSWORLDu 2007 v Kortrijku.