Dodávka 17 letištních speciálů Neoplan od Viseonu pro Moskvu

(CZ + EN) (VISEON to deliver 17 NEOPLAN airport apron buses to Moscow)
(CZ + EN) (VISEON to deliver 17 NEOPLAN airport apron buses to Moscow)
Pilsting - Dva ruští letečtí operátoři se aktuálně rozhodli zakoupit nové letištní autobusové speciály od společnosti VISEON, která vyrábí licenčně letisštní Neoplany. Letiště Vnukovo v Moskvě obdrží celkem 10 vozidel typu NEOPLAN Apron N9122L. Letiště Domodědovo,také v Moskvě, umístí sedm těchto vozů.Autobusy jsou vyráběny v bavorském Pilstingu.
Vnukovo je jedním ze tří letišť v Moskvě s téměř 70tiletou historií. V současnosti je to jedno z nejmodernějších ruských letišť s narůstající flotilou letištních autobusů. Mezinárodní letiště Domodědovo je největší ruské letiště podle pohybu osob a zboží. Má licenci pro operování s velkými letouny jako je Airbus A380.
S délkou 14.72 m a šířkou 3.17 m jde o největší z pěti typů NEOPLAN - letištní. NEOPLAN N9122L převeze až 137 cestujících. Má tři páry dvojitých širokých dvěří a standardní funkci příkleku pro rychlou výměnu cestujících. Autobusy pro Moskvu mají 6.9 l motory MAN D 0836 LOH (156 kW). Jako u všech letištních speciálů Neoplan je motor umístěn vepředu, pohání přední kola přes třístupňovou automatickou převodovku Voith Diwa D851.3E.
Navíc k typu NEOPLAN N9122L VISEON nabízí NEOPLAN Apron ve čtyřech variantách pro 66 až 137 cestujících v délkách 13.30 a 14.70. Kratší model je pouze v šířce 2.75 m a delší i 3.17 m. V nabídce jsou i VIP interiérové verze.
Z TZ Viseon. Kompletní v angličtině.
VISEON to deliver 17 NEOPLAN airport apron buses to Moscow
· Airport Vnukovo expanding its bus fleet with ten new NEOPLAN vehicles
· Domodedovo airport renews its apron fleet
· Airport operators convinced by modern technology and large passenger capacity

Pilsting. Two Russian airport operators have recently decided to buy new airport apron buses from VISEON, the licensed manufacturer of NEOPLAN airport buses. The airport in Moscow Vnukovo receives a total of ten vehicles of the type NEOPLAN Apron N9122L. The airport Domodedovo, also in Moscow, will put seven new vehicles of the same type in service. "We are very pleased with the fact that two operators of international airports in Moscow have chosen our NEOPLAN buses for their fleet expansion and renewal," said VISEON Managing Director Joachim Reinmuth. "This underlines once again that our concept of linking high-quality bodywork and modern drive technology with a groundbraking design, meets the current demands of the world's airports."

In addition to the design, the technical superiority and proven quality of the vehicles manufactured in Germany were, according to the customers, crucial to the decision in favor of NEOPLAN buses. Like all VISEON buses also NEOPLAN airport buses are manufactured at the factory in Pilsting, Lower Bavaria.

Vnukovo is one of three airports in Moscow and also the oldest with a history of almost 70 years. Thanks to extensive construction work, including, among other things, a newly opened passenger terminal, the construction of a new runway and the expansion of the apron, Vnokovo today is one of the most modern and efficient airports in Russia. During the current expansion the state-run airport increases its apron bus fleet and will put the ten new NEOPLAN buses in operation within the next few weeks.

Domodedovo International Airport is the largest airport in Russia in terms of passenger and freight movements. It is used primarily for international airlines as Eastern hub and was the first airport in Moscow to be licensed for the operation of large aircraft like the Airbus A380. The seven NEOPLAN buses VISEON is going to deliver to the airport operator in the next few weeks will replace older vehicles and thus modernize the apron fleet of Domodedovo.

All of the airport buses determined for the two airports in Moscow are of the type NEOPLAN N9122L. With a total length of 14.72 meters and a width of 3.17 meters this vehicle is the largest of the five different NEOPLAN models. The NEOPLAN N9122L can carry up to 137 passengers. Three large double doors on each side and the standard kneeling function of the ECAS air suspension ensure a quick and convenient entry and exit for passengers. The NEOPLAN N9122L therefore is also suitable for use on wide-bodied aircrafts like the Boeing 747 or the Airbus A380.

The buses now delivered to Moscow are equipped with 6.9 liter engines of the type MAN D 0836 LOH with an output of 220 hp (156 kW). As with all NEOPLAN airport buses the engine is mounted in the front section of the vehicle. It drives the front wheels of the bus via an automatic 3-speed gearbox of type Voith Diwa D851.3E. The driven front portal axle is manufactured by axle specialist Kessler, as are the wheel trunks of the NEOPLAN independent wheel suspension on the rear axle.

Wide range of products

In addition to the NEOPLAN N9122L VISEON offers the NEOPLAN Apron in four other variants, covering different demands of passenger capacities ranging from 66 to a maximum of 137 passengers. The models in lengths 13.30 metres and 14.70 metres come in two widths - 2.75 metres or 3.17 metres. The shorter model is 12 metres long and only available in a width of 2.75 metres. In addition, VISEON can also supply customised buses or VIP versions, for example with round seating groups or multimedia equipment.

PR Viseon

Dodávka 17 letištních speciálů Neoplan od Viseonu pro Moskvu
Dodávka 17 letištních speciálů Neoplan od Viseonu pro Moskvu
Dodávka 17 letištních speciálů Neoplan od Viseonu pro Moskvu
Dodávka 17 letištních speciálů Neoplan od Viseonu pro Moskvu
Dodávka 17 letištních speciálů Neoplan od Viseonu pro Moskvu