Euro Bus Expo: Evropská autobusová a autokarová show 2008

(CZ+EN) se připravuje už po druhé na listopad v Birminghamu.(EUROPE’S BUS AND COACH SHOW IN 2008)
(CZ+EN) se připravuje už po druhé na listopad v Birminghamu.(EUROPE’S BUS AND COACH SHOW IN 2008)
Autobusoví yýrobci a subdodavatelé ze všech koutů Evropy plánují svoji účast na letošní největší evropské přehlídce v oboru. Euro Bus Expo 2008 se koná v Národním výstavním centru v Birminghamu - National Exhibition Centre (NEC) 4-6. listopadu za účasti vedoucích značek z Belgie, Francie, Německa, Nizozemí, Itálie, Skandinávie, Španělska, Turecka a samozřejmě Velké Británie - zatím celkem 175 vystavovatelů.

Výstava se koná jako bienále každé dva roky, letošní ročník je druhý.
Ještě v době konání veletrhu BUSWORLD 2007 se přihlásilo EURO BUS EXPO 2008
Kíčovými institucemi na EBE jsou UK’s trade association for the bus, coach and light rail industry,Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) , IRU, UITP, RDA, ITSO, UK’s Department of Transport, Transport for London (TfL) a Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA).

Z TZ Kompletní v angličtině.
Manufacturers and suppliers from every corner of Europe’s bus and coach thriving industry are already planning their presence at what will be the largest dedicated exhibition for the sector on the continent this year.

Euro Bus Expo 2008 takes place at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham on 4-6 th November, with leading industry names from countries including Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain, Turkey and of course the UK contributing to the list of 175 exhibitors taking space at the show.

Now firmly established as a biennial event in the industry’s calendar, the 2nd Euro Bus Expo 2008 is on track to once again attract exhibitors and visitors from all over Europe and beyond, reflecting the UK’s position as the third largest market for road based public transport vehicles in Europe, and its part of an overall sector worth many billions of Euros annually across 24 nation states.

With 90% of stand space already taken, a full line up of more than 350 exhibitors taking a total of 34,000m 2 stand space will be ready to showcase the latest developments in the sector when the doors open for this trade-only event on Tuesday 4th November.

Euro Bus Expo 2008 will be looking to build on the success of the 2006 event, which saw more than 10,000 visitors from 51 countries collectively placing £100m (Euros 135m) worth of orders over three days of business.

The official show of the UK’s trade association for the bus, coach and light rail industry, the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) is just one of many key stakeholders associated with this increasingly pan-European event. The IRU, UITP, RDA and ITSO are all actively supporting the show, as is the UK’s Department of Transport. Discussions are also underway to involve both Transport for London (TfL) and the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA).

Thoughts of London 2012 is likely to be very much front of mind for manufacturers, operators and all types of industry suppliers alike at this year’s Euro Bus Expo, with £17bn alone set to be invested by TfL and the ODA to install or upgrade transport capacity and infrastructure in London and beyond in readiness for the Games.

Commenting at the CPT Annual Dinner in London last night (Thursday 31st January), Chief Executive of the CPT, Simon Posner said, “From the level of exhibitor bookings already received and the increased and much-welcomed support from the IRU, it is clear that Euro Bus Expo 2008 is a not-to-be missed event for key decision makers in the European bus and coach sector this year.”

The ability to see all shapes and sizes of vehicles for both city bus and longer distance coach operations has always been a major part of the NEC show experience. Euro Bus Expo 2008 is set to continue this tradition, with more than 150 vehicles again likely to feature, including several of the latest hybrid buses and the winner of the 2008 European Coach of the Year.

In total, over 20 leading chassis, body and complete vehicle manufacturers from Europe and beyond have already taken space at the show. Vehicle solutions is one of three major themes - technology, environment provide the other two – which reflect the key issues that are currently driving the development of the European road based passenger transport industry.

Technology is playing an ever increasing role in the provision of public transport and, building on the success of “Transport Innovations” run concurrently with EBE06, a dedicated Technology Zone will cluster exhibitors offering the latest developments in IT, information systems and equipment, revenue collection systems, ticketing and mobile technology at Euro Bus Expo 2008.

An Environment Zone will also allow a wide range of exhibitors to demonstrate continuing innovations in further reducing the environmental impact of existing vehicles. This will include products and initiatives in air quality improvement, carbon reduction, energy and fuel saving as well as the development of the next generation of buses and coaches powered by alternative fuel sources.

Simon Posner added, “With the latest vehicles on show together with every aspect of industry-related technology and ways of reducing environmental impact at the top the agenda, it will provide an excellent opportunity for all types of exhibitors – large and small - to showcase their products and services to a pan European audience, in one of the most conducive and easily accessible trade exhibition environments anywhere in Europe”.

“For visitors, Euro Bus Expo 2008 will be a unique opportunity to see, hear and speak to leading suppliers drawn from across the continent, all under one roof.”