EURO BUS EXPO začíná za necelý měsíc.  (CZ + EN)
Bus of the Year 2007 - Mercedes-Benz Citaro LE U jsme už na našich silnicích v létě vyzkoušeli.

Britský ministr dopravy Douglas Alexander oficielně zahájí Euro Bus Expo 2006 na výstavišti NEC Birmingham 7.11.2006. (The Secretary of State for Transport, Rt. Hon Douglas Alexander will officially open Euro Bus Expo 2006 at the Birmingham NEC on Tuesday 7th November 2006.)
Britský ministr dopravy Douglas Alexander oficielně zahájí Euro Bus Expo 2006 na výstavišti NEC Birmingham 7.11.2006. (The Secretary of State for Transport, Rt. Hon Douglas Alexander will officially open Euro Bus Expo 2006 at the Birmingham NEC on Tuesday 7th November 2006.)
Jedním z důsledků silné a rostoucí ekonomiky je i to, že lidé více cestují. Zahuštění dopravy může ohrozit ekonomický růst. EBE 2006 chce poukázat na možnosti moderní, účinné a spolehlivé dopravy, která by dávala lidem alternativu k individuální automobilové dopravě.

Ministerstvo dopravy spolupracuje těsně s vystavovateli a partnery na zajištění EBE jako velké mezinárodní přehlídky autobusového průmyslu v Británii.

Přes 250 vystavovatelů z 15 zemí a návštěvníci 50 národností z celého světa potvrzuje mezinárodní rozsah řešení dopravy. K vidění bude 150 vozidel - centrem pozornosti bude "Bus of the year 2007", Mercedes-Benz Citaro LE U.

Z PR EURO BUS EXPO - kompletní materiál v angličtině. Další informace v EBE SHOW PREVIEW "pdf"
The Secretary of State for Transport, Rt. Hon Douglas Alexander will officially open Euro Bus Expo 2006 at the Birmingham NEC on Tuesday 7th November 2006.

Confirming the government’s commitment to supporting events, which offer operators a fresh approach, innovation and change to deliver better public transport for passengers, Douglas Alexander will also be delivering a keynote presentation at the conference.

One of the consequences of a strong and growing economy is that people travel more and the UK government sees tackling congestion as a key long term priority in transport, which if not addressed, could damage our long term economic growth. EBE 2006 will address the critical issues on why a modern, efficient and reliable transport system needs to be delivered which allows people to take the alternative option from using their cars and still be able to make reliable journeys.

The Department of Transport has been working closely with exhibitors and partners to ensure that EBE 2006 becomes the major international show for the bus and coach industry in the UK.

To have such strong representation from the government is a clear indication of how important the passenger transport industry is to both the UK and indeed European markets as Mark Griffin, Show Director explains: “Working with the government and the Confederation of Passenger Transport, we have moved this show onto a global platform and the international representation clearly demonstrates this. We have over 250 exhibitors from 15 countries and visitors from over 50 nations around the world. No country has its own indigenous policy on transport, which closes the borders to others. Instead we are looking at an exciting future of cross-frontier strategies where overseas operators can run services here in the UK and UK operators can provide services abroad.”

As co-organisers of EBE 2006, The Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) is equally delighted to see the commitment shown by the government. However Simon Posner, Deputy Director General of CPT, was quick to add that whilst the government fully advocates an integrated transport policy, the increasing congestion problems are now having a tangible affect on the economies of all leading nations.

“The answer to congestion does not lie in vehicles alone. They can only do their job where conditions allow them to. Those conditions do not arise spontaneously or independently: they have to be created by cooperation between authorities and operators, together with the other stakeholders, working to create vertically and horizontally integrated transport and traffic management plans, tailored to a specific locality and responsive to the needs of users – actual and potential. We urge the Government, at all levels, to take account of where and how, successful schemes operate and to bear them in mind when reviewing the country’s operations and planning the industry’s future.”

With less than a month until the doors open at Euro Bus Expo 2006, the show organisers announce that over 250 exhibitors have now signed up to attend, making this show the largest dedicated event of its kind for the bus and coach industry in Europe this year. Over 150 vehicles will be on display, with more signing up each day. Taking centre stage will be the winner of the Bus of the year 2007, the Mercedes-Benz Citaro LE U.



EURO BUS EXPO začíná za necelý měsíc.  (CZ + EN)
Mercedes-Benz Citaro LE - příbuzného Bus of the Year 2007 jsme viděli na loňském pražském Coach Progress.