Dodávka 100 autobusů VDL Bus & Coach na Jamajku pro JUTC.
Jonckheere Arrow na podvozku Volvo.

(CZ + EN) 50 autobusů VDL Jonckheere Mistral 30 na šasi VDL Bus & Coach SB 4000 a 50 VDL Jonckheere Arrow 30 na Volvo B12B. (VDL Bus & Coach once again delivers to Jamaica)
(CZ + EN) 50 autobusů VDL Jonckheere Mistral 30 na šasi VDL Bus & Coach SB 4000 a 50 VDL Jonckheere Arrow 30 na Volvo B12B. (VDL Bus & Coach once again delivers to Jamaica)
Jamajský dopravce JUTC (Jamaica Urban Transit Company) opět objednal 100 autobusů VDL Bus & Coach. Autobusy jsou určeny pro veřejnou dopravu v hlavním městě Kingston a okolí. Prvních 50 vozů bude dodáno v prosinci 2008.

Objednávka sestává ze dvou typů karosáře VDL Jonckheere. 50 Mistral 30 10.5 m na VDL Bus & Coach SB 4000 pro speciální podmínky na horských silnicích a 50 Arrow 30 12 m na Volvo B12B pro centrum Kingstonu.
JUTC (Jamaica Urban Transit Company) působí od založení státem v roce 1998 a nahradil minibusy v prvátních rikou. Má 4 depa. Loni byl otevřen dvoupodlažní futuristický terminál ‘Half-Way Tree Transport Centre’ s odbavením 580 autobusů za hodinu a 200000 cestujících denně.
VDL Bus & Coach dodává na Jamajku od roku 1986. dosud do sektoru veřejné dopravy bylo dodáno 450 autobusů.

TZ Eindhoven, 8 December 2008 VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach Belgium
VDL Bus & Coach once again delivers to Jamaica
JUTC (Jamaica Urban Transit Company), responsible for the public transport in Jamaica, has again placed an order for 100 buses with VDL Bus & Coach. The buses are intended for public transport in the capital Kingston and its surroundings. The first 50 buses will be delivered in December 2008.

Regional and city transport

The order consists of 2 types of buses that are constructed by VDL Jonckheere. 50 midi buses of the Mistral 30 type with a length of 10.5 metres and mounted on a VDL Bus & Coach SB 4000 chassis have been ordered to suit the special conditions of narrow roads in the hills. In addition, 50 Arrows 30 with a length of 12 metres on Volvo B12B chassis will also be delivered. These will be deployed in the busy city centre of Kingston. The Arrows will be delivered in December 2008, and the Mistrals will follow in March 2009.


JUTC (Jamaica Urban Transit Company) was founded by the government in 1998. Previously, mini buses operated by the private sector were mainly used for transport. With the establishment of JUTC, which has 4 bus depots, public transport has become a lot more efficient.

Last year, the ‘Half-Way Tree Transport Centre’ was commissioned. This is a futuristic, hyper-modern bus terminal in the centre of Kingston where buses can enter and depart from 2 floors. 580 buses can be handled per hour, and about 200,000 passengers per day.

Successful cooperation

VDL Bus & Coach has been delivering to Jamaica since 1986. It started with the delivery of a single coach, and has developed into a partnership in the public transport sector. VDL Bus & Coach has already delivered a total of 450 buses for this project.

PR Eindhoven, 8 December 2008 VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach Belgium

Dodávka 100 autobusů VDL Bus & Coach na Jamajku pro JUTC.