Irisbus Iveco: První Crealis v ulicích Maubeuge.

(CZ + EN) Specifikace 12m a 18m vozu pro BHNS - BRT. (First Crealis on the road in Maubeuge)
(CZ + EN) Specifikace 12m a 18m vozu pro BHNS - BRT. (First Crealis on the road in Maubeuge)
V prosinci minulého roku převzal Syndicat Mixte Val de Sambre v Maubeuge na severu Francie dodávku prvních autobusů Irisbus Iveco Crealis pro BHNS (Bus with High Service Level) - autobusy s vysokou úrovní služeb, ekvivalent BRT s označením BusWay.

Městská doprava prochází radikální změnou. Koncept BHNS je částí strategie města Maubeuge. Jde o omezení individuální dopravy nabídkou atraktivní veřejné dopravy cestujícím - rychlejší, bezpečnější a pohodlnější.

20 vozidel Crealis (18 12 m a 2 kloubové 18 m) bylo uvedeno do provozu 12.12.2008 na první 8.4 km lince s vyhrazenou drahou a specielními zastávkami. Linie designu Crealisu vycházejí z Citelisu, úplně redesignován je interiér.

Autobusy Crealis v Mauberge Crealis mají motory Iveco Cursor EEV (Enhanced Environmental friendly Vehicle).
Z TZ Irisbus Iveco Lyon, 6.3.2009. Kompletní v angličtině.

Specifikace (obrazová a FR):
2006: CITELIS - světová premiéra v Paříži: STANDARD, GUIDE. BRT bus CREALIS.

First Crealis on the road in Maubeuge!
Last December, the Syndicat Mixte Val de Sambre (Sambre Valley Joint Authority in Maubeuge, north of France) took delivery of the first 20 Irisbus Iveco BHNS (High Service Level) Crealis buses.

Urban transport is undergoing a radical change. Having become a tool for social harmonisation and urbanisation, it is now at the core of our cities’ sustainable development issues.

A real means of embellishing and enhancing the value of its urban transport network, the BHNS (Bus à Haut Niveau de Service = BRT) concept is part of Maubeuge’s strategic option for a global system and no longer a simple investment in rolling stock. The aim is to meet the demand for individual mobility and attract new passengers by offering people a vehicle with an appealing personality and strong identity, which reinforce its image and enable the immediate recognition of a higher quality service, guaranteeing rapid, safer and more comfortable travel.

Twenty Crealis entered into service on 12 December 2008 on Maubeuge’s first high passenger volume route with a dedicated lane, 8.4 km long (18 standard 12 m and 2 articulated 18 m units). Designed on the basis of the Citelis bus, which is well known in the European networks and industrialised with the same production equipment at the Irisbus Iveco plant in Annonay (Ardèche), the Crealis benefits from an even more fluid line and completely redesigned interior fittings, from the types of lighting to the choice of seating material. The design and colours chosen by Maubeuge aim to change public perception of a “bus” per se. Shapes and colours transform travel, putting art at the heart of the city whilst offering an invaluable hint of seduction and brightness to routine journeys. The generous lateral window area, resulting from the added glazing of the panels below the side windows, provides exceptional light inside and allows the city to be rediscovered.

Crealis stands out for its complete accessibility owing to an all flat floor facilitating the movement of persons with reduced mobility. By operating in a dedicated lane, its integration in the city is enhanced enormously along with the provision of transport with improved frequency, rate and regularity. The development of dedicated lanes or high passenger volume routes is the essential key to better mobility. Clear of car congestion, the vehicles consume less fuel, improve their environmental performance, provide passengers with superior comfort and, above all, offer a much better commercial speed to attract car users to public transport.

The Mauberge Crealis buses are particularly environmentally friendly and exceed current regulations. They are equipped with an Iveco Cursor EEV (Enhanced Environmental friendly Vehicle) engine, the exceptional environmental results of which surpass the Euro 5 Standard set to enter into force in October 2009.

A major player in urban mobility on a European scale and leader in the French market, Irisbus Iveco continuously strives to increase the appeal of public transport through research and development.
PR Irisbus Iveco Lyon, 6 March 2009

Irisbus Iveco: První Crealis v ulicích Maubeuge.
Ze specifikací: Crealis 12m a 18m.
Irisbus Iveco: První Crealis v ulicích Maubeuge.
Irisbus Iveco: První Crealis v ulicích Maubeuge.
Irisbus Iveco: První Crealis v ulicích Maubeuge.