Dodávka 40 restylovaných Axialů pro  Atlas Reizen / Contiki Holland

od VDL Bus & Coach. (CZ + EN) (40 Axials for Atlas Reizen / Contiki Holland)
od VDL Bus & Coach. (CZ + EN) (40 Axials for Atlas Reizen / Contiki Holland)
20 nových 12 m autokarů typu Axial ASD pro 52 cestujících dodala VDL Bus & Coach Atlas Reizen / Contiki Holland ve Stellendamu. Je to první dodávka Axialů po restylingu. Modernizovaná je především přední část vozidla. Během dodávky přišla objednávka na dalších 20 Axialů pro rok 2011.

Atlas Reizen - obchodní značka Contiki Holland - byla založena v roce 2003. Flotila 84 vozidel je jedna z nejmodernějších v Nizozemí.
Z TZ VDL Bus & Coach 11.8.2010. Kompletní v angličtině.
40 Axials for Atlas Reizen / Contiki Holland
In April 2010, VDL Bus & Coach delivered 20 new coaches of the type Axial ASD to Atlas Reizen / Contiki Holland of Stellendam. The coaches have a length of 12 metres and are fitted with seating for 52 passengers. This is the first delivery of the restyled Axial. To give the design of the Axial an even more modern look, a number of changes have been made to the front of the coach. Since this delivery, VDL Bus & Coach has received a new order from Atlas Reizen / Contiki Holland for an additional 20 Axial coaches. This order will be delivered in 2011.

Restyled Axial

The biggest change has been made to the position of the windscreen, providing space for a wider entry door to facilitate easier entry. The design of the striking B-pillar, one of the most distinguishing elements of the Axial, has also been changed. This now extends over the entry door to the headlight units. A glass panel with the same shape as the window in the entry door has been placed under the electrically-operated driver’s window so the front side of the Axial is symmetrical from left to right. The mirrors have also been replaced with a new model having a more modern look. The interior is fitted with the VDL Create 100 seats, one of the models from VDL’s own range of seating units. The seat upholstery and baggage racks are covered with a custom fabric that was specially designed for the customer. As an extra convenience for the passengers, the Atlas Reizen / Contiki Holland coaches have been standard equipped with charging points for mobile phones and laptops.
Atlas Reizen - trade name Contiki Holland - was founded in 2003. The company has carried on and expanded the activities of Vermaats Autobedrijf / Europa Express. Atlas Reizen B.V. is a subsidiary of the Travel Corporation, the group which also includes international tour operator Contiki Holidays. The company moved from Hellevoetsluis to a new location in Stellendam in 2005. The fleet is among the newest in the Netherlands and currently consists of 84 coaches. In the peak season the company charters some 30 additional coaches.
PR VDL Bus & Coach 11 August 2010