v provozu dopravce AC Transit in Oakland, California. (NREL has recently published a report on its evaluation of fuel cell buses in service at AC Transit in Oakland, California.)
v provozu dopravce AC Transit in Oakland, California. (NREL has recently published a report on its evaluation of fuel cell buses in service at AC Transit in Oakland, California.)
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) právě publikovala zprávu o vyhodnocení autobusů na vodíkové palivové články v provozu dopravce AC Transit v Oaklandu v Kalifornii. Zpráva je aktualizací předcházející zprávy z března 2007 a zahrnuje výsledky a zkušenosti do srpna 2007. Hodnocení zahrnuje 3 vozy v porovnání s novými dieselovými provozovanými týmž autobusovým depem.
Autobus Van Hool délky 40 stop využívá elektrický hybridní systém ISE Corporation a UTC Power's PureMotion s 120 buňkovým systémem a bateriemi ZEBRA. Během sběru dat od dubna 2006 do srpna 2007 ujely autobusy 54000 mil v provozu s ekonomikou spotřeby 6.17 mil na kg, která odpovídá 6.97 mil dieselovému ekvivalentu (galon). Pro porovnání dieselové autobusy AC Transit mají ekonomiku spotřeby 4.03 mílí za galon.
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has recently published a report on its evaluation of fuel cell buses in service at AC Transit in Oakland, California. This report provides an update to the previous report (Mar 2007) and includes results and experience through Aug 2007. The evaluation covers three fuel cell buses in comparison to new diesel baseline buses operating from the same bus depot.
The 40-ft Van Hool fuel cell bus features an electric hybrid drive system by ISE Corporation with UTC Power's PureMotion 120 Fuel Cell Power System and ZEBRA batteries for energy storage. During the data collection period (Apr 2006 - Aug 2007), the fuel cell buses achieved more than 54,000 miles in service with an overall fuel economy of 6.17 miles per kg which equates to 6.97 miles per diesel equivalent gallon. For comparison, AC Transit's diesel buses have an average fuel economy of 4.03 miles per gallon.
Autobus Van Hool délky 40 stop využívá elektrický hybridní systém ISE Corporation a UTC Power's PureMotion s 120 buňkovým systémem a bateriemi ZEBRA. Během sběru dat od dubna 2006 do srpna 2007 ujely autobusy 54000 mil v provozu s ekonomikou spotřeby 6.17 mil na kg, která odpovídá 6.97 mil dieselovému ekvivalentu (galon). Pro porovnání dieselové autobusy AC Transit mají ekonomiku spotřeby 4.03 mílí za galon.
Viz http://www.nrel.gov/hydrogen/pdfs/42249.pdf
HyFLEET:CUTE - NREL uveřejnila hodnotící zprávu o vodíkových autobusech v provozu SunLine Transit Agency v Kalifornii.
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has recently published a report on its evaluation of fuel cell buses in service at AC Transit in Oakland, California. This report provides an update to the previous report (Mar 2007) and includes results and experience through Aug 2007. The evaluation covers three fuel cell buses in comparison to new diesel baseline buses operating from the same bus depot.
The 40-ft Van Hool fuel cell bus features an electric hybrid drive system by ISE Corporation with UTC Power's PureMotion 120 Fuel Cell Power System and ZEBRA batteries for energy storage. During the data collection period (Apr 2006 - Aug 2007), the fuel cell buses achieved more than 54,000 miles in service with an overall fuel economy of 6.17 miles per kg which equates to 6.97 miles per diesel equivalent gallon. For comparison, AC Transit's diesel buses have an average fuel economy of 4.03 miles per gallon.
See http://www.nrel.gov/hydrogen/pdfs/42249.pdf