Ambassador 200 EEV.
Společnost VDL Bus & Coach překonala hodnoty EEV odpovídající CNG autobusům vývojem extrémně "čistého" dieselového autobusu zjemněním filtrační technologie motoru. (Diesel cleaner than Natural Gas.)
Společnost VDL Bus & Coach překonala hodnoty EEV odpovídající CNG autobusům vývojem extrémně "čistého" dieselového autobusu zjemněním filtrační technologie motoru. (Diesel cleaner than Natural Gas.)
Společnost VDL Bus & Coach snadno překonala hodnoty EEV odpovídající CNG autobusům vývojem extrémně "čistého" dieselového autobusu. Nejčerstvější výsledky ukazují znatelný pokles emisí CO2, NOx, NHMC a částic. Redukce bylo dosaženo zjemněním filtrační technologie motoru.
EEV norma (Enhanced Environment friendly Vehicles), přijatá v roce 1999 a učená hlavně pro CNG autobusy, je přísnější než norma EURO 5. Dlouho se předpokládalo, že EEV norma není pro diesel dosažitelná a CNG se zdál být jedinou nízkoemisní alternativou pro budoucnost. VDL Bus & Coach nyní představuje diesel splňující EEV dokonce s lepšími ukazateli než CNG.
Co se týče částic, jedná se o méně než 90 % v porovnání s EEV, hluk je snížen o 2 decibely. NOx je 20% pod normou (60 % pod EURO 4), NMHC téměř neměřitelné a hodnoty CO 21 x nižší (28 x nižší než EURO 4).
Hlavní výhoda v porovnáni s CNG je možnost využití stávající sítě čerpacích stanic bez nutosti budování další infrastruktury pro CNG. Dále nejsou tyto autobusy zatěžovány nádržemi na plyn a cena je prakticky stejná jako u standard dieselu. Kromě čištění filtrů se nemění ani servis autobusu.
PR VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach bv. Překlad BUSportál. Kráceno.
The EEV norm (Enhanced Environment friendly Vehicles), which was adopted in 1999 and is intended for Natural Gas buses, is considerably stricter than the Euro 5 norm which will be enforced from 2009 onwards. For a long time it was assumed that these emission values would not be achieved by a standard diesel engine. Natural Gas buses were thought to be the only alternative for achieving the emission values in the future. Now, however, VDL Bus & Coach has shown that diesel engines achieve the EEV norm and also show even better results.
Emission VDL Bus & Coach has worked hard in recent years on a sophisticated technique which has lead to impressive results. Especially in the area of fine particles, a reduction in emissions has been made possible of no less than 90% compared to the EEV norm. The noise level has also been lowered by 2 decibels. The NOx emission lies 20% below the EEV norm and therefore 60% below the current Euro 4 norm. The NMHC emission by this bus is actually no longer measurable and the CO values are 28 times less than the current Euro 4 norm and 21 times less than the EEV norm.
A major advantage compared to Natural Gas buses is that no new infrastructure is required for filling up with fuel because standard diesel fuel, possibly supplemented with 5% biodiesel, can be used. In addition, the weight of this EEV bus is the same as the current buses because no gas tanks have to be placed on or in the bus. There is therefore no loss of load capacity and no loss of passenger space. Maintenance costs are also practically the same as those of a standard diesel bus in view of the maintenance-friendly nature of the filter technology used. The filter only needs to be washed out 2 or 3 times during the lifetime of the vehicle using a high-pressure cleaner and water. No extra operations by the existing bus workshops or training of maintenance personnel are required.
With respect to the CO2 emissions this lightweight bus, with its very low fuel consumption per km driven, is better than relatively heavier Natural Gas buses per driven km in city traffic. This is certainly the case when the 5% biodiesel, which will shortly be mixed into diesel as standard, is taken into account. If one also looks at the purchase price and the costs of the infrastructure then many more of these clean diesel buses can be bought for the same amount compared to Natural Gas buses.
PR VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach bv
EEV norma (Enhanced Environment friendly Vehicles), přijatá v roce 1999 a učená hlavně pro CNG autobusy, je přísnější než norma EURO 5. Dlouho se předpokládalo, že EEV norma není pro diesel dosažitelná a CNG se zdál být jedinou nízkoemisní alternativou pro budoucnost. VDL Bus & Coach nyní představuje diesel splňující EEV dokonce s lepšími ukazateli než CNG.
Co se týče částic, jedná se o méně než 90 % v porovnání s EEV, hluk je snížen o 2 decibely. NOx je 20% pod normou (60 % pod EURO 4), NMHC téměř neměřitelné a hodnoty CO 21 x nižší (28 x nižší než EURO 4).
Hlavní výhoda v porovnáni s CNG je možnost využití stávající sítě čerpacích stanic bez nutosti budování další infrastruktury pro CNG. Dále nejsou tyto autobusy zatěžovány nádržemi na plyn a cena je prakticky stejná jako u standard dieselu. Kromě čištění filtrů se nemění ani servis autobusu.
PR VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach bv. Překlad BUSportál. Kráceno.
Diesel cleaner than Natural Gas
VDL Bus & Coach has easily surpassed the EEV values for Natural Gas buses with the development of an extremely clean diesel bus. The latest results show a significant decrease in the emission of CO2, NOx, NHMC and fine particles. This reduction was achieved through the refinement of the engine system filter technology. The VDL Bus & Coach diesel engine is thus cleaner than a comparable Natural Gas engine.The EEV norm (Enhanced Environment friendly Vehicles), which was adopted in 1999 and is intended for Natural Gas buses, is considerably stricter than the Euro 5 norm which will be enforced from 2009 onwards. For a long time it was assumed that these emission values would not be achieved by a standard diesel engine. Natural Gas buses were thought to be the only alternative for achieving the emission values in the future. Now, however, VDL Bus & Coach has shown that diesel engines achieve the EEV norm and also show even better results.
Emission VDL Bus & Coach has worked hard in recent years on a sophisticated technique which has lead to impressive results. Especially in the area of fine particles, a reduction in emissions has been made possible of no less than 90% compared to the EEV norm. The noise level has also been lowered by 2 decibels. The NOx emission lies 20% below the EEV norm and therefore 60% below the current Euro 4 norm. The NMHC emission by this bus is actually no longer measurable and the CO values are 28 times less than the current Euro 4 norm and 21 times less than the EEV norm.
A major advantage compared to Natural Gas buses is that no new infrastructure is required for filling up with fuel because standard diesel fuel, possibly supplemented with 5% biodiesel, can be used. In addition, the weight of this EEV bus is the same as the current buses because no gas tanks have to be placed on or in the bus. There is therefore no loss of load capacity and no loss of passenger space. Maintenance costs are also practically the same as those of a standard diesel bus in view of the maintenance-friendly nature of the filter technology used. The filter only needs to be washed out 2 or 3 times during the lifetime of the vehicle using a high-pressure cleaner and water. No extra operations by the existing bus workshops or training of maintenance personnel are required.
With respect to the CO2 emissions this lightweight bus, with its very low fuel consumption per km driven, is better than relatively heavier Natural Gas buses per driven km in city traffic. This is certainly the case when the 5% biodiesel, which will shortly be mixed into diesel as standard, is taken into account. If one also looks at the purchase price and the costs of the infrastructure then many more of these clean diesel buses can be bought for the same amount compared to Natural Gas buses.
PR VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach bv